


      英 [dɪˈplɔɪ]

      美 [dɪˈplɔɪ]


      形容词: deployable 名词: deployability 过去式: deployed 过去分词: deployed 现在分词: deploying 第三人称单数: deploys


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  •       部署
  •       使疏开
  •       【军】展开
  •       散开
  •       疏散开
  •       张开
  •       设置
  •       推广应用
  •       采用
  •       利用
  •       采纳
  •       运载发射
  •       调度
  •       有效地利用
  •       调动
  •       施展
  •       散开(成战斗队形)
  •       展开
  •       配置


  •       部署


  •       vt. (尤指军事行动)使展开;施展;部署 spread out or arrange for effective action,especially for military action


      1. place troops or weapons in battle formation

      2. to distribute systematically or strategically

      e.g. The U.S. deploys its weapons in the Middle East

      1. 部署,调集(部队或军事力量)
      To deploy troops or military resources means to organize or position them so that they are ready to be used.


      e.g. The president said he had no intention of deploying ground troops.
      e.g. ...the US-made Patriot anti-missile system which was deployed in the Gulf war.

      1. deploy的反义词

      1. 展开:2)Tomcat挂马. 将jsp木马打包成War文件,然后在Tomcat的管理页面,上传展开(Deploy)该War文件,完成挂马.

      2. 配置:微软公司列出了软件开发生命周期中的下述步骤: 分析 设计 开发 测试 配置(deploy) 维护 MSCD涉及了上述所有的步骤. MCAD只涉及了最后三个步骤. 你可以从MCAD升级到MCSD,但是反之则不行. 让我们进一步看看测试过程包括了哪些内容.

      3. deploy

      3. 布署:吴维翰指出,在测试、控制及设计的过程中,图型化已成为未来的重要趋势,以产品开发的过程来说,有设计(Design)、原型开发(Prototype)以及布署(Deploy)三个基本步骤,NI提供的解决方案可以透过图型化的环境,整合设计、原型开发以及布署三阶段,

  •       常用例句

  •       经典引文


  •       The commander deployed his men along the railway.
  •       We..deployed our guns on the hills close to Caen.

    出自:E. Heath
  •       The 18th Division was already deployed in Picardy.

    出自:D. Fraser
  •       近义词

  •       临近词




      Deploy both locally and over the Internet.(同时在本地和互联网上部署。)

      Deploy for development testing.(开发测试部署。)

      Deploy and test the application again.(再次部署并测试应用程序。)

      Deploy the pattern.(部署模式。)

      Deploy the custom pattern.(部署定制模式。)

      Test and deploy the site.(测试并部署网站。)

      Deploy: Deploy the business processes.(部署:部署业务流程。)

      Deploy the application.(部署应用程序。)

      Acquire and deploy the server.(获取并部署服务器。)

      Notwithstanding the previous guidelines, purchase at least one spare hard disk for each model hard disk you deploy.(尽管有前面的指导方针,但为您部署的每个模型硬盘购买至少一个备用硬盘。)

      deploy是什么意思 deploy在线翻译 deploy什么意思 deploy的意思 deploy的翻译 deploy的解释 deploy的发音 deploy的同义词
