


      英 [dɪˈpɒzɪt]

      美 [dɪˈpɑ:zɪt]



      名词: depositor 过去式: deposited 过去分词: deposited 现在分词: depositing 第三人称单数: deposits


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  •       (使)沉淀,(使)沉积,(使)淤积
  •       寄存、寄放(贵重物品),存贮,储存,存放,存储,储蓄
  •       附着
  •       安置
  •       放下,放置
  •       付(保证金),付押金,付订金,交定金
  •       把硬币投入(自动售货机等) 留下
  •       产(卵)
  •       【建】(喷)镀,浇注,熔敷,涂
  •       交与…保管
  •       将(钱)存入银行


  •       存款,储蓄
  •       矿床
  •       押金,定金,保证金,订金,订钱
  •       沉淀物,淤积物,沉积物,沉积层
  •       堆积,沉淀
  •       【矿】矿藏
  •       寄存,寄存品,寄存处
  •       仓库
  •       竞选保证金(英国议员候选人必须预付,获得规定的票数则退还)


  •       vt. 放置; 放下 lay or put down; place
  •       vt. 存放; 交与…保管 put or store for safe-keeping; lodge
  •       vt. 付定金 make part payment of money that is or will be owed


  •       [U][C]矿床,矿藏; 沉淀物 a matter that has been deposited in rock by a natural process; matter that has been deposited by liquid
  •       [C]储蓄,存款 sum paid into an account, e.g. at a bank
  •       [S]订金; 押金,保证金 money given as a pledge or down payment


      1. the act of putting something somewhere

      Synonym: deposition

      2. a facility where things can be deposited for storage or safekeeping

      Synonym: depositorydepositaryrepository

      3. a payment given as a guarantee that an obligation will be met

      4. matter that has been deposited by some natural process

      Synonym: sediment

      5. the phenomenon of sediment or gravel accumulating

      Synonym: sedimentationalluviation

      6. money given as security for an article acquired for temporary use

      e.g. his deposit was refunded when he returned the car

      7. a partial payment made at the time of purchase
      the balance to be paid later

      Synonym: down payment

      8. money deposited in a bank or some similar institution

      Synonym: bank deposit

      9. the natural process of laying down a deposit of something

      Synonym: deposition


      1. put, fix, force, or implant

      e.g. lodge a bullet in the table
      stick your thumb in the crack

      Synonym: lodgewedgestick

      2. put (something somewhere) firmly

      e.g. She posited her hand on his shoulder
      deposit the suitcase on the bench
      fix your eyes on this spot

      Synonym: situatefixposit

      3. put into a bank account

      e.g. She deposits her paycheck every month

      Synonym: bank

      1. 订金;保证金
      A deposit is a sum of money which is part of the full price of something, and which you pay when you agree to buy it.

      e.g. A £50 deposit is required when ordering, and the balance is due upon delivery.

      2. (租赁的)押金
      A deposit is a sum of money which you pay when you start renting something. The money is returned to you if you do not damage what you have rented.


      e.g. It is common to ask for the equivalent of a month's rent as a deposit.

      3. (尤指定期)存款
      A deposit is a sum of money which is in a bank account or savings account, especially a sum which will be left there for some time.

      4. 竞选保证金(参加议会或欧洲选举时提交,如获一定比例选票便可返还)
      A deposit is a sum of money which you have to pay if you want to be a candidate in a parliamentary or European election. The money is returned to you if you receive more than a certain percentage of the votes.

      e.g. The Tory candidate lost his deposit.

      5. 沉淀物;沉积物
      A deposit is an amount of a substance that has been left somewhere as a result of a chemical or geological process.

      e.g. After 10 minutes the surplus material is washed away and any remaining deposit examined with ultra violet light.
      e.g. ...underground deposits of gold and diamonds.

      6. 放下;放置;丢下
      To deposit someone or something somewhere means to put them or leave them there.

      e.g. Someone was seen depositing a packet...
      e.g. Fritz deposited a glass and two bottles of beer in front of Wolfe...

      7. 存放;寄存
      If you deposit something somewhere, you put it where it will be safe until it is needed again.

      e.g. You are advised to deposit valuables in the hotel safe.

      8. 将(钱)存入银行(或储蓄)账户
      If you deposit a sum of money, you pay it into a bank account or savings account.

      e.g. The customer has to deposit a minimum of £100 monthly.
      顾客必须每月至少存 100 英镑。

      9. 使沉淀;使沉积
      If a substance is deposited somewhere, it is left there as a result of a chemical or geological process.


      e.g. The phosphate was deposited by the decay of marine microorganisms.

      1. 定金:--定金(Deposit)租住申请人支付保留费(不超过1周的租金),确保租住申请被考虑期间房屋不会租出. 保留费显示申请人的诚意,但不能保证房屋必定会租予申请人. 假如房东或代理决定不批准租住申请,或在保留费支付后1周内未能作出决定,

      2. 押金:租赁价格考点包括:房租(rent),押金(deposit),账单(bills),付款方式(payment),时间要求(time requirement在这部分中会出现很多数字信息考点. 最后,在了解过房屋信息后,对话双方可能会约定看房或搬家时间.

      3. 沉积物:是一种含有氨基磺酸(sulfamic acid)成份之粉末状酸洗剂,并再添加润湿剂及颜色指示剂,特殊成份之润湿剂能加强酸洗剂去除沉积物(deposit)的表面反应效果,颜色指示剂则做为简易的判识以决定系统经酸洗剂清洗后是否已有效的将设备

  •       情景对话

  •       常用短语

  •       常用例句

  •       词汇搭配

  •       经典引文


      A:I’d like to open a savings account. Can you tell me how to do it?

