


      英 [ˌdɪsrɪˈgɑ:d]

      美 [ˌdɪsrɪˈgɑ:rd]



      形容词: disregardful 名词: disregarder 过去式: disregarded 过去分词: disregarded 现在分词: disregarding 第三人称单数: disregards


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  •       漠视
  •       蔑视
  •       不尊重
  •       忽视
  •       不理
  •       不顾
  •       轻视
  •       无视
  •       不理会


  •       不理
  •       轻视
  •       不顾
  •       不理会
  •       漠视
  •       不尊重
  •       不管
  •       蔑视
  •       忽略
  •       撇开
  •       没有理
  •       置之度外
  •       置之不理
  •       忽略不计
  •       没有把…放在眼里
  •       无视
  •       忽视


  •       vt. 不顾,不理会,无视 pay no attention to; treat as unimportant or unworthy of notice


  •       [U]漠视,忽视,蔑视 lack of proper attention to or respect for sb/sth


      1. willful lack of care and attention

      Synonym: neglect

      2. lack of attention and due care

      Synonym: neglect


      1. give little or no attention to

      e.g. Disregard the errors

      Synonym: neglectignore

      2. bar from attention or consideration

      e.g. She dismissed his advances

      Synonym: dismissbrush asidebrush offdiscountpush asideignore

      3. refuse to acknowledge

      e.g. She cut him dead at the meeting

      Synonym: ignoresnubcut

      1. 不理会;不顾;漠视
      If you disregard something, you ignore it or do not take account of it.

      e.g. He disregarded the advice of his executives...
      e.g. Critics say he allowed the police and security forces to disregard human rights.

      1. 忽视:译文及重点词汇重现:但是人类的大脑在一瞥(glimpse)之下就能发现一个迅速变化的场景(changing scene),随即忽视(disregard)百分之九十八的不相关(irrelevant)部分,瞬间把注意力集中(focus on)到蜿蜒的森林小路边上的猴子身上或大群人中的一张可疑面孔上.

      2. disregard的意思

      2. 漠视:对证据的'漠视'('disregard')、'扭曲'('distortion')以及'误述'('misrepresentation'),就其在司法或准司法程序中的一般含义而言,并非仅仅意味着在证据的鉴别中的一个判断错误,而是质疑专家组的诚信的一个异乎寻常的错误(anegregiouserror).

  •       常用例句

  •       词汇搭配

  •       经典引文


  •       She completely disregarded all our objections.
  •       They disregarded the notice about not walking on the grass.


  •       The government has shown a total disregard for the needs of the poor.
  •       He did it in disregard of any advice.

      用作动词 (v.)


      用作名词 (n.)

  •       The Bishops fell under a general disregard.

    出自:D. Neal
  •       A complete disregard for social convention.

    出自:J. Rosenberg
  •       近义词

  •       反义词

  •       临近词





      He showed a flagrant disregard for anyone else's feelings.(他公然蔑视任何人的感情。)

      If people disregard the great works of the past, it is because these works no longer answer the needs of the present.(如果人们忽视了过去的伟大成就,是因为这些成就不再满足现今的需要了。)

      So for now I would disregard the deficit hawks.(所以现在我不会理会那些关于赤字的叫喊。)

      But I sense you gaily disregard this rule daily, as indeed do I.(但我感到,你每天都在快乐地忽略这一点,就像我一样。)

      Disregard all prognostications.(无视所有的预言。)

      The players have shown, it says, a total disregard for millions of loyal football fans.(该文章称,这些球员完全漠视了数百万忠实的球迷的感受。)

      He had a naughty schoolboy's gleeful disregard for rules.(他有顽皮小学生一样的对于无视规则的欣喜。)

      But he was already infatuated, in utter disregard of his tongue.(但他已经如痴如醉,全然不顾自己的舌头了。)

      Acts of trespass and petty theft often grew out of the blithe disregard that boys had for private property.(擅自侵入和小偷小摸的行为经常出自于男孩子们对私有财物漫不经心的轻视态度。)

      She shows a total disregard for other people's feelings.(她丝毫不顾及别人的感受。)

      disregard是什么意思 disregard在线翻译 disregard什么意思 disregard的意思 disregard的翻译 disregard的解释 disregard的发音 disregard的同义词
