


      英 [ˈdɪzməl]

      美 [ˈdɪzməl]


      副词: dismally 名词: dismalness


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  •       凄凉的,惨淡的,凄惨的
  •       忧郁的,阴郁的
  •       沉闷的,无趣的
  •       阴暗的,阴沉的,阴惨惨的, 阴森森的
  •       令人悲伤的
  •       使人惊恐的,可怕的,阴森可怕的
  •       软弱无力的
  •       不熟练的
  •       差劲的,不怎么样的


  •       令人忧郁的事
  •       沮丧,低落的情绪
  •       抑郁,忧郁
  •       沼泽地, 浅沼泽


  •       阴沉的,凄凉的,令人忧郁的 dark and gloomy;dreary


      1. causing dejection

      e.g. a blue day
      the dark days of the war
      a week of rainy depressing weather
      a disconsolate winter landscape
      the first dismal dispiriting days of November
      a dark gloomy day
      grim rainy weather

      Synonym: bluedarkdingydisconsolategloomygrimsorrydrabdreardreary

      1. 忧郁的;凄凉的;令人沮丧的
      Something that is dismal is bad in a sad or depressing way.

      e.g. ...Israel's dismal record in the Olympics...
      e.g. My prospects of returning to a suitable job are dismal...

      He failed dismally in his opening match.

      2. (尤指外表)阴暗的,阴沉的,沉闷的
      Something that is dismal is sad and depressing, especially in appearance.

      e.g. The main part of the hospital is pretty dismal but the children's ward is really lively.
      e.g. ...a dark dismal day with rain falling steadily...

      1. 忧郁的:dislike 厌恶 | dismal 忧郁的 | dismay 惊愕

      2. 凄凉的:dilapidated house 部分毁坏的房屋 | dismal 凄凉的 | distress signal 船只遇难时的求救信号

      3. 阴暗的:discrete#分立的 | dismal#阴暗的 | docile#听话的;温顺的

      4. 忧郁的;凄凉的;抑郁的;阴暗的:distal 末梢的 | dismal 忧郁的;凄凉的;抑郁的;阴暗的 | intestine 内部的, 国内的n.[解, 动]肠

  •       常用例句

  •       词汇搭配

  •       经典引文


  •       The dismal weather hung on for days.
  •       The author of the book painted a dismal picture of the future.

      用作形容词 (adj.)

  •       An ugly feend, more fowle than dismall day.

  •       近义词

  •       反义词

  •       临近词





      The Dismal Scientist, a webzine dedicated to economic news, is fun.(经济新闻网络杂志《忧郁科学家》趣闻十足。)

      This month's report was particularly dismal.(这个月的报告特别令人沮丧。)

      Dismal economic findings have analysts fearing a double dip.(对经济低潮期调查的结果使分析家们担忧会有一个再度衰退。)

      The singer gave a dismal performance of some old songs.(那歌手唱了几首老歌,唱得不怎么样。)

      I find economics a little bit dismal science.(我觉得经济学是门很沉重的科学。)

      But the past year has been especially dismal.(但是过去的一年特别艰难。)

      Meanwhile, the Labour market remains dismal.(与此同时,劳动力市场依旧萧条。)

      But this dismal situation cannot last.(还好这种情况不会永远持续。)

      In any other field such results would be dismal.(在其他任何领域,这种结果都令人沮丧。)

      Other countries face this dismal prospect too.(其他国家也面临同样令人沮丧的明天。)

      dismal是什么意思 dismal在线翻译 dismal什么意思 dismal的意思 dismal的翻译 dismal的解释 dismal的发音 dismal的同义词
