


      英 [ˌdi:ˈkəʊd]

      美 [ˌdi:ˈkoʊd]


      名词: decoder 过去式: decoded 过去分词: decoded 现在分词: decoding 第三人称单数: decodes


  •       双解释义

  •       英英释义

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  •       vt. 破译,解(码) find the meaning of sth, especially sth that has been written in code
  •       vt. 译解(电子信号) receive an electronic signal and change it into pictures that can be shown on a television screen


      1. convert code into ordinary language

      Synonym: decryptdecipher

      1. 破译,译解(密码信息)
      If you decode a message that has been written or spoken in a code, you change it into ordinary language.

      e.g. All he had to do was decode it and pass it over...
      e.g. The secret documents were intercepted and decoded.

      2. 解读,揣摩(戏剧、艺术作品、行为等)
      If you decode something such as a play or a work of art, or someone's behaviour, you manage to understand its meaning or what it implies, although this is not obvious.

      e.g. You don't need a Ph.D to decode their work, but they do try to challenge audiences with unconventional material.

      3. 破解转换(电视广播信号)
      A device that decodes a broadcast signal changes it into a form that can be displayed on a television screen.


      e.g. About 60,000 subscribers have special adapters to receive and decode the signals.

      1. 译码:便携式媒体播放器(PMP)简介作为专职的多媒体娱乐工具,PMP外形虽与PDA相似,但面对众多的影音格式,硬件的编码(Encode)与译码(Decode)能力是PMP设计重点所在.

      2. decode的意思

      2. 解码器:3、M61260/M61264解码器(DECODE)内部电路恢复色副载波:通过锁相环电路(PLL)从色同步信号提供的频率与相位信息中,恢复色副载波,提供色度解调参考信号. 彩色信号解码:经正交同步解调器、低通滤波器解调得到B-Y、R-Y色差信号. 第一节 微处理器(MCU)控制电路.

      3. decode的翻译

      3. 指令解码:这几部分协同工作,以完成CPU指令集里面每条指令的提取指令(FETCH)、指令解码(DECODE)和执行指令(EXECUTE)三个阶段的微操作. 本文关注的是设计CPU的详细过程.

      4. decode:deco; 解码(译码)指令

  •       常用例句


  •       Only someone with the book can decode such a message.
  • 1
  •       It's being decoded now.
  •       词语用法


  •       decode的基本意思是“破译,译解”,以求理解其意思。可用于破译以编码书写的文字,也可用于接收电子信号并将其转换为屏幕上的图像。
  •       近义词

  •       反义词

  •       临近词





      All he had to do was decode it and pass it over.(他所要做的就是解译它,然后把它发过去。)

      With practice, most of us could decode these fleeting expressions in real time.(经过练习后,其中大多数人能够实时译解这些短暂的表情。)

      XM USES its own parser, PseudoAttributeTokenizer, to decode the pseudo-attributes.(XM使用它自己的解析器PseudoAttributeTokenizer来对伪属性进行译码。)

      Hardware Decode & Presentation of H.264 performance improvements using GPU support(使用GPU的支持对硬件解码和H.264展现性能的提升。)

      Listing 14 shows you how to decode a variable.(清单14显示如何解码变量。)

      About 60,000 subscribers have special adapters to receive and decode the signals.(大约60000用户有专用适配器来接收和转换信号。)

      You don't even need to know what type of media you're attempting to decode.(您甚至无需了解尝试解码的媒体类型。)

      Tony finds an encrypted email on Jamey's computer and has Milo decode it.(托尼在杰米的电脑上找到了一封加密的电邮,他叫麦洛对其解密。)

      Cognitive scientists are now trying to decode the human imagination, to understand how the brain visualizes, dreams and creates.(认知科学家现在正试图解码人类的想象力,以了解大脑是如何构思、想象以及创造的。)

      The effort echoes the private-sector push to decode the human genome.(此计划与私人企业力求破解人类基因组如出一辙。)

      decode是什么意思 decode在线翻译 decode什么意思 decode的意思 decode的翻译 decode的解释 decode的发音 decode的同义词
