


      英 [dɪˈkri:]

      美 [dɪˈkri]



      形容词: decreeable 名词: decreer 过去式: decreed 过去分词: decreed 现在分词: decreeing 第三人称单数: decrees


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  •       法令,政令,敕令
  •       【宗】教令
  •       命令,指令
  •       【律】判决,裁定
  •       【神】天意,天命,天数,注定(似)的东西,(上帝的)圣旨
  •       公告


  •       颁布(政令、法令),发布(命令)
  •       命令,决定,任命
  •       【法律】判决,判处,裁定,裁决
  •       (天命)注定
  •       颁布命令,通过法令颁布,颁令,下令,下旨
  •       注定,规定,决定


  •       [C]命令,法令 an official command or decision
  •       [C]判决 a judgment of certain types in a court of law


  •       vt. 颁布; 判决 order officially, with the force of law; decree a punishment


      1. a legally binding command or decision entered on the court record (as if issued by a court or judge)

      e.g. a friend in New Mexico said that the order caused no trouble out there

      Synonym: edictfiatorderrescript


      1. decide with authority

      e.g. The King decreed that all firstborn males should be killed

      Synonym: rule

      2. issue a decree

      e.g. The King only can decree

      1. 法令;政令
      A decree is an official order or decision, especially one made by the ruler of a country.

      e.g. In July he issued a decree ordering all unofficial armed groups in the country to disband...
      他于 7 月份下令解散国内所有的非正式武装组织。
      e.g. He is prepared to use his recently-acquired powers to introduce reform by presidential decree.

      2. 决定;规定;命令;颁布
      If someone in authority decrees that something must happen, they decide or state this officially.

      e.g. The UN Security Council has decreed that the election must be held by May...
      e.g. The king decreed a general amnesty.

      3. 判决;裁决
      A decree is a judgment made by a law court.

      e.g. ...court decrees.

      1. decree的意思

      1. 政令:例如,法国在进行激烈的反对过后,最终通过<>和关于储存电子通讯数据的第2006-358号法国政令(decree)完成了转化. 而英国一直没有强制性的效据存留法,只是根据<<2001年反恐、犯罪和安全法案>>确立了自愿存储数据的制度,

      2. 判决:二)为了规范和强制执行合同义务,衡平法庭所将会发布命令(order)或者做出判决(decree)的,有以下一些:特定履行的意思是衡平法庭要求合同当事人一方严格依照合同履行义务的命令,指示他去做他在协议里曾经允诺去做的任何事,

  •       常用例句

  •       词汇搭配

  •       经典引文


  •       They had to obey the decree that beards be shaved off.
  •       The court granted her a decree of divorce.


  •       The Queen has decreed her order.
  •       Government has decreed a new order.
  •       You have no right to decree the order.
  • 1
  •       The new law has been decreed.
  •       His order has been decreed.

      用作名词 (n.)


      用作动词 (v.)

  •       There is no force in the decrees of Venice.

    出自:Merchant of Venice,Shakespeare
  •       In France the being presidential decree.

  •       The Senate had decreed an arch in Livia's memory.

    出自:R. Graves
  •       词语用法

  •       词源解说


  •       decree的基本意思是指权力机构作出并宣布其决定,尤指教会、政府和司法机构的“颁布”,含有这“声明”多受到盲目遵从的意味。
  •       decree是及物动词,接名词、that从句作宾语,也可接以形容词充当补足语的复合宾语。
  •       ☆ 14世纪初期进入英语,直接源自古法语的decre,意为法令。
  •       近义词

  •       临近词




      He confirmed it to Jacob as a decree, to Israel as an everlasting covenant.(他又将这约向雅各定为律例,向以色列定为永远的约。)

      One of Mr Lukashenka’s first post-election decisions was to pass an energy-saving decree.(卢卡申科在选举之后的一个决定就是通过一项节能法令。)

      “While the decree may seem routine, the timing is everything,” said one Asian diplomat.(一位亚洲外交官表示:“虽然这项条令可能看上去只是例行公事,但它颁布的时机非常关键。)

      An official decree invalidated the vote in the capital.(一项官方法令使首都的投票失去了效力。)

      It is impossible to stop that by decree, it is impossible to try to stop that with a fence.(这不可能因为法令而停止,也不可能试图由一道围墙来制止。)

      When a graphic element was changed by law or decree it was chronicled in this document.(当一个图形元素为法律和法令所改变,就在这份档案里按时间储存。)

      That decree, Kazakh officials claim, has helped save 30,000 lives during the past decade.(哈萨克斯坦官员称,这一法令在过去十年中拯救了三万条生命。)

      In July he issued a decree ordering all unofficial armed groups in the country to disband.(7月份,他颁布了一项法令,命令解散该国所有非官方武装团体。)

      The final decree dissolved their marriage.(最后的判决解除了他们的婚姻关系。)

      The decree imposed strict censorship of the media.(这个法令强制实行严格的媒体审查制度。)

      decree是什么意思 decree在线翻译 decree什么意思 decree的意思 decree的翻译 decree的解释 decree的发音 decree的同义词
