


      英 [ˈdɪskaʊnt]

      美 [ˈdɪsˌkaʊnt]




      形容词: discountable 过去式: discounted 过去分词: discounted 现在分词: discounting 第三人称单数: discounts


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  •       折扣
  •       【商】贴现率,折现率;贴现,折现
  •       不全信
  •       打折扣,让头
  •       折息,扣息
  •       不考虑,不重视
  •       折算率
  •       酌减量
  •       扣除


  •       打折扣出售商品,将…打折扣,将商品打去…折扣
  •       低估;贬损
  •       不全相信,怀疑地看待
  •       漠视,忽视,藐视,不重视,不考虑
  •       预计到
  •       打折扣买,打折扣借
  •       【商】贴现,将…贴现
  •       先扣(若干)利息
  •       减弱(事件等的效果)
  •       【台球】向(对方)让分
  •       减息贷款


  •       [C][U]折扣(额) amount of money taken off the cost of sth


  •       vt. & vi. 打折扣,减价出售 give less than the stated price for a bill of exchange
  •       vt. 不考虑; 不全信 pay little attention to; believe sth to be unimportant or not completely true


      1. the act of reducing the selling price of merchandise

      Synonym: price reductiondeduction

      2. an amount or percentage deducted

      Synonym: deduction

      3. a refund of some fraction of the amount paid

      Synonym: rebate

      4. interest on an annual basis deducted in advance on a loan

      Synonym: discount ratebank discount


      1. bar from attention or consideration

      e.g. She dismissed his advances

      Synonym: dismissdisregardbrush asidebrush offpush asideignore

      2. give a reduction in price on

      e.g. I never discount these books-they sell like hot cakes

      Pronounced /'dɪskaʊnt/ for meanings 1 and 2, and /dɪs'kaʊnt/ for meaning 3. 义项 1 和义项 2 读作 /'dɪskaʊnt/,义项 3 读作/dɪs'kaʊnt/。

      1. 减价;折扣
      A discount is a reduction in the usual price of something.

      e.g. They are often available at a discount...
      e.g. Full-time staff get a 20 per cent discount.
      全职员工享受 20% 的折扣。

      2. 给…打折;打折出售
      If a shop or company discounts an amount or percentage from something that they are selling, they take the amount or percentage off the usual price.


      e.g. This has forced airlines to discount fares heavily in order to spur demand...
      e.g. Tour prices are being discounted as much as 33%.
      旅行价格打了 6.7 折之多。

      3. 认为(某种思想、事实、理论)不重要;不全信;认为…不相关
      If you discount an idea, fact, or theory, you consider that it is not true, not important, or not relevant.

      e.g. However, traders tended to discount the rumor...
      e.g. This theory has now been discounted.

      1. 贴现:经过背书转让的票据,背书人负有担保票据...贴现(Discount) 贴现概述 一般而言,票据贴现可以分为三种,分别是贴现、转贴现和再贴现. 贴现是指银行承兑汇票的持票人在汇票到期日前,为了取得资金,贴付一定利息将票据权利转让给银行的票据行为,

      2. discount的解释

      2. 打折扣:另外中国人通常会把欠外国人的人情债打折扣(discount),因为他们认为外国人只是暂时(transient)存在于他们的生活中,不会在中国待很久. 小心并审慎地(carefully and sparingly)利用关系. 特别要小心专门替人搞关系赚钱的人(guanxi merchant).

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      B:Doesn‘t the quantity discount apply on this order ?


      A:No ,I‘m sorry ,but it doesn‘t.

      B:Why not?

      A:Because these items are from different shipments.



      A:You could save a lot if you would order a little more .

      B:How could we do that ?

      A:We offer a discount for large orders .

      B:Let me take another look at our requirements .


      A:We can offer a 10% discount for orders over 10000 pieces.


      B:I‘m not sure we can use that many .


      A:It would represent quite a savings .

      B:Ok, I‘ll see what I can do .


    〈正〉不值钱的,不受重视的,不受欢迎的 not valuable or wanted

      1. at a discount : 没销路;


  •       I can give you a small discount.
  •       At that shop you can get discount.


  •       That store does not discount at all.

      用作名词 (n.)


      用作动词 (v.)

  •       One learns to mentally discount the statements made by the natives.

    出自:C. J. Wills
  •       He gave me..good advice which I was unwise enough to discount.

    出自:G. Greene
  •       That was the least of the dangers..and one almost to be discounted.

    出自:W. Golding
  •       词语用法


  •       discount用作动词的基本意思是“打折”,即从要价中扣除一部分作为立即付款的报酬,引申则指对某人的话或消息“不全信”,甚至“不考虑”。
  •       discount作“打折”解用作及物动词时,可接名词或代词作宾语; 作“不全信,不考虑”解时,主要用作及物动词,可接名词作宾语,可用于被动结构。
  •       高考真题例句


      The Opera honors Enjoy the Arts membership discounts.



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      You discount the tremendous amount of work they've done to get to where they are.(你低估了他们为达到现在的成就所做的大量工作。)

      Use discount tickets at the supermarket—but use them correctly.(在超市使用打折票——但要正确使用。)

      To protect your sense of yourself, you begin to discount the goal.(为了保护你的自我意识,你开始对目标打折扣。)

      It has the latest styles and gives a 30% discount to husbands who shop alone.(它有最新的款式,单独购物的丈夫可以享受30%的折扣。)

      This has forced airlines to discount fares heavily in order to spur demand.(这已经迫使多家航空公司对机票大幅打折以刺激需求。)

      In 1979, Liquor Barn thrived as a discount merchandiser.(1979年,作为折扣酒品专卖店的立可仓生意兴隆。)

      Seniors can enjoy 25% discount on the ticket price.(老年人可以享受25%的票价折扣。)

      Another reason why I prefer shopping online is that I can always buy things at a discount.(我更喜欢网购的另一个原因是我通常都能够用折扣价买东西。)

      Much of the discount is pocketed by retailers instead of being passed on to customers.(折扣的大部分进了零售商的腰包,而顾客没有得到实惠。)

      And if you're travelling with children, you might be able to get a discount if you fly economy class.(如果你和孩子一起旅行,乘坐经济舱可能会有折扣。)

      discount是什么意思 discount在线翻译 discount什么意思 discount的意思 discount的翻译 discount的解释 discount的发音 discount的同义词
