


      英 [ˈdespərət]

      美 [ˈdɛspərɪt]


      副词: desperately 名词: desperateness


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  •       危急的
  •       拼命的,不顾一切的,不顾死活的
  •       铤而走险的,孤注一掷的,不惜冒险的
  •       险恶的
  •       绝望的
  •       极度渴望的
  •       极端的
  •       悲观失望的
  •       穷途末路的
  •       令人绝望的


  •       不顾一切的,拼命的 ready to do anything regardless of danger
  •       [A]铤而走险的,孤注一掷的 tried when all else has failed
  •       [P]极想望的,极需要的 in great need
  •       危急的,极严重的 extremely difficult and dangerous

      1. (因绝望而)孤注一掷的,铤而走险的,拼命的
      If you are desperate, you are in such a bad situation that you are willing to try anything to change it.

      e.g. Troops are needed to help get food into Kosovo where people are in desperate need...
      e.g. Desperate with anxiety, Bob and Hans searched the whole house...

      Thousands are desperately trying to leave their battered homes.

      2. 极需要的;渴望的
      If you are desperate for something or desperate to do something, you want or need it very much indeed.

      e.g. They'd been married nearly four years and June was desperate to start a family...
      e.g. People are desperate for him to do something.

      He was a boy who desperately needed affection.

      3. 极困难的;极严重的;极危险的
      A desperate situation is very difficult, serious, or dangerous.

      e.g. India's United Nations ambassador said the situation is desperate...
      e.g. I decided not to abandon John when he was in such a desperate position.

      1. 绝望:我感觉到自己渐渐失去了对文字的控制能力,根本无法我文字捕捉到脑中一瞬而逝的意象. 偶尔拼命写几个字,言不及义,悲痛得要命,却持续不了多久. 以前是悲观,后来是绝望(DESPERATE) 而现在是麻木. 麻木也好,不会有多大苦痛,即使迫害再深,亦无多大欣喜,即使垂青再意外.

      2. 沮丧:这些中年工人主角的表情近乎麻木,如同木偶,然而从他们的瞳孔中绝望的精光反射当中,我们仿佛瞥见他们深切渴望却失落而无奈的灵魂,那是一个个被生活浇熄了热能的灵魂,一个个沮丧(Desperate)而疲惫(Exhausted)的灵魂,


      3. 绝望,不顾死活的:despair 失望,绝望 | desperate 绝望,不顾死活的 | despondency 意气消沈,失望

      4. 令人绝望的,危急的:design计划;设计 | desperate令人绝望的,危急的 | despite憎恨,轻视

  •       常用例句

  •       词汇搭配

  •       经典引文


  •       He is a desperate criminal.
  •       They made a desperate attempt to save the company.
  •       The city is suffering a desperate shortage of water.

      用作形容词 (adj.)

  •       I am desperate of obtaining her.

    出自:Two Gentlemen of Verona,Shakespeare
  •       词语用法

  •       词源解说


  •       desperate的基本意思是因绝望而“不顾一切的,拼命的”。
  •       desperate作“极想要的,极需要的”解时,在句中常作表语,且与for连用。
  •       desperate还可指在别无选择的情况下而作出的最后努力,即“铤而走险的,孤注一掷的”,但这种努力成功的希望却很渺茫,此时在句中常作定语。
  •       ☆ 15世纪初期进入英语,直接源自拉丁语的desperare,意为绝望的。
  •       近义词

  •       反义词

  •       临近词





      Just then, a desperate cry was heard.(就在这时,传来了一声绝望的喊叫。)

      Somewhere out there was a desperate man, cold, hungry, hunted.(那外面有个男人又冷又饿,还有人抓他,走投无路了。)

      He intercuts scenes of Rex getting more and more desperate with scenes of the abductor with his family.(他将雷克斯变得愈加绝望的场景和诱骗者与他家人在一起的场景相交切。)

      By 1613 even more desperate measures were in contemplation.(到1613年,甚至考虑要采取更为孤注一掷的措施。)

      She found herself in desperate financial straits.(她发觉自己经济状况极为窘迫。)

      Troops are needed to help get food into Kosovo where people are in desperate need.(需要军队协助将食物运进科索沃,那里的人们迫切需要食物。)

      I'm desperate for a cigarette.(我很想抽支烟。)

      They are desperate to erase the memory of that last defeat.(他们急于抹去上次失败的记忆。)

      The children are in desperate need of love and attention.(这些孩子非常需要爱心和关怀。)

      Nothing can be more fascinating than a smile, which can produce hope in even desperate situations.(没有什么比微笑更能吸引人的了,微笑甚至能在绝望的情况下给人带来希望。)

      desperate是什么意思 desperate在线翻译 desperate什么意思 desperate的意思 desperate的翻译 desperate的解释 desperate的发音 desperate的同义词
