


      英 [dɪˈtɪəriəreɪt]

      美 [dɪˈtɪriəreɪt]


      形容词: deteriorative 名词: deterioration 过去式: deteriorated 过去分词: deteriorated 现在分词: deteriorating 第三人称单数: deteriorates


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  •       恶化
  •       退化
  •       质量下降
  •       堕落
  •       使恶化
  •       使下降
  •       使退化
  •       使堕落
  •       弄坏
  •       下降
  •       败坏(风俗)
  •       降低
  •       变质
  •       消耗
  •       变坏
  •       伤风败俗
  •       瓦解
  •       衰退


  •       vi. 恶化,变坏 become worse


      1. grow worse

      e.g. Her condition deteriorated
      Conditions in the slums degenerated
      The discussion devolved into a shouting match

      Synonym: devolvedropdegenerate

      2. become worse or disintegrate

      e.g. His mind deteriorated

      1. 恶化;变坏;衰退
      If something deteriorates, it becomes worse in some way.

      e.g. There are fears that the situation might deteriorate into full-scale war...
      e.g. The weather conditions are deteriorating...

      ...concern about the rapid deterioration in relations between the two countries.
      ...the slow steady deterioration of a patient with Alzheimer's disease.


      1. 恶化:许多公司老板张口就是:要吹,夸大其词地吹,吹到人一听就想买的地步才叫OK. 这种人,这种主导思想只会恶化(Deteriorate)市场,典型的近视症(Metoomyopia)患者. 人无远虑必有近忧啊!

      2. 退化:人们应该怀疑(dubiou)这样的说法:作为生存的一个不可避免的(inevitable)结果,生物随年龄的增长而退化(deteriorate). 一种有关衰老的正确理论应该解释为什么不同的物种(species)有不同的衰老率(senescencerate). 比如,在产完卵后(两岁或三岁时),

      3. deteriorate

      3. 变质:酷,也请不要让我方向偏离了~变质(deteriorate) 变质是个贬义词,任何东西过了使用期限就失去本身的意义了.听说有人打架了,被公司炒了.原来,那个人,在前几年曾经是我最要好的朋友,她曾经胖乎乎,曾经讨人喜欢,曾经人缘很好!

      4. deteriorate的意思

      4. 使恶化:scandal 丑行 | deteriorate (使)恶化 | gossip 闲话

  •       常用例句

  •       经典引文


  •       Idle houses deteriorate.
  •       Relations between the superpowers have deteriorated sharply in recent weeks.
  •       The accompanying hooey pollutes and deteriorates their mind.

    出自:H. L. Mencken
  •       近义词

  •       反义词

  •       临近词





      Employment data have also continued to deteriorate.(就业数据也一如既往地继续恶化。)

      And the question is to what extent the situation continues to deteriorate.(关键问题是,形势会继续恶化到什么程度。)

      If anything, the employment situation is likely to deteriorate in 2009.(如果说2009年有什么不同的话,那就是就业形势可能继续恶化。)

      So reliability is likely to deteriorate further.(因此,汽车的可靠性可能会愈发降低。)

      Most importantly, buildings need love if they are not to deteriorate.(最重要的是,建筑需要爱护才不会老化。)

      The good news for them is that things are not getting worse; the bad news is that this is because they cannot deteriorate any further.(对于他们来说,好消息是事情没有变的更坏;坏消息是没有变坏的原因是它不能变得更坏了。)

      There are fears that the situation might deteriorate into full-scale war.(人们担心局势会恶化为全面战争。)

      Critics say that medical care will deteriorate if damages are capped.(批评家表示若赔偿金受限,医疗将会恶化。)

      Deliverable quality or service quality starts to deteriorate.(可交付成果或服务质量开始恶化。)

      Paintings must have rigid stretchers so that the canvas will be taut, and the paint must not deteriorate, crack, or discolor.(画必须有坚硬的画架,这样画布才会绷紧,而且颜料不能变质、开裂或变色。)

      deteriorate是什么意思 deteriorate在线翻译 deteriorate什么意思 deteriorate的意思 deteriorate的翻译 deteriorate的解释 deteriorate的发音 deteriorate的同义词
