


      英 [dɪˈskrɪpʃn]

      美 [dɪˈskrɪpʃən]




  •       详情解释

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  •       英英释义

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  •       叙述,记述,论述,阐述
  •       描写,描绘,描述,形容
  •       说明书
  •       说明
  •       性质
  •       作图,绘制
  •       记载
  •       叙事文
  •       类型,种类


  •       [U][C]描述,形容 a statement or account that describes
  •       [C]种类,类型 a sort or kind


      1. sort or variety

      e.g. every description of book was there

      2. a statement that represents something in words

      Synonym: verbal description

      3. the act of describing something

      1. 描述;形容;叙述;说明
      A description of someone or something is an account which explains what they are or what they look like.

      e.g. Police have issued a description of the man who was aged between fifty and sixty...
      警方已经发布了那名年龄在 50 到 60 岁之间的男子的相貌特征通告。
      e.g. ...a detailed description of the movements and battle plans of Italy's fleet...

      2. 种类;类型;性质
      If something is of a particular description, it belongs to the general class of items that are mentioned.


      e.g. ...the oldest Catholic church of any description in England...
      e.g. Events of this description occurred daily.

      3. 无法描述;难以形容
      You can say that something is beyond description, or that it defies description, to emphasize that it is very unusual, impressive, terrible, or extreme.


      e.g. His face is weary beyond description...
      e.g. We were in a disaster situation that defies description.

      1. 产品描述:EH-LD-RL001产品描述(Description) 这是一款半导体工业红光激光器(红光一字线模组),焦点为固定方式、打直线、一字线光形. 主要用于电动工具(如电圆锯、曲线锯等)定位、条码机、缝纫...EH-LD-RD002产品描述(Description) 这是一款半导体工业红光打点激光器(红光打点模组),

      2. 品名:无铅料号之区分须由品名(Description)后端之(-LF)辨识.构如:台湾检验科技公司(SGS)及财团法人电子检验中心(ETC)等参与,以机电子公会(TEEMA)来负责.此资料库设置目标不仅可以增加国内厂商绿色电电公会和财团法人台湾电子检验中心(ETC)共同提出的G计画,

      3. delineate v:delicious adj. 美味的,可口的 | delineate v. 勾画,划出;DescripTION,刻画 | delinquency n. 行为不良,错失

  •       常用短语

  •       常用例句

  •       词汇搭配

  •       经典引文


    适应,符合 accord with sth


  •       Can you give me a description of the thief?
  •       I shall not attempt to give a detailed description of the subject; it is beyond my grasp.
  •       Mr. Smith gave a description of what he had seen in China.
  •       This book gives a full description of life on a farm.
  •       The newspaper article gave a graphic description of the earthquake.
  •       Is this not an apt description of those who do not have a scientific attitude?
  •       When I read the novel I skipped these dry passages of description.
  •       We entertained the guests with a detailed description of the party.
  •       Does the description check with the photograph?
  •       The prisoner measures up to the description the police have of the wanted jewel thief.
  •       Such description is indispensable to an adequate understanding of the chief character.
  •       The hall was packed with people of every description.
  •       The harbour was crowded with vessels of every description.
  •       A person of that description should never be trusted.
  •       I think it's a bird of some description.

      用作名词 (n.)

  •       He had been to places that people had written books about, and they were not a bit like the descriptions.

    出自:H. James
  •       词语用法

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  •       常见错误

  •       词源解说


  •       description的基本意思是“描述,形容”,可指描述、形容本身的这一动作或行为,也可指用来“描述”的具体语言、文字等。description还可作“种类,类型”解。
  •       description指“描述”的这一动作或行为时是不可数名词,指用来“描述”的具体语言、文字等时是可数名词,常与“a+ adj. ”连用。description作“种类,类型”解时是可数名词。


description, kind, nature, sort, type
  •       这组词的共同意思是“种类”。kind在多数情况下可以和sort或type互换,但当指生物学的类属或者种类时,只能用kind; type所表示的“种类”有典型性,多指那些界限非常明确,且有明显类似之处的一类。例如:
  •       There are four basic types of blood.有四种基本血型。
  •       sort表示“大体上属于同类的”,有时含有轻蔑之意。例如:
  •       How did you get this sort of ideas into your head?你的脑袋里怎么会有这种想法?
  •       description与nature也有kind的意思,但description指叙述或描述的一类。例如:
  •       He is a person of that description.他就是那种人。
  •       nature指实质和特性上相似的一类。例如:
  •       I never met things of this nature.我从未遇见过这种事情。
  •       n.(名词)


            误 She gave a vivid description about the scene.

            误 She gave a vivid description on the scene.

            正 She gave a vivid description of the scene.

            析 表示“对…的描写”时, description后接of,不接about〔on〕。

    •       ☆ 14世纪中叶进入英语,直接源自古典拉丁语的descriptionem(为describere的词干):de (下) + scribere (写),意为写下。
    •       近义词

    •       临近词




          Police have stressed that this is the most accurate description of the killer to date.(警方已强调这是到目前为止对这名杀人犯最精确的描述。)

          The description of any animal as an "evolutionary throwback" is controversial.(把任何动物描述为“进化倒退”,都是有争议的。)

          That's a good description, Mrs. Drummond. You're very observant.(描述得很好,德拉蒙德太太。你很善于观察。)

          We had only a vague description of the attacker.(我们只有那个袭击者的粗略描述。)

          His face is weary beyond description.(他脸上的疲惫无法形容。)

          Let's start with a description of the suitcase.(让我们从描述这个手提箱开始。)

          The description fits us to a tee.(这个描述恰好符合我们的情况。)

          Of course, that may sound like a description of every teenager on the planet.(当然,这听起来可能像是对这个星球上每个青少年的描述。)

          This description even fits the majority of eminent scholars.(这种描述竟然契合大多数著名学者的观点。)

          The book ends on a lengthy description of Hawaii.(这本书以一段对夏威夷的冗长描述作结。)

          description是什么意思 description在线翻译 description什么意思 description的意思 description的翻译 description的解释 description的发音 description的同义词
