


      英 [ˌdi:viˈeɪʃn]

      美 [ˌdiviˈeʃən]



      形容词: deviationist 名词: deviationism


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  •       背离
  •       越轨
  •       偏向
  •       误差
  •       偏差
  •       偏离
  •       脱离
  •       【海】偏航
  •       【数】偏差数
  •       违背
  •       方差
  •       离经叛道的行为
  •       异端
  •       叛离离经叛道
  •       罗盘偏差罗经自差
  •       变差
  •       偏差数
  •       出轨
  •       背盟


      1. a turning aside (of your course or attention or concern)

      e.g. a diversion from the main highway
      a digression into irrelevant details
      a deflection from his goal

      Synonym: diversiondigressiondeflectiondeflexiondivagation

      2. deviate behavior

      Synonym: deviance

      3. the error of a compass due to local magnetic disturbances

      4. the difference between an observed value and the expected value of a variable or function

      5. a variation that deviates from the standard or norm

      e.g. the deviation from the mean

      Synonym: divergencedeparturedifference

      1. 偏常;反常;离经叛道
      Deviation means doing something that is different from what people consider to be normal or acceptable.

      e.g. Deviation from the norm is not tolerated.
      e.g. ...sexual deviation...

      2. (统计学中的)离差,偏差
      In statistics, deviation is the difference between the value of one number in a series of numbers and the average value of all the numbers in the series.

      e.g. A 10 to 15 percent deviation is considered acceptable.
      10%至15% 的离差是可以接受的。

      1. deviation的翻译

      1. 离差:资出现负收益的概率 (三)计算证券投资的各种可能收益与其期望收益之间的离差 (Deviation)四、风险的防范策略 (一)分散投资策略 (二)分配风险策略 (三)极端保守与极端投机策略 (四)相对有利策略 (五)应付暴跌之策略 五、股市有风险,

      2. 绕航:概述 绕航(Deviation). 未经货物利害关系人同意,海上货物的承运人偏离约定的或习惯的地理上的航线. 简介 在普通法中,绕航将使货物丧失保险,而承运人将被视为货物的保险人. 根据海牙规则和海牙/维斯比规则第4条第4段,

      3. deviation:dev; 偏航

  •       近义词

  •       临近词




      If you have a positive deviation, then it's the opposite.(如果有一个正的偏移,那么就相反了。)

      It gets, this is negative deviation.(这是负的偏移。)

      You can't think out a number to describe the twenty-five standard deviation event; it's just too large a number for any of us to comprehend.(你无法想出一个数字来描述25个标准差事件;这个数字太大了,我们任何人都无法理解。)

      Note: it may be impossible to measure the "true" standard deviation.(注意:不可能测量出“真实的”标准偏差。)

      This is a positive deviation.(这是正的偏移。)

      What is deviation detection?(什么是偏差检测?)

      A minimal error or deviation may result in wide divergence.(失之毫厘,谬以千里。)

      And this is a case where there's a positive deviation from ideality.(在这种情况,会有相对于理想情况的正的偏离。)

      How does the standard deviation quantify measurement scatter?(标准偏差如何量化度量值漂移?)

      And you can calculate the standard deviation that way.(你可以用这种方法计算标准偏差。)

      deviation是什么意思 deviation在线翻译 deviation什么意思 deviation的意思 deviation的翻译 deviation的解释 deviation的发音 deviation的同义词
