


      英 [ˈdɒmɪsaɪl]

      美 [ˈdɑ:mɪsaɪl]


      形容词: domiciliary 过去式: domiciled 过去分词: domiciled 现在分词: domiciling 第三人称单数: domiciles


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  •       住处
  •       住所
  •       支付场所
  •       【律】本籍
  •       原籍
  •       【商】期票支付场所
  •       居
  •       户藉(法律上的长住处)
  •       定居地
  •       住宅
  •       永久住处
  •       家
  •       住址
  •       公馆
  •       多米西勒(音译名)


  •       居住
  •       使定居
  •       使在指定的场所支付
  •       决定(某人)住处
  •       安家
  •       指定支付场所
  •       (使)定居
  •       使定居下来
  •       使安家落户


      1. housing that someone is living in

      e.g. he built a modest dwelling near the pond
      they raise money to provide homes for the homeless

      Synonym: dwellinghomeabodehabitationdwelling house

      2. (law) the residence where you have your permanent home or principal establishment and to where, whenever you are absent, you intend to return
      every person is compelled to have one and only one domicile at a time

      e.g. what's his legal residence?

      Synonym: legal residence


      1. make one's home in a particular place or community

      e.g. may parents reside in Florida

      Synonym: resideshackdomiciliate

      1. 住处;居所
      Your domicile is the place where you live.


      1. 注册地:泛指所有不是以本国为注册地(domicile)的基金. 离岸基金的热门注册地包括卢森堡、英国南部的海峡群岛(the Channel Islands)、开曼群岛、百慕达及巴哈马等. 基金选择在这些地区成立,一般是因为此等地区提供免税优惠,

  •       近义词

  •       临近词




      A company registered with the company registration authority may have only one domicile.(经公司登记机关登记的公司的住所只能有一个。)

      The name and domicile of the legal representative.(法定代表人的姓名、住所。)

      The company has a domicile.(有公司住所。)

      My domicile isn't in that city and they needed a local resident.(我的户籍不在那个城市产,而那家公司需要雇用一位当地居民。)

      My domicile place is Nanjing.(我的户籍在南京。)

      The domicile of a company shall be at the area of jurisdiction of its company registration authority.(公司的住所应当在其公司登记机关辖区内。)

      Reference is made to announcements that HSBC is reconsidering its UK domicile.(他们提到汇丰(HSBC)宣布重新考虑总部选址。)

      There is a trust among Rotarians, no matter their faith, color, or domicile.(扶轮社社员不论他们的信仰、肤色或者住处彼此间信任著。)

      Domicile certificate of the company.(公司住所证明。)

      Where is your domicile place?(你的户籍在哪里?)

      domicile是什么意思 domicile在线翻译 domicile什么意思 domicile的意思 domicile的翻译 domicile的解释 domicile的发音 domicile的同义词
