


      英 [dɪˈlaɪt]

      美 [dɪˈlaɪt]



      过去式: delighted 过去分词: delighted 现在分词: delighting 第三人称单数: delights 形容词: delightful 副词: delightfully


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  •       vt. 使高兴,使欣喜 cause (sb) great satisfaction, enjoyment, or joy
  •       vi. 感到高兴〔快乐〕 feel great pleasure


  •       [U]快乐,高兴 great pleasure; joy
  •       [C]使人高兴的东西或人 sth/sb that gives great pleasure


      1. something or someone that provides a source of happiness

      e.g. a joy to behold
      the pleasure of his company
      the new car is a delight

      Synonym: joypleasure

      2. a feeling of extreme pleasure or satisfaction

      e.g. his delight to see her was obvious to all

      Synonym: delectation



      1. take delight in

      e.g. he delights in his granddaughter

      Synonym: enjoyrevel

      2. give pleasure to or be pleasing to

      e.g. These colors please the senses
      a pleasing sensation

      Synonym: please

      3. hold spellbound

      Synonym: enchantenrapturetransportenthrallravishenthral

      1. 高兴;愉快;快乐
      Delight is a feeling of very great pleasure.

      e.g. Throughout the house, the views are a constant source of surprise and delight...
      e.g. Andrew roared with delight when he heard Rachel's nickname for the baby...

      2. (以…)为乐;喜欢;爱好
      If someone takes delight or takes a delight in something, they get a lot of pleasure from it.

      e.g. Haig took obvious delight in proving his critics wrong...
      e.g. I enjoy seeing your parents take such a delight in the boys.

      3. 令人高兴的人(或物);乐事;乐趣
      You can refer to someone or something that gives you great pleasure or enjoyment as a delight .

      e.g. Isn't she a delight?...
      e.g. The aircraft was a delight to fly...

      4. 使高兴;使愉快;使快乐
      If something delights you, it gives you a lot of pleasure.

      e.g. She has created a style of music that has delighted audiences all over the world...
      e.g. The report has delighted environmentalists.

      5. (以…)为乐;喜欢;爱好
      If you delight in something, you get a lot of pleasure from it.

      e.g. Generations of adults and children have delighted in the story...
      e.g. He delighted in sharing his love of birds with children.

      1. 高兴:15 A 前后照应逻辑推理 办事员看了他的票后,不是表现出高兴(delight),耐心(patience)和尊敬(respect),而是惊讶(astonishment)因为后文提到他的票已过期了,他却要找那架已飞走的飞机.

      2. 快乐:唯心主义者曾经生活得很快乐(delight),他用他的那颗敏感的心感受到了细微的不曾为人察觉的幸福. 一切的幸福到头来都会转变为不幸,很快地,唯心主义者不再快乐了,他那颗心同样感受到了那细微的不为人察觉的痛苦. 于是,

      3. (神秘):我会努力地忘记你的 就像我爱你一样 忘记你所有的一切神秘(DELIGHT) 词曲:KANGTA版主可以寄CD来的吗?我买的所有都是被选过的歌曲,好多都没有听过,真是很感谢你让我看见了好多好多我没有听过的歌(I am going to craze)好想听,

  •       常用短语

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  •       经典引文


    喜欢…; 以…为乐 take great pleasure in
    delight in sb/sth/v-ing

          She delights in him.


          He delights in music.


          The Smiths delight in travels.


          His wife delights in the new car.


          They delight in children's literature.


          This is the kind of verbal sleight-of-hand that he delights in.


          My father delighted in telling stories about my childhood.


          My youngest brother delights in watching the monkeys in the zoo.


          These youngsters delight in doing good deeds and helping others.


          Jacelin seems to delight in making other people suffer.


          I delighted in having my old friends at my home once again.


          That uncle of yours is always delighting in contradicting me.



    因…而使(某人)高兴; 喜爱… be very pleased about (sb/sth)
    delight sb with sb/sth

          The child delighted his parents with mimicries.


          Old china delights me with its delicate colour.


          He delighted himself with his success.


          My mother is delighted with my sister.


          My teacher is delighted with my second article.


          They were delighted with the result.


          The children were delighted with the presents.


          The whole family is delighted with the new house.



