


      英 [dɪtʃ]

      美 [dɪtʃ]




      过去式: ditched 过去分词: ditched 现在分词: ditching 第三人称单数: ditches


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  •       壕沟
  •       沟,渠,沟渠
  •       水道,渠道,水沟
  •       挖槽
  •       明沟
  •       垫牌
  •       排水沟
  •       泥浆槽,(灌溉)槽


  •       用沟渠围住,用壕沟围绕
  •       掘沟,挖沟,开沟,筑渠
  •       作水上迫降,使(飞机)作水上迫降,迫降海上
  •       使(火车)出轨,出轨
  •       在…上掘沟,在...开沟,在...挖壕沟
  •       把(车)开入沟里,冲落沟内
  •       抛弃,丢弃,摆脱,除掉
  •       修沟
  •       甩开
  •       避开,逃避(责任)


  •       [C]沟,渠 as for water to flow though



      1. a long narrow excavation in the earth

      2. any small natural waterway


      1. cut a trench in, as for drainage

      e.g. ditch the land to drain it
      trench the fields

      Synonym: trench

      2. crash or crash-land

      e.g. ditch a car
      ditch a plane

      3. make an emergency landing on water

      4. sever all ties with, usually unceremoniously or irresponsibly

      e.g. The company dumped him after many years of service
      She dumped her boyfriend when she fell in love with a rich man

      Synonym: dump

      5. throw away

      e.g. Chuck these old notes

      Synonym: chuck

      6. forsake

      e.g. ditch a lover

      1. (道路、田地边上的)沟,渠
      A ditch is a long narrow channel cut into the ground at the side of a road or field.

      2. 摆脱;抛弃;丢弃
      If you ditch something that you have or are responsible for, you abandon it or get rid of it, because you no longer want it.

      e.g. I decided to ditch the sofa bed.
      e.g. Unpopular policies such as unilateral disarmament were ditched.

      3. 抛弃;甩掉;与…断交
      If someone ditches someone, they end a relationship with that person.


      e.g. I can't bring myself to ditch him and start again.

      4. (使)(飞机)紧急迫降
      If a pilot ditches an aircraft or if it ditches, the pilot makes an emergency landing.

      e.g. One American pilot was forced to ditch his jet in the Gulf...
      e.g. A survivor was knocked unconscious when the helicopter ditched.

      5. see also: last-ditch

      1. 沟:5.1.3倾斜平台与翻覆沟(ditch)之设置如图4:在其他轴上之轮胎挡块需调整至使车辆纵向中心面(VLCP)与旋转轴平行.两部高速相机,一部放置在前方,另一部放置在后方. 置放位置需与观测车辆的前、后端(wall)有一适当距离以产生可量测的图像,

      2. 球路沟渠:Distarb 妨碍 | Ditch 球路沟渠 | Divot 杆头削去草皮、草痕

      3. ditch的意思

      3. 表示水沟或深沟:Tree:表示小心路边的树木 | Ditch:表示水沟或深沟 | Cut:表示弯道内侧没有障碍物并允许赛车狠切过弯

      4. 沟渠:distributor rotor (分电器)分火头 | ditch 沟,渠 | divided combustion chamber 分开式燃烧室

  •       常用例句

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  •       经典引文


  •       My headlights shone over a broad ditch of water.

      用作名词 (n.)

  •       He ditches her after a night of love.

    出自:A. Burgess
  •       I ditched the car and walked the last mile.

    出自:M. Amis
  •       Even some projects described as 'important'..may be ditched as the Council draw up their priority lists.

    出自:Dumfries Courier
  •       词源解说

  •       ☆ 直接源自古英语的dic,意为渠。
  •       近义词

  •       临近词




      She underwent a heart transplant in a last-ditch attempt to save her.(她动了心脏移植手术,这是为挽救她的生命而作的最后一次努力。)

      That deer rolled farther down into a ditch, where if I had gone, no one would have ever found me.(那头鹿滚进更远的沟里,如果我也掉到那里去,就不会有人发现我。)

      I have no doubt in saying that anybody could ditch their alarm clock and learn to wake up naturally.(毫无疑问,任何人都可以抛弃闹钟,学会自然醒来。)

      The water in the ditch is not very clean.(沟里的水不很清洁。)

      What do you say we ditch school and go to the mall?(我们逃学去商场,你觉得怎样?)

      He said a colleague told him the wreckage was needed to fill in a muddy ditch to make rescue efforts easier.(他说他同事告诉他,为了让援救工作更加容易进行,需要用车厢残骸填泥泞的壕沟。)

      When the water hits the right level, the baby birds are kept safe from predators by a corrosive ditch.(当水到达合适的水位时,幼鸟就会被一条腐蚀性的沟渠保护,免受捕食者的伤害。)

      What carts I shall fling carelessly into the ditch in the wake of my magnificent onset!(在我辉煌的进攻之路上,我将随随便便地把几辆大马车扔进沟里!)

      You certainly shouldn't ditch teamwork, but how can you avoid the hazards of being an over-collaborator?(你当然不应该放弃团队合作。但如何才能避免过度合作带来的风险呢?)

      Researchers say we should ditch carrots and oranges and buy some sweet potatoes and papaya instead.(研究者说我们应该丢弃胡萝卜和柑橘,转而购买一些红薯和木瓜。)

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