


      英 [ˌdi:ˈməʊt]

      美 [ˌdi:ˈmoʊt]


      名词: demotion 过去式: demoted 过去分词: demoted 现在分词: demoting 第三人称单数: demotes


  •       英英释义

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      1. assign to a lower position
      reduce in rank

      e.g. She was demoted because she always speaks up
      He was broken down to Sergeant

      Synonym: bumprelegatebreakkick downstairs

      1. 使降级;使降职;使降低地位
      If someone demotes you, they give you a lower rank or a less important position than you already have, often as a punishment.

      e.g. It's very difficult to demote somebody who has been standing in during maternity leave...
      e.g. If they prove ineffective they should be demoted or asked to retire.

      He is seeking redress for what he alleges was an unfair demotion.

      2. 使(球队等)降级
      If a team in a sports league is demoted, that team has to compete in the next competition in a lower division, because it was one of the least successful teams in the higher division.

      e.g. The club was demoted at the end of last season.

      The team now almost certainly faces demotion.

      1. 使降级. 相应词:13. prop up 给......撑腰,支持 | 14. demote 使降级. 相应词 promote | 15. news neutralism 无倾向性新闻,新闻中立主义

      2. 使降级:Demosthenes 德摩斯梯尼 | demote 使降级 | demotic 通俗的


      3. 降级,降职:erase 抹去,擦掉 | demote 降级,降职 | brutal 野蛮的

  •       经典引文

  •       He was first elevated to the leadership of the House of Commons and then summarily demoted to make way for Fox.

    出自:John Brooke
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      I should demote you from senior minister to elder.(我要把你从高级牧师降级为长老。)

      Every schoolgirl is a angel, they possess beautiful wing, if schoolgirl cries for a schoolboy that likes self sincerely, she will be pulled out wing to demote for ordinary person.(每个女生都是一个天使,她们拥有美丽的羽翼,如果女生为了一个自己真心爱着的男生哭泣,那么,她将被拔掉羽翼贬为凡人。)

      Many astronomers were uncomfortable with this prospect, according to Stern, and that discomfort was a big factor in the decision to demote Pluto.(许多天文学家对这个前景感到十分不安,Stern说,而那样的不安也是当初决定将冥王星降级的重要因素之一。)

      For example, a trigger can send you E-mail whenever new content is posted or can demote a front-page story if the story is edited.(例如,只要发布新内容,触发器就会向您发送电子邮件,或者如果事例被编辑,就会降级头版事例。)

      It's very difficult to demote somebody who has been filling in during maternity leave.(给替代歇产假的人降职是很难的。)

      It is illegal to demote an employee without reason.(无缘无故将一名员工降级是违法的。)

      It also provides a Darwinian effect for feature prioritization where users self-promote or demote suggested features.(它对功能的优先级还有达尔文效应,用户可以自行提高或降低功能的优先级。)

      It's very difficult to demote somebody who has been standing in during maternity leave.(要将一个在别人休产假期间顶替上来的人再降职是非常困难的。)

      Participation in the Plan does not impair or limit the Company's right to transfer, promote, or demote, or terminate the employment of any Participant at any time.(参与本计划不会削弱或限制公司随时调动、提升参与者或使之降职,或终止与任何参与者的雇佣关系的权利。)

      "We are going to demote the PC to just be a device," Steve Jobs said.(“我们打算把PC贬为仅是设备”,乔布斯说。)

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