


      英 [ˈdɪgnəti]

      美 [ˈdɪgnəti]


      名词复数: dignities


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  •       尊严,自尊
  •       庄严(的气势),威严
  •       尊贵,高贵
  •       高位,显职,高官显贵
  •       高尚
  •       体面,端庄
  •       威风,威望,威仪,气派
  •       自爱
  •       自豪


  •       [U]庄严,端庄,尊严 calmness, formality, and seriousness of manner or style
  •       [U]高尚,尊贵,高贵 goodness and nobleness of character, of a kind that makes people feel respect and admiration
  •       [C]高位,显职,封号 a high position, rand, or title



      1. the quality of being worthy of esteem or respect

      e.g. it was beneath his dignity to cheat
      showed his true dignity when under pressure

      Synonym: self-respectself-regardself-worth

      2. formality in bearing and appearance

      e.g. he behaved with great dignity

      Synonym: lordlinessgravitas

      3. high office or rank or station

      e.g. he respected the dignity of the emissaries

      1. 庄严;庄重;端庄
      If someone behaves or moves with dignity, they are calm, controlled, and admirable.


      e.g. ...her extraordinary dignity and composure.

      2. 尊贵;高贵;高尚
      If you talk about the dignity of people or their lives or activities, you mean that they are valuable and worthy of respect.


      e.g. ...the sense of human dignity.
      e.g. ...the integrity and the dignity of our lives and feelings.

      3. 尊严;自尊
      Your dignity is the sense that you have of your own importance and value, and other people's respect for you.

      e.g. If you were wrong, admit it. You won't lose dignity, but will gain respect...
      e.g. She still has her dignity.

      1. 自尊:当我们发现自己无法通过自我的努力来克服羞耻时,我们就选择忽略它,我们用一系列的成功(accomplishments)支撑起我们的自尊(dignity),并以此来掩盖羞耻.

      2. 高贵:h)她--有機寶石--生存了一億四千多萬年青春的魅力-----自然(nature)她--擇于自然近于自然酷的品位---------酷(cool)她--極具個性象指紋永無雷同爽的灑脫-------高貴(dignity)她-居於上流社會,顯盡歐陸簡約流暢之風采潮流健康,

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    有失身份 below one's social, moral, etc. standards

      1. stand on one's dignity : 保持尊严; 坚持受到应有的礼遇; 摆架子;


  •       The dignity of the occasion was spoilt when she fell down the steps.
  •       He's afraid of losing dignity and won't speak a foreign language.
  •       The real dignity of a man lies in what he is, not in what he has.
  •       He was a person high in dignity.

      用作名词 (n.)

  •       I recollect no work of any dignity which has been lately published.

    出自:T. Jefferson
  •       Steel workers..prayed with the Pope..while he spoke of the dignity of labour.

  •       词源解说

  •       ☆ 13世纪初期进入英语,直接源自拉丁语的dignitas,意为尊贵。
  •       近义词

  •       临近词




      Tootles' face was very white, but there was a dignity about him now that had never been there before.(图托斯的脸色十分苍白,但现在他身上有一种以前从未有过的尊严。)

      He suffered a long series of illnesses with tremendous dignity and fortitude.(他在病魔的长久折磨下表现出了高度的尊严和刚毅。)

      Lower it slowly and with dignity.(慢慢地、有尊严地放下它。)

      Women deserve to be treated with dignity and they should make their voices heard in the world.(女性应该受到有尊严的对待,她们应该让世界听到她们的声音。)

      He is a practical humanist, who believes in the dignity of mankind.(他是个真正的人道主义者,信奉人类的尊严。)

      He had been robbed of his dignity.(他已失去了尊严。)

      Freedom and dignity illustrate the difficulty.(自由和尊严说明了困难。)

      It's difficult to preserve your dignity when you have no job and no home.(一个无家无业的人难以保持自己的尊严。)

      It's an affront to human dignity to keep someone alive like this.(让一个人如此活着是对人类尊严的一种侮辱。)

      She bore herself with dignity throughout the funeral.(整个葬礼过程中她都保持着尊严。)

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