


      英 [dɪˈzɒlv]

      美 [dɪˈzɑ:lv]




      形容词: dissolvable 名词: dissolver 过去式: dissolved 过去分词: dissolved 现在分词: dissolving 第三人称单数: dissolves


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  •       【电影】渐隐,画面的溶暗,叠化画面
  •       叠化器


  •       使溶解
  •       使融化,使液化
  •       使感动,使激动,使情不自禁,感动,软化
  •       使沉浸于
  •       使消失,消除
  •       【电影、电视】使(画面)叠化,使淡入淡出
  •       解开,松开,使放松
  •       溶解
  •       融化,液化
  •       (婚姻、联盟、合伙等关系)终结,终止,结束,解除,破裂
  •       分解,分裂
  •       解散
  •       使分解,使分离,使分裂
  •       淡化,(雾等)消散,消失,逐渐减弱
  •       失去效力(或约束力),失去强度(或力量)
  •       被解决
  •       变成,化成
  •       被感动,激动,情不自禁
  •       【电影、电视】(画面)叠化,淡入淡出
  •       使终结,解除(婚姻关系),终止(商业协议)
  •       解散(议会等)
  •       【律】废除
  •       使破灭,摧毁,毁灭
  •       破除…的约束力,消除…的影响
  •       解决,解答,解释,澄清


  •       vt. & vi. (使)溶解 (cause to) dissolve
  •       vt. & vi. 结束 bring to an end


      1. (film) a gradual transition from one scene to the next
      the next scene is gradually superimposed as the former scene fades out


      1. declare void

      e.g. The President dissolved the parliament and called for new elections

      Synonym: dismiss

      2. come to an end

      e.g. Their marriage dissolved
      The tobacco monopoly broke up

      Synonym: break up

      3. bring the association of to an end or cause to break up

      e.g. The decree officially dissolved the marriage
      the judge dissolved the tobacco company

      Synonym: break up

      4. become or cause to become soft or liquid

      e.g. The sun melted the ice
      the ice thawed
      the ice cream melted
      The heat melted the wax
      The giant iceberg dissolved over the years during the global warming phase
      dethaw the meat

      Synonym: thawunfreezeunthawdethawmelt

      5. pass into a solution

      e.g. The sugar quickly dissolved in the coffee

      6. cause to go into a solution

      e.g. The recipe says that we should dissolve a cup of sugar in two cups of water

      Synonym: resolvebreak up

      7. become weaker

      e.g. The sound faded out

      Synonym: fade outfade away

      8. cause to fade away

      e.g. dissolve a shot or a picture

      9. lose control emotionally

      e.g. She dissolved into tears when she heard that she had lost all her savings in the pyramid scheme

      10. cause to lose control emotionally

      e.g. The news dissolved her into tears

      11. stop functioning or cohering as a unit

      e.g. The political wing of the party dissolved after much internal fighting

      Synonym: disband

      1. (使)溶解
      If a substance dissolves in liquid or if you dissolve it, it becomes mixed with the liquid and disappears.


      e.g. Heat gently until the sugar dissolves...
      e.g. Dissolve the salt in a little boiled water.

      2. 解散(团体或机构)
      When an organization or institution is dissolved, it is officially ended or broken up.

      e.g. The committee has been dissolved...
      e.g. The King agreed to dissolve the present commission.

      3. 解散(议会)
      When a parliament is dissolved, it is formally ended, so that elections for a new parliament can be held.

      e.g. The present assembly will be dissolved on April 30th...
      现在的议会将于 4 月 30 日解散。
      e.g. Kaifu threatened to dissolve the Parliament and call an election.

      4. 解除(婚姻关系);终止(商业协议)
      When a marriage or business arrangement is dissolved, it is officially ended.

      e.g. The marriage was dissolved in 1976.

      5. (使)消失;消除;消散
      If something such as a problem or feeling dissolves or is dissolved, it becomes weaker and disappears.

      e.g. His new-found optimism dissolved...
      e.g. Lenny still could not dissolve the nagging lump of tension in his chest.

      相关词组:dissolve into

      1. 溶:简介 溶 (DISSOLVE) 一种渐进的转场技巧,即在一个场景淡出时,另一个场景淡入. 相关条目 日光夜景 特丽七彩 清晰度 出焦转场

      2. 叠画:这样你可以在屏幕上移动图像,叠画(dissolve)图像或者是其它更复杂的效果. (不过请注意,在使用SMAnimation时并非所有的过渡效果都会如你所愿. )这时图像将被放置在屏幕左边缘之外. 注意:图像处于此位置时,尽管对于玩家来说是不可见的,

  •       常用短语

  •       常用例句

  •       词汇搭配

  •       经典引文


    消失; 消散 disappear; fade away
    dissolve away

          The dream picture dissolved away when she woke up.



  •       The campaign dissolved.
  •       Their marriage dissolved.
  •       The tension between those two countries dissolved.
  •       His prospects for winning the election were dissolving rapidly.
  •       Their fears dissolved with the coming of day.

      用作动词 (v.)

  •       Animal substances dissolved by putrefaction..emit phlogiston.

    出自:J. Priestley
  •       词语用法

  •       词义讲解


  •       dissolve的基本意思是“溶解”,引申可作“消失; 结束”解。
  •       dissolve可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,可接名词或代词作宾语。
  •       dissolve常与介词in或into连用,表示“溶于,转而”。


dissolve, melt, thaw
  •       这组词都可表示“融化”“溶解”。它们之间的区别是:melt指由于热的影响而使某一固体软化,失去形状而成为液体,也可指一固体在液体中溶解; thaw指冰冻的东西解冻成液体或柔软的固体; dissolve则多指固体在液体中溶解。
    •       近义词

    •       反义词

    •       临近词





          Concentrate on the long sighing sound and feel the tension dissolve.(注意力集中在悠长的呼吸声中,并体会紧张感逐渐消失。)

          Both salt and sugar dissolve easily in water.(盐和糖都容易溶解于水。)

          Knowledge of the land was the one memory that refused to dissolve.(对这片土地的了解是一种无法消除的记忆。)

          The resistance would dissolve in places wherever we would attack.(反抗势力会在我们的进攻地点就地解散。)

          If there were flowing water in the cave, it would dissolve the gypsum.(如果洞穴里有流动的水,它会溶解石膏。)

          Most of these problems won't simply dissolve.(大多数这些问题不会简单地解决。)

          Both of the substances do not dissolve in water.(不是两种物质都溶于水。)

          I'll decide when to dissolve parliament at the appropriate time.(我会判断何时是解散国会,提前大选的合适时机。)

          Dissolve the sugar in the coffee by stirring it.(通过搅拌使糖溶于咖啡中。)

          In a quart pitcher, dissolve the sugar and salt in the hot water.(在一个夸脱罐里,将糖和盐溶解在热水中。)

          dissolve是什么意思 dissolve在线翻译 dissolve什么意思 dissolve的意思 dissolve的翻译 dissolve的解释 dissolve的发音 dissolve的同义词
