


      英 [ˈdɔ:mətri]

      美 [ˈdɔ:rmətɔ:ri]



      名词复数: dormitories


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  •       [C]集体宿舍 room for sleeping, with several beds


      1. a college or university building containing living quarters for students

      Synonym: dormresidence hallhallstudent residence

      2. a large sleeping room containing several beds

      Synonym: dormitory roomdorm room

      1. (寄宿学校等的)大寝室,集体寝室
      A dormitory is a large bedroom where several people sleep, for example in a boarding school.

      e.g. ...the boys' dormitory...
      e.g. The latest refugees were housed in makeshift dormitories.

      2. (大学等的)学生宿舍
      A dormitory is a building in a college or university where students live.

      e.g. She lived in a college dormitory.

      in BRIT, use 英国英语用 hall of residence

      3. (在大城市工作者居住的)邻镇住宅区的,郊外住宅区的
      If you refer to a place as a dormitory suburb or town, you mean that most of the people who live there travel to work in another, larger town a short distance away.

      e.g. It had become almost a dormitory suburb of the city.

      1. 学校宿舍:学校基金||school fund | 学校宿舍||dormitory | 学校推广教育||school extension

  •       常用例句

  •       词汇搭配


  •       Most of the students of this college live in dormitories.

      用作名词 (n.)

  •       词语用法

  •       词义讲解

  •       词源解说


  •       dormitory在英式英语中多指“集体寝室”,在美式英语中多指“学校的宿舍楼”“郊外居住区”。
  •       非正式口语中常用dorm。


dormitory, apartment, flat, room
  •       这组词都可表示“一套房间”。其区别在于:
  •       1.flat指比较简朴的住宅,通常占有不大或不很讲究的楼内某一层,多用于英式英语中。
  •       2.apartment通常指单房,复数形式时指套房,也可指私人房或出租房,有无设备均可,多用在美式英语中。有时也可称作condominium或condo。例如:
  •       He told me it cost him 1000 dollars to furnish his apartment, and I believe it.他告诉我他花了1000美元为这套住宅配置家具,这话我信。
  •       I need to buy a new apartment so as to the more convenient to go work.我需要一套新公寓,以便上班更方便。
  •       3.room常指单人住户使用的房间,不仅指住宅楼里,而且也指公共宿舍,或旅馆里的单元房间,有时有公共厨房和其他公用服务间。例如:
  •       He went to Room 403.他到403室去了。
  •       The hotel clerk assigned me a good room.旅馆招待给我安排了一个好房间。
  •       4.dormitory指学校或机关团体提供单间或套间的集体寝室,也可指在市内工作者的郊外住宅区。例如:
  •       The college has a dormitory for students.那所大学有一所学生宿舍。
    •       ☆ 直接源自拉丁语的dormitorium,意为宿舍。
    •       近义词

    •       临近词




          The students have barricaded themselves into their dormitory building.(学生们将自己堵在宿舍楼里。)

          There are several ways to create and maintain a harmonious dormitory life.(有很多方法可以创造并维持一个和谐的宿舍生活。)

          To have a separate room in the dormitory costs 1200 rubles (40 dollars).(如果想要个单独的房间,就得花1200卢布(40美元)。)

          Your dormitory is next to the library.(你的宿舍在图书馆隔壁。)

          I mean, the other students on my course are living in a student dormitory so they see each other all the time.(我的意思是,我这门课的其他学生都住在学生宿舍里,所以他们经常见面。)

          They met at a party in her friend's dormitory room.(他们是在朋友的寝室聚会时认识的。)

          She lived in a college dormitory.(她住在一幢大学宿舍楼里。)

          WHEN the University of Texas was building a dormitory last year, an unusual sign hung nearby.(去年德州大学兴建宿舍时,附近挂起了一条不同寻常的告示。)

          Paul lives in the boy's dormitory, whose dormitory is on the other side of the campus.(Paul居住在男生宿舍,男生宿舍在校园对面。)

          John met me at the door and said that his dormitory wasn't full, but in fact it was.(约翰在门口接我,他说他的宿舍没有住满,但事实上已经住满了。)

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