


      英 [ˈdɪndʒi]

      美 [ˈdɪŋi]


      副词: dingily 比较级: dingier 最高级: dingiest 名词: dinginess


  •       词典解释

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      1. (建筑或地方)昏暗的,破败的
      A dingy building or place is rather dark and depressing, and perhaps dirty.

      e.g. Shaw took me to his rather dingy office.

      2. (衣服、室内陈设等)肮脏的,褪色的,暗淡的
      Dingy clothes, curtains, or furnishings look dirty or dull.

      e.g. ...wallpaper with stripes of dingy yellow.

      1. 浊色:Dilution ratio 稀释比例 | Dingy 浊色 | Dipping 浸渍涂层

      2. dingy

      2. 无[失去]光泽的:dinge (车身)小凹陷或擦痕 | dingy 无[失去]光泽的 | dint 凹[压,打]痕

      3. 暗黑的:dingus 小装置 | dingy 暗黑的 | dining alcove 小饭厅

      4. 暗的:geek 怪人 | dingy 暗的 | Halloween 万圣节(前夜)

  •       经典引文

  •       Its plumage of a dingy, yellowish white.

  •       A bare and dingy room in a..shabby hostel.

    出自:W. Gerhardie
  •       She's not for a dingy little man of letters; she's for..the bright rich world.

  •       近义词

  •       临近词




      They mostly operate from their own shelters in dingy by lanes near Sriya Square.(他们大多从自己脏乱的庇护所到斯里亚(Sriya)广场边的小巷里经营。)

      She hung her coat upon the hook in the entrance to the small, dingy apartment, and opened the door to the kitchen.(她把衣服挂到狭小、肮脏的公寓门口的衣架上,打开门进到厨房。)

      It is getting a bit dirty and dingy.(房子变得又脏又暗了。)

      A dingy roof was erected, hiding a domed glass ceiling.(一个黑暗的屋顶被竖立起来,遮盖住了圆顶玻璃天花板。)

      A dingy yellow brings about negative feelings: caution, criticism, laziness, and jealousy.(肮脏的黄色带来负面的感觉:警告,批评,懒惰和嫉妒。)

      The poor were housed in dingy rotting buildings.(穷人住在昏暗的朽烂的房子里。)

      Small Spaces don't have to feel dark, dingy or cramped.(小空间并不意谓着黑暗、肮脏、狭窄。)

      The snow-capped peaks north of the fire are dingy brown and partially obscured by smoke.(山火北面的山峰雪顶显出黯淡的褐色,一部分被浓烟遮掩。)

      In the latter, crowds on cold errands shifted past dingy stores, in the deep recesses of which lights were already gleaming.(在波威里街上,冒着寒冷出来办事的人,转过一家又一家幽暗的店铺,店堂的深处已经亮起了灯光。)

      The landlord pays cleaners who come daily, and there is a dingy shared washroom where residents can clean their belongings.(房东雇了清洁工每天来打扫,还有一个昏暗的公用盥洗室,供住户们洗自己的东西。)

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