


      英 [dɪsˈeɪbl]

      美 [dɪsˈebəl]

      v.使 ... 失去能力

      形容词: disabling 副词: disablingly 名词: disablement 过去式: disabled 过去分词: disabled 现在分词: disabling 第三人称单数: disables


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  •       使失去能力,使无能,使不中用
  •       使无效
  •       使残废,使伤残,使丧失活动能力
  •       【律】使无资格,使无能力
  •       使不能正常运转


  •       vt. 使(人)无能力; 使残废 make (a person) unable to do sth, especially to use his body properly



      1. injure permanently

      e.g. He was disabled in a car accident

      Synonym: invalidincapacitatehandicap

      2. make unable to perform a certain action

      e.g. disable this command on your computer

      Synonym: disenableincapacitate

      1. 使丧失能力;使伤残
      If an injury or illness disables someone, it affects them so badly that it restricts the way that they can live their life.

      e.g. She did all this tendon damage and it really disabled her...
      e.g. Although disabled by polio during the Second World War, Proctor was also a first-rate helmsman.

      ...skin ulcers which are disfiguring and sometimes disabling.

      2. (通常指暂时地)使无效,使不能正常运转
      If someone or something disables a system or mechanism, they stop it working, usually temporarily.

      e.g. ...if you need to disable a car alarm.

      1. 禁止:(23)C8000-CBFFF Shadow/DFFFF Shadow:这些内存区域用来作为其他扩充卡的ROM映射区,一般都设定为 禁止(Disable). 如果有某一扩充卡ROM需要映射,则用户应搞清楚该ROM将映射地址和范围,可以将上述的 几个内存区域都置为Enable;

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    因…而无能力,残疾 make (a person) unable to do sth for some reason
    disable sb for sth

          They were disabled by age or sickness.


          Nobody can avoid being disabled by age.



  •       The accident disabled him for work.
  •       One bomb can disable a ship.
  • 1
  •       He was disabled in the war.
  •       The plane was critically disabled when one of the engines caught fire.

      用作动词 (v.)

  •       Men are disabled from understanding what they have been taught to condemn.

    出自:R. D. Hampden
  •       A car that is disabled or illegally parked.

    出自:Scientific American
  •       词语用法

  •       词义讲解


  •       disable的基本意思是指某一偶然事件、某一伤害或某一影响等会使某人丧失能力或力量。
  •       disable是及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语。


disable, unable
  •       disable和unable都含有“无能”的意思,都是able的派生词。但disable是动词,表示“使无能”“使伤残”,而unable是形容词,表示“无法的”“无能的”; disable其后不可接不定式,而unable后面可接动词不定式。
    •       高考真题例句

          高考真题例句OG 1.disable

          So if we send out a robot with the single instruction of fetching coffee, it will have a strong desire to secure success by disabling its own off switch or even killing anyone who might interfere with its task.

          如果我们派出一个机器人, 只下达一个取咖啡的指令, 它就会强烈地希望通过关闭自己的开关, 甚至杀死任何可能干扰它的人来确保成功。


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          You can now disable one policy and enable the other.(现在可以禁用一个策略并启用另一个策略。)

          If you care [about that], you should disable it.(他说,如果你真的很在意这个,你就应该禁用它。)

          To disable a template, uncheck the box next to it.(为了冻结一个模板,您可以取消它旁边复选框的选择。)

          Disable sound alerts and popups.(关闭声音提醒和弹出提示。)

          You can also disable SSO.(您还可以禁用sso。)

          System administrators can disable manual installation.(系统管理员可以禁用手动安装。)

          Disable application signal handling.(禁用应用程序信号处理。)

          There will be television chat shows hosted by robots, and cars with pollution monitors that will disable them when they offend.(届时,将出现由机器人主持的电视谈话节目以及装有污染监控器的汽车,一旦这些汽车排污超标(违规),监控器就会使其停驶。)

          Disable Useless Theorizing.(禁用无用的推理。)

          You also provided a way to enable and disable a person.(而且还提供了一种用于启用和禁用人员的方法。)

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          disable是什么意思 disable在线翻译 disable什么意思 disable的意思 disable的翻译 disable的解释 disable的发音 disable的同义词
