


      英 [dɜ:t]

      美 [dɜ:rt]




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  •       丑闻
  •       泥土,烂泥,散土,松土
  •       污物;污垢,灰尘,尘土
  •       下流话
  •       色情描写
  •       无价值的东西
  •       闲话;恶言
  •       肮脏
  •       流言蜚语
  •       油垢
  •       土地
  •       【采矿】冲积泥,碎矿石废物,废渣,杂质


  •       弄脏


  •       [U]污垢,灰尘,脏土 matter that is not clean; such as mud or dust
  •       [U]泥土; 松土 soil; loose earth
  •       [U]下流话 obscene thought or talk
  •       [U]恶言; 丑闻 nasty talk about sb



      1. disgraceful gossip about the private lives of other people

      Synonym: scandalmalicious gossip

      2. the state of being covered with unclean things

      Synonym: filthgrimesoilstaingreasegrunge

      3. the part of the earth's surface consisting of humus and disintegrated rock

      Synonym: soil

      4. obscene terms for feces

      Synonym: crapshitshitepoopturd



      1. (of roads) not leveled or drained
      unsuitable for all year travel

      Synonym: ungraded

      1. 灰尘;尘土;污物
      If there is dirt on something, there is dust, mud, or a stain on it.

      e.g. I started to scrub off the dirt.

      2. 泥土;尘土;松土
      You can refer to the earth on the ground as dirt, especially when it is dusty.

      e.g. They all sit on the dirt in the dappled shade of a tree.

      3. (路面、地面等)土的,泥的
      A dirt road or track is made from hard earth. A dirt floor is made from earth without any cement, stone, or wood laid on it.

      e.g. I drove along the dirt road...
      e.g. The rooster chased me across the dirt floor of the barn.

      4. 丑闻;丑事;流言蜚语
      If you say that you have the dirt on someone, you mean that you have information that could harm their reputation or career.


      e.g. Steve was keen to get all the dirt he could on her...
      e.g. Both parties use computers to dig up dirt on their opponents.

      5. 说闲话;散布流言蜚语
      If someone dishes the dirt on you, they say bad things about you, without worrying if they are true or not, or if they will damage your reputation.


      e.g. He dishes the dirt on his buddies.

      6. 视…如草芥;瞧不起;轻视
      If you say that someone treats you like dirt, you are angry with them because you think that they treat you unfairly and with no respect.

      e.g. People think they can treat me like dirt!

      1. 泥土:经由交叉授粉(Cross-Pollination)的过程,你也可能成为第一位培育出独特新品种植物的人.为了种种子,你需要一个特定的盆子.这种盆子可以在杂货商(Provisioner)那里以低廉的价格买到.有了盆子之後,需要先填充泥土 (Dirt) 才能下種.

      2. 流言:FOX电视台 <>(Dirt)简评:这部剧搞砸了一个小报主编和她的报道计划,即便<>女星柯特妮考克斯加盟主演,这部剧的观赏性也不够. 也许编剧该向<>借鉴点素材. 2. FOX电视台 <>(24)简评:2006年是<>最好的一季,

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  •       经典引文

      1. eat dirt : 含垢忍辱;

      2. dirt cheap : adj, adv 非常便宜的(地), 毫无价值的(地);


  •       Wash the dirt off.
  •       The children were outside playing happily in the dirt.
  •       I do not hear this dirt.

      用作名词 (n.)

  •       Spacious in the possession of dirt.

  •       The dirt of gentry sat and ate up your rents but you were as good as they were.

    出自:L. G. Gibbon
  •       What's the point of having grown children if they won't tell you the dirt?

    出自:L. Alther
  •       词源解说

  •       ☆ 直接源自中古英语的drit,意为脏,排粪。
  •       近义词

  •       临近词




      He brushed the dirt off his jacket.(他拂掉衣服上的灰尘。)

      After clearing the loose dirt, rub your keys with the cloth as well.(在清洗完较松的灰尘后,同样用布搓你的钥匙。)

      The dirt on her hands was ground in.(她手上的泥渍住了。)

      Dirt had collected in the corners of the room.(房间的角落里积满了灰尘。)

      I started to scrub off the dirt.(我开始擦除灰尘。)

      The jeep bumped along the dirt track.(吉普车在土路上颠簸着行驶。)

      People think they can treat me like dirt!(人们竟然认为可以把我完全不当一回事!)

      His clothes were covered in dirt.(他的衣服沾满了污垢。)

      A dirt road passes through the town.(一条土路穿过那座城镇。)

      This new kitchen cleaner is formulated to cut through grease and dirt.(这种新的厨房清洁剂能去除油渍和污垢。)

      dirt是什么意思 dirt在线翻译 dirt什么意思 dirt的意思 dirt的翻译 dirt的解释 dirt的发音 dirt的同义词
