


      英 [dɪˈvaɪn]

      美 [dɪˈvaɪn]





      副词: divinely 比较级: diviner 最高级: divinest 名词: divineness 过去式: divined 过去分词: divined 现在分词: divining 第三人称单数: divines


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  •       神圣的
  •       敬神的
  •       天赐的,神授的
  •       极好的
  •       神的,神性的
  •       非凡的,天才的
  •       神学的
  •       上帝的
  •       绝妙的,神妙的
  •       极美的
  •       奉为神的
  •       神圣不可侵犯的
  •       绝世的


  •       牧师,教士,神父
  •       神学家,宗教学者
  •       圣职人员,神职人员,教牧人员
  •       祭司
  •       神,上帝,造物主
  •       崇高的一面
  •       圣品人


  •       预言,预示,预见
  •       用占卜勘探(矿),探测(地下水)
  •       占卜,卜卦
  •       发现,发觉,察觉
  •       猜到,猜出
  •       领悟,理解
  •       预感到
  •       窥测
  •       暗想
  •       看透,识破,看出
  •       猜测,猜想出,推测,推断


  •       神的,天赐的 of, from or like god or a god
  •       极好的 wonderful, lovely

      1. 天赐的;神的;神圣的
      You use divine to describe something that is provided by or relates to a god or goddess.

      e.g. He suggested that the civil war had been a divine punishment.
      e.g. ...divine inspiration.

      The law was divinely ordained.

      2. 专门研究神学的牧师
      A divine is a priest who specializes in the study of God and religion.

      3. 绝妙的;非凡的;极棒的
      People use divine to express their pleasure or enjoyment of something.

      e.g. 'Isn't it divine?' she said. 'I wish I had the right sort of brooch to lend you for it.'...
      e.g. Darling how lovely to see you, you look simply divine.

      ...divinely glamorous singer Jeffrey McDonald.

      4. 猜测;揣度
      If you divine something, you discover or learn it by guessing.

      e.g. ...the child's ability to divine the needs of its parents and respond to them...
      e.g. From this he divined that she did not like him much.

      5. (用探测棒)探测(地下水或矿藏)
      If you divine, you try to find underground supplies of water or minerals, using a special rod or pair of rods.


      e.g. The only reason I was divining for water was because of the drought.
      e.g. ...a divining rod.

      1. 神的:然而路德的理解只有人的外在因素(extra nos )、属神的(Divine)、被赐予(imputed)的义和恩典. 奥古斯丁的本性上的变化成为上帝之人格的参与者(partner)或参与(part)的概念,路德是没有的. 若说奥古斯丁将重点放在借义认化(称义)的恩典,

      2. 神圣的:在古代英语中,为divell;而在古代罗马,则是"众神"(divus)之意.也就是说,在古代的传说和传奇中,神和恶魔常被混为一谈.而"神圣的"(divine)和"恶魔般的"(devilish)两个单词在希伯来文中被诠释为"有益"和"有害",

  •       常用例句

  •       经典引文


  •       It is the divine will.
  •       Accept the place divine providence has found for you.

    出自:R. W. Emerson
  •       He alone among public men had divined her feelings at Albert's death.

    出自:L. Strachey
  •       He has written to us, you will never divine from whence!

    出自:R. H. Mottram
  •       Each divined that the other could become a formidable rival.

    出自:Q. Bell
  •       词源解说

  •       ☆ 14世纪进入英语,直接源自古法语的divin,意为神的。
  •       近义词

  •       反义词

  •       临近词





      Was he always divine or did he become divine?(他生来就是神,还是变成神?)

      It made sense to show the statue looking ahead at what was happening in front of it, so that the living performer of the ritual could interact with the divine or deceased recipient.(让雕像朝前看、并能观看到前方发生的事情是有意义的,这样,现场的仪式表演者就可以与受膜拜的神灵或逝去的人们互动。)

      A degree does not give you a divine right to wealth.(学位不会给你带来滋生财富的特权。)

      Her carrot cake is divine.(她的胡萝卜饼好吃极了。)

      No player has a divine right to be in this team.(没有哪名选手天生就有权留在这个队里。)

      In ancient mythology there was no impassable gulf separating the divine from the human beings.(在上古神话中,神与人之间没有不可逾越的鸿沟。)

      He trusted in divine providence.(他相信上苍。)

      I really do think this is divine punishment.(我确实认为,这就是所谓的天谴。)

      The sentry was our young Divine.(更夫是我们年轻的神学学生。)

      "They were divine," she sighs, dreamily.(“他们是神圣的,”她神情恍惚地叹了口气。)

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      divine是什么意思 divine在线翻译 divine什么意思 divine的意思 divine的翻译 divine的解释 divine的发音 divine的同义词
