


      英 [dju:]

      美 [du:]


      过去式: dewed 过去分词: dewed 现在分词: dewing 第三人称单数: dews


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  •       英英释义

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  •       露水,露珠,晨露,露,露水一样的东西
  •       清新,纯洁,如露水般清新,纯洁、文静的东西
  •       朝气
  •       滴,蒸馏液滴
  •       珠,(小)水珠,汗珠
  •       爽快,轻快
  •       苏格兰威士忌,违禁酒,酒


  •       =distant early warning 远程预警
  •       =Distant Early Warning 远距离早期警戒网


  •       结露水
  •       喷湿,弄湿,浸润,湿润,沾湿
  •       用露水沾湿,被露水弄湿


  •       [U]水珠,露水 drops of water,especially on grass and other plants,that come from the night air


      1. water that has condensed on a cool surface overnight from water vapor in the air

      e.g. in the morning the grass was wet with dew

      1. 露;露水
      Dew is small drops of water that form on the ground and other surfaces outdoors during the night.

      e.g. The dew gathered on the leaves.

      1. 露水:~ew串记:缝(sew)新(new)衣,露水(dew)滴(de~谐音),咀嚼思量(chew)真生气(ch~谐音),很少(few)乘务(crew)怪全体(crew指全体乘务员). fa~串记:扇子(fan)肥(fat),传真(fax)远(far). gu~串记:胶姆糖胶姆糖(gum),中间一变是健身房(gym).


      2. 露珠:NEC公司设计的这个叫做露珠(dew)的概念产品,可以随时随地自动记录你生命中的点点滴滴,把记录的图像通过无线网络传输给配套的数码相框,让你有机会时时回顾自己过去生命中的精彩画面,你也可以通过无线网络和亲朋分享这些相片.

      3. 露 ","露:贴近地面空气中的水汽冷却后形成露 露(dew)以液滴形式凝结在地面覆盖物体上的凝结现象. 夜间气温下降,越近地面冷却越快,形成与白天相反的下冷上热的温度分布,当地面温度冷却到使贴地面空气中的水汽含量达到饱和时,

      4. dew:distant early warning; 远程预警

      5. dew:derivation of water; 排水

  •       常用例句

  •       经典引文


  •       Dew had fallen heavily since the wind had dropped.
  •       Pearls of dew glistened on the grass.
  •       The dew was falling fast, the stars began to blink.

  •       Arch and blooming faces bowed down to bathe in the May dew.

  •       The paddocks glittered with dew under the cool early sun.

    出自:M. Shadbolt
  •       Fairy strains of music fall, Every sense in slumber dewing.

    出自:Sir W. Scott
  •       Heat and whisky had dewed his face with sweat.

    出自:J. G. Cozzens
  •       近义词

  •       临近词




      The grass was wet with early morning dew.(清晨的露水使得青草湿漉漉的。)

      I didn't tell Dew about this.(我没有把这些告诉露露。)

      If it were not for the vapour in the air, there would be no dew.(如果空气中没有水气,就没有露水。)

      The sun evaborated the morning dew.(阳光蒸发了晨露。)

      Their spirits are drooping for lack of dew.(他们的灵性下沉(甚至枯萎)就是因为没有灵露的更新。)

      Drink Pepsi, Coke, Mountain Dew or Sprite, and you feel good because it tastes good.(喝百事、可口可乐、山露或者雪碧,你会感觉很好,因为它的味道非常好。)

      I walked upstairs. Dew opened the door.(我奔上楼,露露开了门。)

      The cool of the night distils the dew.(清凉的夜晚洒落露水。)

      That is what provides the water for Dew Pond, the moist air under the spreading yews and figs below it, and the soil.(这就是露水池的水源头,是下方大片的紫杉和无花果树所需潮湿空气的来源,也是土壤的来源。)

      The green boughs glittered with all their pearls of dew.(绿枝上闪烁着露珠的光彩。)

      dew是什么意思 dew在线翻译 dew什么意思 dew的意思 dew的翻译 dew的解释 dew的发音 dew的同义词
