


      英 [det]

      美 [dɛt]


      形容词: debtless


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  •       债,借款,债务,欠款,欠账
  •       情义,恩义,恩,恩情
  •       负债,负债情况
  •       【宗】罪,罪孽
  •       人情债


  •       [U][C]债,债务,欠他人的东西 sth owed to sb else


      1. an obligation to pay or do something

      2. money or goods or services owed by one person to another

      3. the state of owing something (especially money)

      e.g. he is badly in debt

      1. 债务;欠款
      A debt is a sum of money that you owe someone.

      e.g. Three years later, he is still paying off his debts...
      e.g. Shrinking economies mean falling tax revenues and more government debt.

      2. 负债(状态)
      Debt is the state of owing money.

      e.g. Stress is a main reason for debt.

      3. (表示感激)我欠你个人情/我受你的恩惠
      You use debt in expressions such as I owe you a debt or I am in your debt when you are expressing gratitude for something that someone has done for you.

      e.g. He was so good to me that I can never repay the debt I owe him...
      e.g. I owe a debt of thanks to Joyce Thompson, whose careful and able research was of great help...

      1. debt在线翻译

      1. 债:它与债(debt)有本质的区别. 广义的私募股权投资为涵盖企业首次公开发行前各阶段的权益投资,即对处于种子期、初创期、发展期、扩展期、成熟期和Pre-IPO各个时期企业所进行的投资,

      2. 债务(资本):这种杠杆有两个层次的含义:用较少的股权资本(Equity)撬动债务资本(Debt控股股东利...行为经济学的论点是否能解释为何优秀的主管会支持错误的策略?经过近四十年的发展,企业策略理论已变得非常普及.

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    欠〔不欠〕债 owe〔not owe〕 a lot of money

      1. out of debt : 不欠债;



  •       You must spend less until your debts are paid off.
  •       Her debts amount to over $ 1000.
  •       He had run up more debts for food supplies.
  •       I must pay my debts.
  •       If I pay all my debts,I shall have no money left.
  •       I need to pay off all my debts before I leave the country,
  •       After she lost her job, she got into debt.
  •       We were poor but we never got into debt.
  •       Many people experience difficulty in paying off their debts.
  •       She agreed to settle her sister's debts.
  •       The bank finally agreed to cancel the debt.
  •       I would like to acknowledge my debt to my teacher.
  •       Increasing government debt financed the new motorway.
  •       He spent more and more money, getting deeper and deeper into debt.

      用作名词 (n.)

  •       It was my greatest save money enough with which to pay this debt.

    出自:B. T. Washington
  •       To pay ourselves what to ourselves is debt.

  •       词语用法

  •       词源解说


  •       debt可指具体意义上的欠他人的钱财或物品,用作可数名词,也可指抽象的“负债的状况”或欠他人的“人情”,此时只用于单数形式。
  •       ☆ 13世纪晚期进入英语,直接源自古法语的dete;最初源自古典拉丁语的debere:de (分开) + habere (拥有),意为拥有权力被分开。
  •       高考真题例句

      高考真题例句OG 1.debt

      New students are now aware that they are likely to leave university up to £15, 000 in debt.



  •       近义词

  •       临近词




      The Ethiopian foreign debt stands at 3 billion dollars.(埃塞俄比亚的外债达30亿美元。)

      He limited payments on the country's foreign debt.(他限制了国家外债的支付。)

      We're up to our neck in debt.(我们债务累累。)

      The firm ended up deep in debt.(这家公司最后债台高筑。)

      He was a congenital liar and usually in debt.(他曾是个天生的说谎者并经常欠债。)

      A loan was arranged to refinance existing debt.(一笔贷款被安排来偿还已有的债务。)

      I finally sat down to tot up the full extent of my debt.(我终于坐下来算了我的债务总和。)

      He was a compulsive gambler and often heavily in debt.(他是一个欲罢不能的赌徒,常常债台高筑。)

      The debt has been reduced to a more manageable level.(债务减到了比较能够应付的程度。)

      We were poor but we never got into debt.(我们穷是穷,但从不负债。)

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