  •       He delights to talk about his family in the office.
  •       That uncle of yours is always delighting to contradict me.
  •       Why do you delight to tease me?


  •       Your visit last week delighted us.
  •       Her singing delighted everybody.
  •       The new toys delighted the children.
  •       The play delighted the audience.
  •       Her playing of Chopin delighted the guests.
  •       What delighted me most was that most of the students did well in the exam.
  •       My husband bought me a gold necklace, which delighted me greatly.
  •       Myths delight people because they imaginatively picture man's conquest of the forces of nature.
  •       His words delighted our hearts.
  •       A beautiful scene delights the eyes.
  • 1
  •       We are quite delighted.
  •       We were delighted when Mr. White was named coach of our team.

      用作动词 (v.)


      用作名词 (n.)

  •       He gazed! he thrilled with deep delight!

  •       The branch of which he takes the greatest delight.

    出自:B. Jowett
  •       She laughed as if the idea..delighted her.

    出自:W. Cather
  •       More than pleased: he had been delighted.

    出自:A. Mason
  •       词语用法

  •       词义讲解

  •       词源解说


  •       delight的基本意思是“使快乐”,强调感情的外在反应不仅有明显的迹象生动地表现出来,而且能让人热切地感觉到。
  •       delight既可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,一般接表人的名词作宾语,有时也可接人身体上的某个部位作宾语。delight可用于主动结构,但更常用于系表结构,其后可接介词at, by, with,动词不定式或that从句。这往往用在客套话里,指一时的情形。
  •       delight用作不及物动词时,常接由介词in引导的短语或动词不定式,指习惯或持续性的“喜欢(做某事)”“(因某事而)高兴”。


  •       delight用作名词的基本意思是“快乐,高兴”,是不可数名词; 表示具体的“使人高兴的东西或人”时是可数名词。
  •       delight在句中可用作主语、宾语或表语。用作表语时,如果主语为动词不定式,则往往用it充当形式主语放在句首,而把真正的主语放在最后。动词不定式如另有其逻辑主体,则可用介词for引出。


  •       He was delighted to find that book.
  •       他很高兴找到了那本书。
  •       He delights to read novels.
  •       他喜欢看小说。
  •       He seems to delight in (reading) novels.
  •       他似乎喜欢看小说。
  •       n.(名词)

    delight, joy, pleasure
  •       这三个词的共同意思是“愉快”或“高兴”。其区别是:
  •       1.delight指“喜悦”或“高兴”,多表示突然、短暂的喜悦; pleasure指“愉快”,是一般交际性的礼貌用语,还可指外界对头脑或感官刺激而引起的快感; joy指“欢乐”或“愉快”,有时可替代delight和pleasure。例如:
  •       She grinned her delight.她露齿一笑表示高兴。
  •       I have the pleasure of presenting our opening speaker.我很荣幸地介绍一下我们的开场发言人。
  •       A smile often denotes pleasure.微笑常常是愉快的表示。
  •       This afforded him great joy〔pleasure〕.这使他感到快乐。
  •       2.joy在程度上比pleasure强; delight语气上要比pleasure更强。
    •       ☆ 直接源自古法语的delitier;最初源自拉丁语的delicatus,意为精美的东西使人愉快。
    •       高考真题例句

          高考真题例句OG 1.delight

          I was delighted at the presence of such a student.



    •       近义词

    •       反义词

    •       临近词





          He is crazy with delight [pain].(他高兴[痛苦]得发狂。)

          The concert was sheer delight.(这场音乐会是一次十足的享受。)

          She clapped her hands in delight.(她高兴地拍起手来。)

          Gill chortled with delight.(吉尔高兴得哈哈大笑。)

          His music is sheer delight.(他的音乐是纯粹的快乐。)

          She gave a chuckle of delight.(她高兴得轻声笑了出来。)

          The aircraft was a delight to fly.(驾乘这种飞机是一件乐事。)

          The seafood here is a gourmet's delight.(这儿的海鲜是美食家的一大享受。)

          She whoops with delight at a promise of money.(她一听到答应给她钱就兴高采烈地欢呼起来。)

          Joe, Pink, and Booker howled with delight.(乔、平克和布克高兴地放声大笑。)

          delight是什么意思 delight在线翻译 delight什么意思 delight的意思 delight的翻译 delight的解释 delight的发音 delight的同义词
