


      英 ['deɪbju:]

      美 [deˈbju, ˈdeˌbju]



      过去式: debuted 过去分词: debuted 现在分词: debuting 第三人称单数: debuts


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  •       英英释义

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  •       初次进入社交界,初次社交性的露面
  •       初次登台,初次登场,首次演出,首演
  •       首次露面
  •       初次的成果
  •       第一次参加比赛
  •       (演员、运动员)首次亮相
  •       开端
  •       (电影)首次公映,(唱片)首次发行


  •       初次登场


  •       =Deployable Boom & Umbrella Test 吊杆与伞部署试验卫星,日本科学技术卫星


  •       [C](演员、运动员)首次亮相;初次登台〔上场〕 the first public appearance of a performance or sportsman


      1. the act of beginning something new

      e.g. they looked forward to the debut of their new product line

      Synonym: introductionfirst appearancelaunchingunveilingentry

      2. the presentation of a debutante in society


      1. appear for the first time in public

      e.g. The new ballet that debuts next months at Covent Garden, is already sold out

      2. make one's debut

      e.g. This young soprano debuts next month at the Metropolitan Opera

      3. present for the first time to the public

      e.g. The band debuts a new song or two each month

      1. (表演者或运动员的)首次登台,初次露面;(歌手的)首次录音
      The debut of a performer or sports player is their first public performance, appearance, or recording.

      e.g. Dundee United's Dave Bowman makes his international debut.
      e.g. ...her debut album 'Sugar Time'.

      1. 初次登台:他,给予了以LUNA SEA为首的许多乐团初次登台(debut)机会的同时,确实被很多的乐队的成员当作兄长一般尊敬. 是把大家照料好,真正想到朋友的hide啊. 我认识许多音乐人,但从没遇到过说他的坏话的人. 而这并不是在他去世以后所说的敷衍的话.

      2. 首次亮相:1995年,乔纳斯从丹麦国立电影学院毕业,当年他执导的电影短片<>(Debut)获得了不错的反响. 1997年,乔纳斯自编自导了他的电影长片处女作<>(Let's Get Lost),该片为他摘得了有丹麦奥斯卡之称的罗勃奖(Robert Festival)最佳电影奖.

  •       常用例句

  •       词汇搭配


  •       She makes her professional stage debut in Swan Lake.
  •       He started as on actor, making his debut as a director in 1990.
  •       The video will make its debut at a seminar in June.
  •       He is making his New York debut at Carnegie Hall.
  •       The mayor's youngest daughter made her first debut at the dinner party.
  •       Joan Arma-trading made her debut album in 1973.
  •       The concert is timed to coincide with the release of her debut album.
  •       He marked his debut by beating the champion.

      用作名词 (n.)

  •       近义词

  •       临近词




      The Dulux dog made its debut in the company's first TV AD in 1961.(1961年,多乐士狗在该公司的第一部电视广告中首次亮相。)

      Of the 89 debut models, 75 will be from domestic manufactures.(89款首次亮相的车型中,75款将来自国内生产商。)

      He will make his debut against Dongguan on Sunday.(而他也将在周日与东莞队的比赛中首次亮相。)

      Their latest release is a worthy successor to their popular debut album.(继首张唱片大受欢迎之后,他们最新推出的专辑再获成功。)

      The film marks her directorial debut.(这部电影是她作为导演初露头角的标志。)

      Beach House's sound was fully formed at the time of their 2006 debut.(海滩小屋的声音在他们2006的第一张专辑中就已成型。)

      The atmosphere after Wednesday's debut was as darkly comic as the film itself.(周三首映式之后的气氛和电影本身一样像是沉重的喜剧。)

      I'm overjoyed to be here and also about how my debut went.(我为成为蓝黑军团的一员而高兴,也为我的首演表现而高兴。)

      Tabbed palettes also had their debut in 3.0.(Tabbed面板也在3.0版本首次露面。)

      The 800 meters freestlye is the debut at the world championship.(800米自由泳是世界锦标赛的第一个项目。)

      debut是什么意思 debut在线翻译 debut什么意思 debut的意思 debut的翻译 debut的解释 debut的发音 debut的同义词
