


      英 [ˈdestəni]

      美 [ˈdɛstəni]


      名词复数: destinies


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  •       命运
  •       命运之神,命运的三女神
  •       天数,天命,定数,定命,命数,天意,神意
  •       主宰事物的力量
  •       命运注定


  •       [C]命运; 天命; 天数 fate; what must happen and cannot be changed or controlled


      1. an event (or a course of events) that will inevitably happen in the future

      Synonym: fate

      2. the ultimate agency regarded as predetermining the course of events (often personified as a woman)

      e.g. we are helpless in the face of destiny

      Synonym: fate

      3. your overall circumstances or condition in life (including everything that happens to you)

      e.g. whatever my fortune may be
      deserved a better fate
      has a happy lot
      the luck of the Irish
      a victim of circumstances
      success that was her portion

      Synonym: fortunefatelucklotcircumstancesportion

      1. 命运
      A person's destiny is everything that happens to them during their life, including what will happen in the future, especially when it is considered to be controlled by someone or something else.

      e.g. We are masters of our own destiny...
      e.g. It is my destiny one day to be king.

      2. 天命;神意;命运之神
      Destiny is the force which some people believe controls the things that happen to you in your life.

      e.g. Is it destiny that brings people together, or is it accident?

      1. 命中注定:当爱可以感受到犹如魔力一样,你可以称之为命中注定(destiny当命运具有某种幽默感时,你可以叫它飞来好运(Serendipity). 他们擦肩而过,他们都犹豫了,是不是要放弃?是不是他们命中注定有缘无分呢?!这个时候已经由不得他们了,

  •       常用例句

  •       词汇搭配

  •       经典引文


  •       Nobody knows his own destiny.
  •       It was the great man's destiny to lead his country to freedom.
  •       Destiny willed it so.

      用作名词 (n.)

  •       That battle which settled the destiny of Saxon independence.

    出自:H. Reed
  •       You are fully competent to direct the destiny of this company.

    出自:E. O
  •       In every act of moral self-affirmation man contributes to the fulfilment of his destiny.

    出自:P. Tillich
  •       Secure in their Biblical faith that their deeds are part of a divinely ordained destiny.

  •       She was the woman life meant him to have; she was his destiny.

    出自:J. Cheever
  •       词语用法


  •       destiny的基本意思是“命运; 天命; 天数”,多用于单数形式。
  •       近义词

  •       临近词




      What happens next could decide their destiny.(接下来发生的事可能会决定他们的命运。)

      That is why we can fulfill our destiny.(这就是为什么我们能实现我们的命运。)

      It was extremely important to the destiny of mankind.(它对人类的命运极为重要。)

      If ambition is to be well regarded, the rewards of ambition—wealth, distinction, control over one's destiny—must be deemed worthy of the sacrifices made on ambition's behalf.(如果野心被正确看待,那么它所带来的回报——财富、名望、对命运的掌控——就必须被认为是值得为之付出牺牲的。)

      Books have their destiny!(每本书都有自己的命运!)

      The destiny of the pest in the chestnut is not known before reaching the destination.(栗子中害虫的命运在到达目的地之前是未知的。)

      If not, ask God to help you establish goals for your decade of destiny.(如果没有,那么请上帝帮助你为你未来命运的十年设立目标。)

      Her destiny was entwined with his.(她与他的命运紧密相联。)

      Demography is not destiny.(人口情况并非命运。)

      This movement, driven by powerful and diverse motivations, built a nation out of a wilderness and, by its nature, shaped the character and destiny of an uncharted continent.(这一运动,在强大多样的动机驱动下,在一片荒野上建立了一个国家,并以其性质,塑造了这片未知大陆的性格和命运。)

      destiny是什么意思 destiny在线翻译 destiny什么意思 destiny的意思 destiny的翻译 destiny的解释 destiny的发音 destiny的同义词
