


      英 [daɪˈlu:t]

      美 [daɪˈlut, dɪ-]



      形容词: dilutive 名词: diluter 过去式: diluted 过去分词: diluted 现在分词: diluting 第三人称单数: dilutes


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  •       稀释的
  •       淡的
  •       经稀释的
  •       减弱了的
  •       稀薄的
  •       液体
  •       冲淡的
  •       微弱的


  •       稀释
  •       削弱
  •       降低
  •       变稀薄
  •       变淡
  •       使变薄弱
  •       冲淡
  •       使降低效果
  •       变稀(释)变淡


  •       vt. 稀释,冲淡 make (a liquid) weaker and thinner by mixing another liquid with it


      1. lessen the strength or flavor of a solution or mixture

      e.g. cut bourbon

      Synonym: thinthin outreducecut

      2. corrupt, debase, or make impure by adding a foreign or inferior substance
      often by replacing valuable ingredients with inferior ones

      e.g. adulterate liquor

      Synonym: loadadulteratestretchdebase


      1. reduced in strength or concentration or quality or purity

      e.g. diluted alcohol
      a dilute solution
      dilute acetic acid

      Synonym: diluted

      1. (使)稀释;(使)冲淡
      If a liquid is diluted or dilutes, it is added to or mixes with water or another liquid, and becomes weaker.

      e.g. If you give your baby juice, dilute it well with cooled, boiled water...
      e.g. The liquid is then diluted...

      ...ditches dug for sewage dilution.

      2. 稀释过的;冲淡的
      A dilute liquid is very thin and weak, usually because it has had water added to it.

      e.g. ...a dilute solution of bleach.

      3. 削弱;降低;减轻
      If someone or something dilutes a belief, quality, or value, they make it weaker and less effective.

      e.g. There was a clear intention to dilute black voting power...
      e.g. Serious attention is being given to diluting the value of personal tax allowances.

      ...a potentially devastating dilution of earnings per share.

      1. 稀释:由于在低压下热传导之途径主要为辐射(Radiation)而非对流(Convection10X,MASK(即1:1,5:1,10:1)等,而根据其制作之材质又可分为石英光罩(QUARTY)体(Carrier Gas)、及稀释(Dilute)用途.

      2. 稀释,变淡,使变弱:diligent 勤勉的 | dilute 稀释,变淡,使变弱 | dimension 尺寸,大小

      3. 冲淡:diluent 冲淡的 | dilute 冲淡 | dilutedly 稀释地

      4. 冲淡;稀释:dilate膨胀,扩大; | dilute冲淡,稀释; | diminish减少,消失;

  •       常用短语

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  •       词汇搭配

  •       经典引文


    以…削弱 weaken (sth such as an idea) with (sth)


  •       The water will dilute the wine.
  • 1
  •       Strong acids are often diluted before they are used.
  •       The president's influence has been further diluted by the election of fifteen new senators from the opposition party.

      用作动词 (v.)

  •       Sunset mists diluted the moon.

    出自:E. Bowen
  •       Diluting brilliant essence With seepage of other minds.

    出自:R. Conquest
  •       词语用法


  •       dilute的基本意思是指将水等液体加入另一种液体中,使其浓度减弱,即“稀释,冲淡”,其宾语多为液体,引申可指将某一力量“削弱”。常与介词with搭配。
  •       近义词

  •       反义词

  •       临近词





      They waste money, and dilute the return on investments.(浪费了资金,降低了投资收益。)

      Large classes dilute the quality of education that children receive.(大班上课会降低孩子所受教育的质量。)

      Dilute the paint with water until it is the consistency of milk.(用水把颜料稀释到牛奶的黏稠度。)

      And the ideal dilute solution by itself isn't going to tell us about that.(理想稀溶液自己,不会告诉我们这些。)

      Dilute the ammonia with water before you use it.(使用氨之前用水稀释它。)

      A solution would be to store the product in powder form and dilute it just before use.(解决办法是以粉末形式储存产品,在使用前进行稀释。)

      Picking so many sectors as winners, however, may dilute any impact on each one.(然而挑选这么多行业作为赢家,可能会减弱对单个行业的影响。)

      Don't dilute wasabi's kick by mixing it into your soy sauce.(不要把芥末混在酱油里,会稀释它的味道。)

      Where you have just very dilute solutions.(你们会有非常稀的溶液。)

      Dilute the juice (with water) before you drink it.(喝果汁之前,用水把它冲淡。)

      dilute是什么意思 dilute在线翻译 dilute什么意思 dilute的意思 dilute的翻译 dilute的解释 dilute的发音 dilute的同义词
