


      英 [daʊt]

      美 [daʊt]




      名词: doubter 过去式: doubted 过去分词: doubted 现在分词: doubting 第三人称单数: doubts


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  •       怀疑,疑虑,疑惑,不相信,可疑,疑点,疑团,疑云
  •       疑问
  •       不确实,不确定,不肯定, 拿不准
  •       疑惧
  •       犹豫
  •       迷惘
  •       无疑,确实


  •       拿不准,吃不准,不能肯定,无把握,不确定
  •       怀疑,疑,不信,满腹狐疑, 将信将疑地说,疑惑,疑心
  •       恐怕,怕,担心,顾虑
  •       不知
  •       认为…未必可能
  •       犹豫不决,踌躇
  •       不信任


  •       vt. & vi. 怀疑,疑惑 be uncertain about; hesitate to believe; question the truth of


  •       [U][C]怀疑,疑虑 uncertainty of mind
  •       [U][C]未确定 uncertain state of things


      1. uncertainty about the truth or factuality or existence of something

      e.g. the dubiousness of his claim
      there is no question about the validity of the enterprise

      Synonym: dubiousnessdoubtfulnessquestion

      2. the state of being unsure of something

      Synonym: uncertaintyincertitudedubietydoubtfulnessdubiousness



      1. consider unlikely or have doubts about

      e.g. I doubt that she will accept his proposal of marriage

      2. lack confidence in or have doubts about

      e.g. I doubt these reports
      I suspect her true motives
      she distrusts her stepmother

      1. 怀疑;疑虑
      If you have doubt or doubts about something, you feel uncertain about it and do not know whether it is true or possible. If you say you have no doubt about it, you mean that you are certain it is true.


      e.g. This raises doubts about the point of advertising...
      e.g. I had my doubts when she started, but she's getting really good...

      2. 不能肯定;认为…未必可能
      If you doubt whether something is true or possible, you believe that it is probably not true or possible.

      e.g. Others doubted whether that would happen...
      e.g. He doubted if he would learn anything new from Marie...

      3. 怀疑(某事物的真实性)
      If you doubt something, you believe that it might not be true or genuine.

      e.g. No one doubted his ability...
      e.g. Nobody that I spoke to doubted his sincerity as a politician.

      4. 怀疑,不相信(某人或某人的话)
      If you doubt someone or doubt their word, you think that they may not be telling the truth.

      e.g. No one directly involved with the case doubted him...
      e.g. I still have no reason to doubt his word.

      5. 无疑地;确实地
      You say that something is beyond doubt or beyond reasonable doubt when you are certain that it is true and it cannot be contradicted or disproved.

      e.g. A referendum showed beyond doubt that voters wanted independence...
      e.g. His ability is beyond any doubt.

      6. 不能肯定的;拿不准的
      If you are in doubt about something, you feel unsure or uncertain about it.


      e.g. He is in no doubt as to what is needed...
      e.g. When in doubt, call the doctor.

      7. 我怀疑;我认为不可能
      You say I doubt it as a response to a question or statement about something that you think is untrue or unlikely.


      e.g. 'Somebody would have seen her.' — 'I doubt it, not on Monday.'

      8. 可疑的;不确定的;不可靠的
      If you say that something is in doubt or open to doubt, you consider it to be uncertain or unreliable.


      e.g. The outcome was still in doubt...
      e.g. That claim is increasingly open to doubt.

      9. 无疑地;必定
      You use no doubt to emphasize that something seems certain or very likely to you.

      e.g. The contract for this will no doubt be widely advertised...
      e.g. She's a very sweet woman, as you no doubt know by now.

      10. 固然;诚然
      You use no doubt to indicate that you accept the truth of a particular point, but that you do not consider it is important or contradicts the rest of what you are saying.

      e.g. No doubt I'm biased, but it was the most cruel, evil human face I ever set eyes on...
      e.g. No doubt many will regard these as harsh words, but regrettably they are true.

      11. 无疑地;确实地
      If you say that something is true without doubt or without a doubt, you are emphasizing that it is definitely true.

      e.g. Without doubt this was the most important relationship I developed at college...
      e.g. The refugees, without a doubt, are the most vulnerable.

      12. the benefit of the doubt -> see benefit
      a shadow of a doubt -> see shadow

      1. doubt在线翻译

      1. 疑问:犯罪心理3剧情第1集 疑问(Doubt) BAU小组来到亚利桑那州协助当地警方调查一宗校园系列凶杀案. 整个校园因为笼罩在连环凶案的恐怖气氛下而显得异常压抑,一名黑发女生艾米(Amy)因为过晚离开图书馆而错过了班车. 当她打算等下一班校车时,

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    〈正〉怀疑(某事) be uncertain of (sth)
    doubt of sth

          I doubt of her ability.


          Such actions make me doubt of his sanity.


          How do you doubt of the firm's future?



    使人对…产生怀疑 make people wonder about the truth of sth

      1. no doubt : 无疑地;


  •       He says he can cure me but I still doubt him.
  •       She did exactly what she had promised,I'm sorry I ever doubted her.
  •       He lost his money.He doubted Jim, since he was ever dishonest.
  •       Why didn't she doubt the cheats?
  •       Maybe he changed his mind, but I doubt it.
  •       You can write to him if you doubt my words.
  •       They inwardly doubted the facts.
  •       You cannot doubt your own existence.
  •       You cannot doubt her sincerity.


