


      英 [den]

      美 [dɛn]



      过去式: denned 过去分词: denned 现在分词: denning 第三人称单数: dens


  •       详情解释

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  •       英英释义

  •       词典解释

  •       网络解释


  •       窝
  •       活动场所
  •       窟
  •       藏身处
  •       肮脏简陋的小房间,小而脏的屋子
  •       幽静小巧的私室
  •       兽穴,洞穴
  •       窝巢,兽窝
  •       贼窝,匪窟,窝点
  •       窝子
  •       休息室
  •       书斋,书房,小而舒适的书斋
  •       隐蔽玩耍处


  •       藏到洞里
  •       住在肮脏简陋的小房间里
  •       把...赶进洞穴
  •       穴居,进窝(冬眠)
  •       搭房子


  •       =Directory-Enabled Network 目录驱动网络


  •       [C]兽窝,兽穴 the home of a usually large fierce wild animal,such as a lion
  •       [C]密室,匪窝 a centre of secret,especially illegal activity


      1. a room that is comfortable and secluded

      2. a unit of 8 to 10 cub scouts

      3. a hiding place
      usually a remote place used by outlaws

      Synonym: hideouthideaway

      4. the habitation of wild animals

      Synonym: lair

      1. (狮子、狐狸等野生动物的)兽穴,兽窝
      A den is the home of certain types of wild animals such as lions or foxes.

      2. (家里用来学习、工作或从事业余爱好的)书房,私室
      Your den is a quiet room in your house where you can go to study, work, or carry on a hobby without being disturbed.

      3. (通常指为了从事非法活动的)秘密聚集处,窝点,巢穴
      A den is a secret place where people meet, usually for a dishonest purpose.

      e.g. I could provide you with the addresses of at least three illegal drinking dens.
      我可以为你提供至少 3 处非法饮酒窝点的地址。
      e.g. ...the crack dens of urban America.

      4. (某一不良行为或非法活动的猖獗)场所,渊薮
      If you describe a place as a den of a particular type of bad or illegal behaviour, you mean that a lot of that type of behaviour goes on there.

      e.g. ...the one-bedroomed flat that was to become his den of savage debauchery.
      e.g. ...a den of greed.

      1. 丹麦:)黎巴嫩(LIB) 越南(VIE)阿尔巴尼亚(ALB) 爱尔兰(IRL)安道尔(AND) 以色列(ISR)亚美尼亚(ARM) 意大利(ITA)奥地利(AUT) 比利时(BEL)保加利亚(BUL) 白俄罗斯(BLR)克罗地亚(CRO) 塞浦路斯(CYP)捷克(CZE) 丹麦(DEN)爱沙尼亚(EST)

      2. 密度:在此基础上,又利用自然伽玛(GR)、深浅侧向电阻率(Rd,Rs)、声波时差(AC)、密度(DEN)、中子孔隙度(CNL)的响应特征,建立了神经网络识别模型. 通过在该区三十多口井的实际应用,取得了较好的效果. [著者文摘]

      3. 密度测井:粘土矿物的测井响应来进行的. 当中子测井(CNL)和密度测井(DEN)都以砂然而阳离子交换能力(CEC)为:


      4. 登革病毒:登革病毒的研究进展 中华传染病杂志2000年第2期第18卷综述 作者:方美玉 林立辉 单位:510507 广州军区军事医学研究所 登革病毒(DEN)属于黄病毒科,分为四个血清型,可引起登革热和登革出血热两种不同类型的急性传染病.

      5. den的反义词

      5. den:comité olympique danois; 丹麦奥林匹克委员会


      6. den:directory enabled networks; 活动目录网络

      7. den

      7. den:dendrimers; 树枝状高聚物

      8. den:directory enabled network; 目录允许网络

  •       常用例句

  •       经典引文


  •       Nobody dared to enter the den of tigers.
  •       He found himself in a den of thieves.
  •       The Cavern, where..A giant made his den of old.

    出自:Sir W. Scott
  •       A search for the forger's den and printing equipment was continuing.

  •       词义讲解


den, hole, hollow
  •       这组词都有“孔,洞,穴”的意思。其区别在于:hole可指正常的“洞,洞穴”,也可指不正常的“破洞,裂口”; hollow主要指凹地、洼地或任何物体的“凹陷部分”,如洞、穴、坑等; den特指“兽穴”,也指动物园中的“兽笼”,有时也可指“匪窝”等。例如:
  •       We got into the cellar through a round hole covered by a metalplate.
  •       我们从一个有金属盖板的圆洞进入地 下室。
  •       More gravel is needed to fill the hollow in the driveway.
  •       在车道的凹地上需要填更多的沙砾。
  •       The policeman happened to find a den of thieves in the suburb of the city.
  •       警察在市郊发现了一个贼窝。
    •       近义词

    •       临近词




          The hidden things silence revealed: a pheasant craning its neck to spy on us from a thicket, a crow hopping from branch to branch, a raccoon snoring in den.(他们指给我那些原本隐藏起来、却被寂静暴露了的东西:一头野鸡从灌木丛中伸长脖子打探我们,一只乌鸦在树枝间跳来跳去,一只浣熊在它的窝里打鼾。)

          This is her octopus "den".(这是她的章鱼“窝”。)

          Give ye good den, and God be with ye!(愿上帝与你们同在!)

          Den had dug a deep hole in the centre of the garden.(登在花园中间挖了一个深洞。)

          When my son was in second grade I was the leader of his Cub Scout Den.(我儿子二年级的时候我成了他们幼年童子军的领队人。)

          I saw a curtain move in the den.(我望见书房里的窗帘被人拉开。)

          They gazed into the dark barricade as one would gaze into a lion's den.(他们象窥探一个狮子洞似的望着那黑暗的街垒。)

          After a lengthy but heartwarming talk in the den, we have reached the point of being all talked out for now.(在书房里,我们进行了一场冗长但温暖人心的谈话后,把现在所有的一切都说了个遍。)

          The ideal place for a desk would be in a den or office.(安放桌子的理想地方应该在小房间或办公室里。)

          They were sitting in Malone's den.(当时他们正坐在马龙的家。)

          den是什么意思 den在线翻译 den什么意思 den的意思 den的翻译 den的解释 den的发音 den的同义词
