


      英 [ˌdɪsəˈpɪə(r)]

      美 [ˌdɪsəˈpɪr]


      名词: disappearance 过去式: disappeared 过去分词: disappeared 现在分词: disappearing 第三人称单数: disappears


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  •       突然离开
  •       被做掉了
  •       被囚禁
  •       失踪,消失,消逝,消散,不见
  •       消亡,消退
  •       隐藏,隐匿,隐没
  •       移开,避开,拔腿就走
  •       不复存在,不再使用, 灭绝
  •       失踪(南美政权对付反对分子的手段--令其失踪)
  •       引起...消失


  •       vi. 不见,消失 no longer be visible; vanish
  •       vi. 不复存在 stop existing


      1. become less intense and fade away gradually

      e.g. her resistance melted under his charm
      her hopes evaporated after years of waiting for her fiance

      Synonym: meltevaporate

      2. get lost, as without warning or explanation

      e.g. He disappeared without a trace

      Synonym: vanishgo away

      3. cease to exist

      e.g. An entire civilization vanished

      Synonym: vanish

      4. become invisible or unnoticeable

      e.g. The effect vanished when day broke

      Synonym: vanishgo away

      1. (通常指因位置改变而)消失,不见
      If you say that someone or something disappears, you mean that you can no longer see them, usually because you or they have changed position.

      e.g. The black car drove away from them and disappeared...
      e.g. Clive disappeared into a room by himself...

      2. 消失;失踪
      If someone or something disappears, they go away or are taken away somewhere where nobody can find them.

      e.g. ...a Japanese woman who disappeared thirteen years ago...
      一个 13 年前失踪的日本女人
      e.g. Janet's husband and sister noticed that small kitchen objects were disappearing with increasing regularity.

      3. 不复存在;灭绝;消亡
      If something disappears, it stops existing or happening.

      e.g. The immediate security threat has disappeared.

      1. 蒸发疑云:<>(Disappear) 上映日期:2003年5月9日 上海金棕榈影视制作有限公司2003年出品 编剧:郑向虹 导演:陈健 主演:杜德伟、陈德容、于荣光、小凡、刘琦 沈志豪 姚丽娜 人物介绍: 徐成 三十多...共2次编辑


      2. 无影无踪:提示:鬼魂(ghosts)来无影去无踪. 他们跟男朋友绝交的时候,消失得无影无踪(disappear)正在情理之中.

      3. 消失--appear 出现:disagreement 不一致--agreement 一致 | disappear 消失--appear 出现 | disappoint 使失望--encourage 鼓励

  •       常用例句

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  •       经典引文


  •       He disappeared.
  •       The car gathered speed and soon disappeared from view.
  •       My dictionary disappeared off the table.
  •       A ship disappeared below the horizon.
  •       All her misery had disappeared.
  •       The snow will soon disappear when the warm weather comes.

      用作动词 (v.)

  •       He disappears into..the pork butcher's.

  •       The giant planes climbed into the darkness and disappeared.

    出自:L. Deighton
  •       词义讲解


disappear, fade, vanish
  •       这组词都有“消失”的意思。其区别在于:fade强调的是逐渐消失的过程; disappear一般指具体、有形的东西、事物突然或逐渐地“不见”,强调的是“看不见了”“不再存在了”的结果; vanish强调的是消失的彻底性,即“化为乌有”,往往带有一定的神秘色彩,在表达人或物消失了、看不见了时, disappear和vanish可以互换。
    •       高考真题例句

          高考真题例句OG 1.disappear

          The glaciers(冰川)are disappearing, changing the face of Kilimanjaro.

          冰川日渐消融, 乞力马扎罗山的容颜在悄然而逝。


          高考真题例句OG 2.disappear

          By the 1920s, wolves had practically disappeared from the Yellowstone area.

          到了20世纪20年代, 狼群几乎从黄石公园地区消失了。


    •       近义词

    •       反义词

    •       临近词





          If you go, I will disappear.(如果你走,我也会消失。)

          Will the newspapers disappear?(纸质报纸会消失吗?)

          I hope that he will disappear forever.(我希望他永远消失。)

          I won't let you disappear.(我不会让你消失的。)

          I would like to disappear from this world forever.(我想从这个世界上永远消失。)

          They run away from the problem, hoping it will disappear of its own accord.(他们回避了这个问题,希望它会自行消失。)

          I'll disappear right away.(我会立即消失。)

          Those names will soon disappear.(那些名字很快就会消失。)

          Industry may disappear if the manufacturing economy remains on a downswing.(如果制造业持续下滑,工业可能会不复存在。)

          Will the paper books disappear?(纸质的书籍会消失吗?)

          disappear是什么意思 disappear在线翻译 disappear什么意思 disappear的意思 disappear的翻译 disappear的解释 disappear的发音 disappear的同义词
