


      英 [dɪkˈteɪt]

      美 [ˈdɪkteɪt]




      过去式: dictated 过去分词: dictated 现在分词: dictating 第三人称单数: dictates


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  •       英英释义

  •       词典解释


  •       命令
  •       规定
  •       支配
  •       指挥
  •       指令
  •       意旨
  •       吩咐
  •       法律
  •       要求


  •       指定
  •       命令
  •       规定
  •       要求
  •       笔录
  •       控制
  •       指挥
  •       作主
  •       确定
  •       说明
  •       口授
  •       口述
  •       (使)听写
  •       强行规定
  •       指使
  •       大声讲或读
  •       支配
  •       摆布
  •       决定
  •       任意指使某人
  •       向某人发号施令
  •       指示
  •       指令
  •       责令


  •       vt. & vi. 大声讲或读; 口授 say or read aloud (words to be written down by another or others)
  •       vt. & vi. 指示; 指定; 指令 state with the force of authority; command; decree; prescribe


  •       [P]命令,规定,要求 an order which should be obeyed


      1. a guiding principle

      e.g. the dictates of reason

      2. an authoritative rule


      1. say out loud for the purpose of recording

      e.g. He dictated a report to his secretary

      2. issue commands or orders for

      Synonym: orderprescribe

      3. rule as a dictator

      The verb is pronounced /dɪk'teɪt, am 'dɪkteɪt/. The noun is pronounced /'dɪkteɪt/. 动词读作/dɪk'teɪt, 美 'dɪkteɪt/。名词读作/'dɪkteɪt/。

      1. 口授;口述;使听写
      If you dictate something, you say or read it aloud for someone else to write down.

      e.g. Sheldon writes every day of the week, dictating his novels in the morning...
      谢尔登一周 7 天都要写作,每天早上口述小说让别人记录。
      e.g. Everything he dictated was signed and sent out the same day.

      2. 命令;发号施令;强行规定
      If someone dictates to someone else, they tell them what they should do or can do.

      e.g. He had warned the West against trying to dictate to the Soviet Union...
      e.g. What right has one country to dictate the environmental standards of another?...

      3. 决定;支配;影响
      If one thing dictates another, the first thing causes or influences the second thing.


      e.g. The film's budget dictated a tough schedule...
      e.g. The way in which they dress is dictated by very rigid fashion rules...

      4. (理智或常识)认为,告诉
      You say that reason or common sense dictates that a particular thing is the case when you believe strongly that it is the case and that reason or common sense will cause other people to agree.

      e.g. Commonsense now dictates that it would be wise to sell a few shares.

      5. 命令;指令
      A dictate is an order which you have to obey.

      e.g. Their job is to ensure that the dictates of the Party are followed.

      6. 原则;规则;准则
      Dictates are principles or rules which you consider to be extremely important.


      e.g. We have followed the dictates of our consciences and have done our duty.

  •       常用短语

  •       常用例句

  •       词汇搭配

  •       经典引文


    依仗权势把…强加于 enforce (sth over which one has power) on
    dictate to sb

          How fast do you dictate to your secretary?


          Don't go home yet,I have three letters to dictate to you.


    dictate sth to sb

          He dictated a letter to his secretary.


          The teacher dictated a passage to the class.


    dictate to sb

          That boy always tries to dictate to his friends when they play together.


          Don't try to dictate to children, they will obey you better if you ask them politely.


          No person of a strong character likes to be dictated to.


          He refused to be dictated to.


    dictate to sb/sth

          The unions are hardly in a position to dictate to the Labour Party.


    dictate sth to sb/sth

          You should be able to dictate the terms of the agreement to the firm which you are buying.


    dictate to sb wh-clause

          The government tried to dictate to people how they should spend their money.


    dictate to sb wh-to-v

          No one is going to dictate to me where to live!



  •       The teacher was dictating.
  •       He cannot write but he can dictate.


  •       She dictated the matter.
  •       It took him a long time to dictate this letter.
  •       Businessmen often dictate their letters.
  •       The victorious nation dictated the conditions of peace.
  •       We're now in a position to dictate our own demands.

      用作动词 (v.)

  •       I could not receive such dictates without horror.

    出自:S. Johnson
  •       Follow the dictates of your heart.

    出自:P. G. Wodehouse
  •       The dictates of His Gracious Majesty, King George III.

    出自:V. S. Reid
  •       Prudence should have dictated a quiet and withdrawn residence.

    出自:R. Travers
  •       词语用法

  •       词源解说


  •       dictate的基本意思是大声讲或读,口授,也可用于口头发出权威性的指令,以此来支配或指导他人的行动。
  •       dictate可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。作及物动词时接名词或名词从句作宾语。
  •       dictate常和介词to连用,表示“向…口授”“向…传达命令”。
  •       ☆ 1590年左右进入英语,直接源自拉丁语的dictare,意为口授,笔录。
  •       近义词

  •       反义词

  •       临近词





      You can not dictate to your daughter how she should study.(你不能强行规定你女儿应该怎样学习。)

      Don't let anyone else dictate what goes on it.(请不要让其他任何人决定上面应该写什么。)

      I've got a long report I must dictate.(我拿到了一份我必须要口述的很长的报告。)

      Why does money dictate our passion or in most cases, kill it?(为什么金钱就支配了我们的热情,大多数情况是扼杀了热情?)

      Moreover, he wasn't about to let the enemy dictate their movements.(再说,他不想让敌人控制他们的动向。)

      Encrypt the request if the security policies dictate it.(如果安全策略要求,则对请求进行加密。)

      Decrypt the request if the security policies dictate it.(如果安全策略要求,则对请求进行解密。)

      Capabilities dictate what kind of data can flow through a pad.(这些功能表示什么类型的数据可以流经该单元。)

      Individual needs and experience will dictate your choice here.(这里依据个人需要和经验进行选择。)

      What right has one country to dictate the environmental standards of another?(一个国家有什么权利规定另一个国家的环境标准?)

      dictate是什么意思 dictate在线翻译 dictate什么意思 dictate的意思 dictate的翻译 dictate的解释 dictate的发音 dictate的同义词
