


      英 [ˈdaʊə(r)]

      美 [dʊr, daʊr]


      副词: dourly 比较级: dourer 最高级: dourest 名词: dourness


  •       词典解释

  •       网络解释

      1. 严厉的;冷冰冰的
      If you describe someone as dour, you mean that they are very serious and unfriendly.

      e.g. ...a dour, taciturn man...
      e.g. No wonder he looked so dour.

      The old man stared dourly at them.

      1. 杜尔:位于比法边境的比利时杜尔(Dour)地区的瓦洛尼(Wal-lonic)镇上,盖着许多现代化的住宅,克里斯蒂娜.勒格朗(ChristinaLegrand)和雷吉纳尔.勒格朗(ReginaldLegrand)是一对年轻夫妇,他们有个14个月的婴儿吉尧姆,他们到这个镇上住了已经有一年多了.

      2. dour

      2. 不爱讲话的:Douglas 道格拉斯 | dour 不爱讲话的 | dourine 媾疫

      3. 阴郁的,严厉的,不爱讲话的:Jubilant 欢呼的,喜气洋洋的 | Dour 阴郁的,严厉的,不爱讲话的 | Pert 无力的,冒失的;整齐时髦的

      4. 严厉的,脸色阴沉的:doddering 蹒跚 | dour 严厉的,脸色阴沉的 | draconian 严厉的,严酷的

  •       经典引文

  •       He led a dour and hard lyfe.

    出自:J. Dalrymple
  •       Tostig is a man..dour and haughty.

  •       Never again would dour fields lie Quite so forbidding, stones be so bare.

    出自:F. Ormsby
  •       近义词

  •       临近词




      JANUARY JONES While retro-cool, this Lanvin gown was just a little too dour for such a festive night.(这件复古冷酷到底的晚装对这样一个盛会来说过于严肃。)

      Yet as we get ready to welcome the birth of the seven billionth person later this year, the mood should be celebratory, not dour.(然而当我们准备欢迎的诞生今年晚些时候的一百人七心情应该庆祝而不是严苛。)

      "Soldier of Love" is slightly too dour for its own good, though the band is getting better at framing Sade's voice, which is hard to tire of.(《爱的战士》本身有一点阴沉,尽管乐队在衬托沙黛的嗓音方面日渐成熟,让人百听不厌。)

      John popped his head round the dour.(约翰突然把头转向了门。)

      The game proved to be a dour struggle, with both men determined to win.(这次比赛结果成为一场恶战,因为两个人都志在必得。)

      Some there are Think me too serious, my face too dour.(一些人认为我太严肃,面无笑容。)

      MARY LOU DiNARDO checked three times to make sure: was that a smiley face at the end of the latest email from her most dour client?(当玛丽连续看了三遍之后才敢确认:最后那个笑脸确实是来自她一个平时作风很严肃呆板的客户。)

      We first meet Mary in 1976, a lonely child who's teased by the kids at school and neglected by her dour father and alcoholic mother.(影片的故事从1976年开始,观众首先看到的是玛丽,她当时还是个孤单的小女孩,经常被同学捉弄,而她沉默寡言的父亲和嗜酒的母亲对这个女儿显然不怎么上心。)

      A crowd, swelled by television crews, engulfed Statue Square, an adjacent plaza dominated by a bronze likeness of a dour Victorian banker.(受电视台工作人员的鼓动,一群人涌入了旁边的皇后像广场(StatueSquare),广场上屹立着一座表情严肃的维多利亚时代银行家的铜像。)

      The economic legacy of the past few years means that in the 2010s much of the world faces a dour “debtcade”.(过去几年的经济遗留预示着在2010之后,绝大部分的世界将面临一个冷酷无情的“债务十年”(“debtcade”)。)

      dour是什么意思 dour在线翻译 dour什么意思 dour的意思 dour的翻译 dour的解释 dour的发音 dour的同义词