  •       Everything is clear now; no one would doubt what to be done.

      用作动词 (v.)


      用作名词 (n.)

  •       There can be no doubt of that: everybody knows it.

    出自:G. B. Shaw
  •       He had little doubt..of his power to get hold of the girl.

    出自:J. Conrad
  •       The Committee..casts doubt on the value of the Ryder report.

    出自:M. Edwardes
  •       O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?

    出自:Bible (AV): Matthew
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  •       doubt的基本意思是对事〔物〕的真实性等表示“怀疑”或“不信任”,有时甚至在调查研究之后仍“难以确定”。也常用来表示对宗教信条等持有疑虑。
  •       doubt多用作及物动词,可接名词、代词、动名词、带疑问词的动词不定式或that/wh-/if从句作宾语,也可接以“(to be+) n./adj. ”充当补足语的复合宾语。接that从句作宾语时, that前有时可加but。doubt偶尔也用作不及物动词,常与介词of连用表示“对…抱怀疑或悲观的态度”。
  •       在疑问句或否定句中, doubt的宾语从句应用that引导; 在肯定句中,则应由if〔whether〕引导。
  •       doubt是表示思想状态的动词,指思维活动的结果,通常不用于进行体。


  •       doubt用作名词的基本意思是“怀疑,疑虑”,还可表示“未确定”。可用作可数名词,也可用作不可数名词。
  •       doubt后可接介词about〔of, on〕引起的短语表示“对…怀疑”。
  •       doubt后可接that或if〔whether〕引导的同位语从句。that从句一般用于否定句或疑问句中; if〔whether〕从句一般用于肯定句中。
  •       in doubt的意思是“存在疑问”; no doubt的意思是“很可能”; without doubt的意思是“毫无疑问”。这几个短语在句中既可用作状语,也可用作定语或表语。


doubt if-clause, doubt whether-clause
  •       这两者的区别仅在于前者较随便,后者较正式。
  •       n.(名词)

    doubt, suspect
  •       这两个词的共同意思是“怀疑”。它们的区别是:
  •       1.两者都可以接that从句作宾语,但含义不同:前者的意思是“疑为非”; 后者的意思是“疑为是”。试比较:
  •       I doubt that she is the criminal.
  •       我不相信她是罪犯。(认为不见得)
  •       I suspect that she is the criminal.
  •       我怀疑她是罪犯。(认为有可能)
  •       2.doubt后可接whether或if从句,但suspect则不能。
    •       ☆ 13世纪初期进入英语,直接源自古法语的douter;最初源自古典拉丁语的dubitare,意为犹豫,意见摇摆。
    •       中考真题例句

    •       考研真题例句

          中考真题例句OG 1.doubt

          He began to doubt his ability.



          中考真题例句OG 2.doubt

          You no doubt have some wonderful friends, family, and a roof over your head.



          中考真题例句OG 3.doubt

          Please list two details that make Andrea doubt about the "old lady".



          考研真题例句OG 1.doubt

          Many young Americans cast doubts on social media as a reliable source of news.



          考研真题例句OG 2.doubt

          History has never cast doubt on them.



          考研真题例句OG 3.doubt

          The justices must address doubts about the court's legitimacy by making themselves accountable to the code of conduct.



          考研真题例句OG 1.doubt

          There is no doubt of the alternative — the corrupted landscapes of southern Portugal, Spain or Ireland.



          考研真题例句OG 2.doubt

          There is no doubt that gardens evidence an irrepressible urge to create, express, fashion, and beautify.



          考研真题例句OG 3.doubt

          There's no doubt that our peer groups exert enormous influence on our behavior.



          考研真题例句OG 1.doubt

          The ways of reading indicated here are without doubt kinds of comprehension.



          考研真题例句OG 1.doubt

          While Europe's monarchies will no doubt be smart enough to survive for some time to come.



    •       近义词

    •       反义词

    •       临近词





          I had no reason to doubt him.(我没有理由不相信他。)

          Her interpretation of the facts may be open to doubt.(她对事实的解释可能有待质疑。)

          At first I gave him the benefit of the doubt.(起初我姑且信了他。)

          The incident cast doubt on her motives and reliability.(这件事使人怀疑她有何动机,以及她是否可靠。)

          She is assailed by self-doubt and emotional insecurity.(她被自我怀疑和情感不安所困扰。)

          There is some doubt about the best way to do it.(这件事怎么做才是最佳办法有点吃不准。)

          It was without a shadow of a doubt the best we've played.(那毫无疑问是我们表现最出色的一次。)

          There seemed to be no doubt about it.(此事似乎毫无疑问。)

          Self-doubt began to gnaw away at her confidence.(对自己的怀疑渐渐吞噬了她的自信心。)

          There was little doubt in my mind.(我心里几乎没有疑问。)

          doubt是什么意思 doubt在线翻译 doubt什么意思 doubt的意思 doubt的翻译 doubt的解释 doubt的发音 doubt的同义词
