


      英 ['daɪəlɒg]

      美 ['daɪəˌlɒg]




  •       英英释义

  •       网络解释


      1. a literary composition in the form of a conversation between two people

      e.g. he has read Plato's Dialogues in the original Greek

      Synonym: dialogue

      2. the lines spoken by characters in drama or fiction

      Synonym: dialogue

      3. a conversation between two persons

      Synonym: dialogueduologue

      1. dialog的反义词

      1. 对话框:*标题,内容,左右按钮内容可以用引号包含无变量的内容,在格式化(format)一字符串后也可用其代替.1.对比菜单(Menu)与对话框的编写,后者的易编写性是显而易见的.菜单(Menu) 对话框(Dialog)[仅列表(LIST)形式]


      2. 会话:语料简单实用,这样使语言学习与日常生活紧密联系,方便了以出国为目的学习德语的读者. 本册共有16课,每课由日常生活会话(DIALOG),阅读课文(LESETEXT),词汇(VOKABEL),补充语料(ERGNGZENDE SPRACHMITTEL)和练习(BUNG)构成.

      3. 對話方塊:在Basic 对话方块(Dialog)上作画在Basic 对话方块(Dialog)上作画其实Basic的对话方块(Dialog)除了指定背景颜色以外,也可以作画(几何图、文字..等). 这样一来,dlg这个物件(object)也因此继承了com.sun.star.awt.XWindow这个uno interface.

  •       高考真题例句

      高考真题例句OG 1.dialog

      Participate in discussion forums(论坛), blogs and other open-ended forums for dialogue.



  •       近义词

  •       反义词

  •       临近词





      We decided to use the new dialog.(我们决定要使用新对话框。)

      Click OK on the confirmation dialog.(在确定对话框中点击OK。)

      The dialog box will close.(这个对话框将要关闭。)

      The dialog in Figure 2 appears.(图2展示了此对话框。)

      A new dialog window will open.(将打开新对话框窗口。)

      This displays the dialog shown in Figure 2.(这将显示如图2所示的对话框。)

      Click OK until all dialog boxes close.(单击OK直至所有对话框都关闭。)

      Press Windows key+R to bring up the Run dialog box, then type in "taskmgr" and click OK.(按下Windows键+R,出现了一个“运行”的对话框。在对话框中输入taskmgr,然后点击确定。)

      This should open the defect entry dialog.(这将会打开缺陷条目对话框。)

      Figure 5. Select Activity dialog prompt.(图5.选择活动的提示对话框。)

      dialog是什么意思 dialog在线翻译 dialog什么意思 dialog的意思 dialog的翻译 dialog的解释 dialog的发音 dialog的同义词
