


      英 [ˈdesɪml]

      美 [ˈdɛsəməl]



      副词: decimally


  •       详情解释

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  •       英英释义

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  •       小数的
  •       十进位的
  •       以十作基础的
  •       十数的
  •       十进的
  •       十进制的
  •       十进制小数的


  •       小数
  •       十进算术
  •       十进制
  •       小数点


  •       [C]小数 a number like .2, .48, .05, etc


  •       十进位的,小数的 on or counted in tens or tenths


      1. a number in the decimal system

      2. a proper fraction whose denominator is a power of 10

      Synonym: decimal fraction


      1. numbered or proceeding by tens
      based on ten

      e.g. the decimal system

      Synonym: denary

      1. 十进位的
      A decimal system involves counting in units of ten.

      e.g. ...the decimal system of metric weights and measures...
      e.g. In 1971, the 1p and 2p decimal coins were introduced in Britain.
      英国于 1971 年开始使用十进制的 1 便士和 2 便士硬币。

      2. 小数
      A decimal is a fraction that is written in the form of a dot followed by one or more numbers which represent tenths, hundredths, and so on: for example .5, .51, .517.

      e.g. ...simple math concepts, such as decimals and fractions.

      1. 小数:存在不相同类别的value,如char串、日期(date)、小数(decimal)等一个的value还没成绩具有重复字段. 一个的 DICOMData 对象有估计包含几百种不相同的数据元素. 但实际上,数目要少得多. 即使在对象更新它们状态的情况下,

      2. 十进制:即被置0.进位标记同时也常被用于移位和旋转逻辑操作.第1位 - Z - 零(Zero)标记: 当算术或逻辑运算的结果为0时,则该位被置1,否则置0.第2位 - I - 中断(Interrupt)使能标记: 如果该标记被置位,则中断被禁止.如果清除,中断使能.位3位 - D - 十进制(Decimal)模式标记: 如果置位,

      3. 十进制数

      4. 小数点:首先最好用的赔率是小数点(decimal)制度. 像11赔3之类的分数不方便讨论. 如果某个赔率是4,也就是1赔4的话,那么实际的收益率是300%,因为还包括了本金. 请尽量把赔率看成一个价格. 之前说过必发和威廉希尔以及立博等传统庄家最大的区别在于其是交易所,

  •       常用例句

  •       词汇搭配


  •       The decimal 0.88 stands for 88 hundredths.
  •       The figure is account to two decimal places.
  •       The figure is account to six places of decimals.
  •       Three quarters expressed as a decimal is 0.75.3/4
  •       If you calculate the result to two decimal places, that should minimize any possible errors.
  •       We know 0.6 is a decimal because there's a decimal point between the 0 and the 6.
  •       To divide by ten, move the decimal point one place to the left.
  •       The course will help students develop mathematical skills including the use of decimals, fractions, percentages and simple statistics.


  •       Difficulties were caused when Britain converted to a decimal money system.
  •       The decimal system is easy to use.
  •       China's Renminbi has a decimal system.
  •       Great Britain and the United States both have decimal currencies.

      用作名词 (n.)


      用作形容词 (adj.)

  •       词源解说

  •       ☆ 直接源自近代拉丁语的decimalis,意为十进制。
  •       近义词

  •       临近词




      The figure is accurate to two decimal places.(这个数精确到小数点后两位。)

      The mathematics of ancient Egypt were based on a decimal system.(古埃及数学以十进制为基础。)

      The recurring decimal 3.999... is also described as 3.9 recurring.(循环小数3.999...亦作3.9循环。)

      The computer performs calculations in binary and converts the results to decimal.(计算机以二进制数进行计算,而后把计算结果转换为十进制数。)

      Something with a decimal point and Numbers thereafter.(也就是小数点后还有数字。)

      The number is correct to three decimal places.(这个数目精确到小数点后三位数。)

      The little dot near the centre is the decimal point.(怪圈中心近处的那个小圆圈,就是小数点。)

      Any observer with a decimal chronometer and a view of the sun's height above the horizon would then know instantly where on the planet he was.(任何人只要有这样一块十进制表,再加上能看到地平线以上太阳的高度,就会立刻知道他在地球上的位置。)

      The notably exceptions are the decimal and integer type.(明显的例外是小数和整数类型。)

      This new decimal .325… is the killer.(新的小数.325...是关键。)

      decimal是什么意思 decimal在线翻译 decimal什么意思 decimal的意思 decimal的翻译 decimal的解释 decimal的发音 decimal的同义词
