


      英 [ˌdɪsɪˈlu:ʒn]

      美 [ˌdɪsɪˈluʒən]



      形容词: disillusive 名词: disillusionment 过去式: disillusioned 过去分词: disillusioned 现在分词: disillusioning 第三人称单数: disillusions


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  •       [U]醒悟;幻想破灭 the state of being disillusioned


  •       vt. 使不再抱幻想,使理想破灭 set free from illusions,hopes or beliefs


      1. freeing from false belief or illusions

      Synonym: disenchantmentdisillusionment



      1. free from enchantment

      Synonym: disenchant

      1. 使醒悟;使不再抱幻想;使理想破灭
      If a person or thing disillusions you, they make you realize that something is not as good as you thought.

      e.g. I'd hate to be the one to disillusion him...
      e.g. He said he had been bitterly disillusioned by his country's failure to change into a democracy.

      2. 同 disillusionment
      Disillusion is the same as disillusionment .

      e.g. There is disillusion with established political parties.

      1. 醒悟:denounce 指责,谴责 | disillusion 醒悟 | eliminate 根除

      2. 使幻想破灭:delusion 欺骗;被骗;迷惑 | disillusion ; 使幻想破灭 | allusion 提及, 暗示

      3. 幻灭;失望:4. illusion 幻想 | disillusion 幻灭;失望 | delusion 幻觉;错觉

  •       常用例句

  •       经典引文


  •       In disillusion she quitted the job.


  •       I hate to disillusion him.
  •       The general climate was one of war weariness and disillusion after the elation of victory.

    出自:H. Acton
  •       Randall could not believe in victory: he had been disillusioned too often.

    出自:C. S. Forester
  •       近义词

  •       临近词




      Santa Claus and it would be cruel to disillusion her.(她圣诞老,使她幻想破灭于忍。)

      I knew it all, the whole drab compass of marital disillusion.(我清楚地知道婚姻幻灭的单调乏味的境界。)

      His voice seemed full of disillusion and he stopped and lay back on the ground.(它的声音似乎充满了清醒,他停下来躺在了地上。)

      That is an example of the tragic disillusion of personal independence.(个人独立性的悲剧性幻灭,这就是明证。)

      Youth is a tale of disillusion which is presented by the sharp contrast between narrator Marlow and seaman Marlow.(文章通过水手马洛和叙述者马洛之间的差异论述了《青春》中所透露的幻灭感。)

      There is a whole world of anxiety and disillusion behind those bald employment figures.(在那些光秃秃的就业数字背后是整个世界的焦虑和幻灭。)

      Widespread disillusion, even dissent, does not guarantee mobilization, however.(不过,普遍的觉醒甚至异见并不一定能把人们调动起来。)

      I hate to disillusion you, but not everyone is as honest as you.(我实在不愿把实情告诉你,但并非人人都像你那样诚实。)

      She doesn't know her father is a thief, and I don't want to disillusion her.(她不知道她的父亲是个贼,我也不愿意向她揭露她父亲的真面目。)

      The disillusion of humanism — the analysis of love in zhang ai-ling's writings.(人本主义的幻灭——谈张爱玲小说创作中对爱的解析。)

      disillusion是什么意思 disillusion在线翻译 disillusion什么意思 disillusion的意思 disillusion的翻译 disillusion的解释 disillusion的发音 disillusion的同义词