      B:O. K. You have to fill out this form and let me see three identification cards or documents.

      A:I have a driver’s licence, a membership card and my passport. Will they do?

      B:Let me see them. Yes, they’re O.K.

      A:What’s the minimum amount I can deposit in an account?

      B:You can deposit an initial amount of ten dollars.
      开户金额可以是10 元。

      A:Thank you.


      A:I would like to open an account.

      B:A deposit account or a current account?

      A:Er, I am not sure. You see, I have monthly remittances sent to me from China and I would like to have the money paid into an account.

      B:Then you’d better open a current account. The bank will give you a cheque book and you can take money out when you like.

      A:Fine. What do I have to do?

      B:Just fill in this form. Do you have any means of identification on you?


      A:Will my passport do?




      A:I’d like to open a current account.

      B:Certainly. May I see your social security and your ID, please.


      A:Here you are. I wonder how much interest can I earn from a current account.

      B:Oh, current account don’t pay out interest.

      A:Why is that?

      B:It’s primarily designed for business transactions. That is, writing checks to pay for bills, buying things and sending money.We won’t expect a large amount of deposit in a current account.


      A:I see. How do I draw money for my own use then?

      B:In that case you can write yourself a cash check and draw money for yourself.


    在定期存款账户中 in a deposit account


  •       Where can I deposit this load of sand?
  •       He's deposited quite a lot of money recently.
  •       You may deposit your pen in the bag.
  •       She deposited herself in the nearest chair.
  •       You can deposit your valuables in the hotel safe.
  •       He deposited the books on the desk.
  •       She deposited her shopping on the table.
  •       He deposits 5000 yuan on the house.
  • 1
  •       The cheque was only deposited yesterday, so it hasn't been cleared yet.


  •       There are rich deposits of gold in those hills.
  •       There is too much deposit in a bottle of wine.
  •       I'd like to make a deposit please.
  •       The hotel requires a deposit for all advance bookings.
  •       When you return the bottle we'll return your deposit.

      用作动词 (v.)


      用作名词 (n.)

  •       In 1951 no Liberals ransthey probably needed to convalesce after losing deposits.

  •       He..deposited one million lire in my bank account.

    出自:B. Trapido
  •       词语用法

  •       词义讲解

  •       词源解说


  •       deposit的基本意思是“放下”“放置”,指运用自然或机械的方法,使物体降落、停留、沉淀,直至积成能看见的一层。引申可表示“存放”,即为了安全保管某物,将某物放在某处,所放置的对象多指一般的东西,也可以指金钱、财物等贵重的或有某种价值的东西,是正式书面用语。
  •       deposit接in时,表示“将某物存入某处”; 接toward时,表示“将钱用于某事”; 接with时,表示“将物托某人管”。


deposit, lay
  •       这两个词的共同意思是“放”“放置”。其区别是:
  •       1.lay是指将某物平放、横放或摊开放;deposit含有安全保管的意味,并不强调以何种方式放。例如:
  •       He laid mats on the floor.他把席子摊开放在地板上。
  •       You can deposit your valuables in the hotel safe.你可以把贵重物品存放到旅馆的保险柜里。
  •       2.lay和deposit的对象都可以指一般的东西,此时可互换。此外, deposit还可以指金钱、财物等贵重的或有某种价值的东西。例如:
  •       He laid〔deposited〕 the books on the desk.他把书放在办公桌上了。
  •       He's deposited quite a lot of money recently.他最近存入了不小的一笔钱。
  •       3.deposit是正式用语;lay是一般用语。
    •       ☆ 17世纪20年代进入英语,直接源自拉丁语的depositus,意为放到一边,积存。
    •       高考真题例句

          高考真题例句OG 1.deposit

          Around 100 people have already put down a $10, 000 deposit to get a Transition when they go on sale, and those numbers will likely rise after Terrafugia introduces the Transition to the public later this week at the New York Auto Show.

          为了获得变形者汽车, 大约有100人在去购买时交了10000美元预付款。当特拉弗吉亚在本周晚些时候的纽约汽车展览会上向公众介绍完这款车后, 这些数字可能还会上升。


    •       近义词

    •       反义词

    •       临近词





          The undersigned buyers agree to pay a 5,000 dollar deposit.(签了字的买家同意支付5,000美金的定金。)

          I put down a $500 security deposit for another apartment.(我为另一套公寓支付了$500押金。)

          They have never worried about the soaring price of cabbage but when they fail to cash deposit money they are more anxious than housewives.(他们从不担心白菜价格飙升,但当他们无法兑现存款时,他们比家庭主妇更焦虑。)

          Guests may deposit their valuables in the hotel safe.(旅客可将贵重物品寄存在旅馆的保险柜里。)

          It is an accepted practice to pay a deposit with your order, which assures the seller that you are in fact a serious buyer.(在订货时付定金是公认的做法,这能向卖家保证你是一个认真的买家。)

          I'm not sure if they make you pay a deposit, but I think you can just check them out, and then you'll have them for the semester.(我不确定他们是否要你付押金,但我想你可以去看看,然后这学期就可以用了。)

          We've put down a 5% deposit on the house.(我们已支付了房款的5%作为订金。)

          The customer has to deposit a minimum of $100 monthly.(顾客每月必须至少存入$100。)

          You will lose your deposit if you cancel the order.(如果撤销订单,保证金将不予退还。)

          In any case, failure to find fossils of a predicted kind does not rule out their existence in an undiscovered deposit.(在任何情况下,没有发现预测到的化石并不表示它们不存在于未发现的矿床中。)

          deposit是什么意思 deposit在线翻译 deposit什么意思 deposit的意思 deposit的翻译 deposit的解释 deposit的发音 deposit的同义词
