


      英 [ˈdægə(r)]

      美 [ˈdæɡɚ]




  •       双解释义

  •       英英释义

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  •       [C]匕首;短剑 a weapon like a very small sword;a short pointed knife used as a weapon, especially formerly



      1. a short knife with a pointed blade used for piercing or stabbing

      Synonym: sticker

      2. a character used in printing to indicate a cross reference or footnote

      Synonym: obelisk

      1. 匕首;短剑
      A dagger is a weapon like a knife with two sharp edges.

      2. 剑拔弩张;势不两立
      If you say that two people are at daggers drawn, you mean they are having an argument and are still very angry with each other.

      e.g. She and her mother were at daggers drawn.

      1. dagger的解释

      1. 匕首:匕首、匕:斧:斧、斧子、Axe | 匕首:匕首、匕、Dagger | 拳套:拳套、拳、Fist

      2. dagger的近义词

      2. 带个(出门带个安全). 短 剑:dabble 得啵(开心吧) 玩 水 | dagger 带个(出门带个安全) 短 剑 | man 蛮(野蛮) 男 人

  •       常用例句

  •       词汇搭配


  •       Jack and Peter have been at daggers drawn for a long time.
  •       We are still at daggers drawn with the Foreign Ministry over this.
  •       The two sides have been at daggers drawn for some months now with no sign of improvement in relations.
  •       The bad news is a dagger to his heart.
  •       The honey on her tongue was unable to conceal the dagger in her belly.
  •       He drew his dagger and brandished it at his enemy.
  •       The teacher looked daggers at the two boys who were passing notes.
  •       He plunged a dagger into the enemy's breast.
  •       The dagger wounded him in the face.
  •       We are still at daggers with each other.
  •       The world lives at daggers drawn in a cold war.
  •       She stabbed herself with a dagger.
  •       The news was a dagger to him.
  •       Is this a dagger which I see before me?

      用作名词 (n.)

  •       近义词

  •       临近词




      Dagger Lake is full of islands where they lurk in hidden caves and secret strongholds.(达格湖里的众多岛屿是他们的聚居点和藏身地。)

      He might well be a broken thing, but Theon still wore a dagger.(他可能残缺不堪,但是席恩依旧带着一把。)

      He supposed she was; and he took a step towards the sleeping child with his dagger upraised.(他认为她是;他举着匕首向睡着的孩子走了一步。)

      Forget yourself once more simple, not dirty not hide a dagger behind a smile.(忘了自己曾经多单纯,不会脏话不会笑里藏刀。)

      Peter felt for his dagger till his hand gripped it.(彼得伸手去摸他的匕首,直到他的手抓住它。)

      This sound, like all music, pierced my heart like a dagger.(这种声音像所有的音乐一样,如短剑般直刺我心。)

      She was released from prison in a cloak and dagger operation yesterday.(她昨天在一个秘密的行动中被释出狱。)

      You might be Affric Silver-Arrow, Affric Flame-Spear, Affric Spinning-Dagger.(难道你是银箭亚弗里克,火矛亚弗里克,旋刀亚弗里克?)

      Is that a dagger that I see before me?(我眼前看到的是一把刀吗?)

      This cavern knows no philosophers; its dagger has never cut a pen.(这窟窖不知道有哲学,它的尖刀从来没有削过一支笔。)

      dagger是什么意思 dagger在线翻译 dagger什么意思 dagger的意思 dagger的翻译 dagger的解释 dagger的发音 dagger的同义词
