


      英 [dɪˈmɒkrəsi]

      美 [dɪˈmɑ:krəsi]


      名词复数: democracies


  •       详情解释

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  •       英英释义

  •       词典解释


  •       民主政府,民主国家,民主团体
  •       民主政治,民主政体
  •       民主,民主主义
  •       民众
  •       民主精神,民主作风
  •       (美国)民主党,民主党人
  •       (美国)民主党的政策和主义


  •       [U]民主,民主制 system of government by the whole people of a country
  •       [C]民主国家 a country governed by its people or their representatives


      1. the doctrine that the numerical majority of an organized group can make decisions binding on the whole group

      Synonym: majority rule

      2. the political orientation of those who favor government by the people or by their elected representatives

      3. a political system in which the supreme power lies in a body of citizens who can elect people to represent them

      Synonym: republiccommonwealth

      1. 民主;民主制度;民主政体
      Democracy is a system of government in which people choose their rulers by voting for them in elections.

      e.g. ...the spread of democracy in Eastern Europe.
      e.g. ...the pro-democracy movement.

      2. 民主国家
      A democracy is a country in which the people choose their government by voting for it.

      e.g. The new democracies face tough challenges.

      3. 民主管理制度;民主作风
      Democracy is a system of running organizations, businesses, and groups in which each member is entitled to vote and take part in decisions.


      e.g. ...the union's emphasis on industrial democracy.

  •       常用例句

  •       经典引文


  •       Did democracy have its beginnings in Athens?
  •       The majority rules in a democracy.
  •       An age of transition from aristocracy to democracy, from authority to mass-judgement.

    出自:G. M. Trevelyan
  •       The Labour Party..rank and file were ready to defend the unions to death as a vital expression of democracy.

    出自:B. Castle
  •       词源解说

  •       ☆ 1570年左右进入英语,直接源自中古法语的democratie,意为民主。
  •       考研真题例句

      考研真题例句OG 1.democracy

      The role of the nobility in modern democracies.



      考研真题例句OG 2.democracy

      "The Heart of the Matter" affirms the importance of the humanities and social sciences to the prosperity and security of liberal democracy in America.



  •       近义词

  •       反义词

  •       临近词





      1. democracy的翻译

      1. A true democracy allows free speech.

      2. The principal's democracy made him popular among teachers and students.

      democracy是什么意思 democracy在线翻译 democracy什么意思 democracy的意思 democracy的翻译 democracy的解释 democracy的发音 democracy的同义词
