


      英 [dæm]

      美 [dæm]







      副词: damningly 过去式: damned 过去分词: damned 现在分词: damning 第三人称单数: damns


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  •       诅咒,骂一声“该死”
  •       丝毫,一点点,些微
  •       讨厌
  •       毫不在乎


  •       完全的,十足的
  •       该死的,讨厌的,可恶的
  •       糟透的
  •       倒霉的,倒运的
  •       混蛋
  •       捣蛋的
  •       玩命的
  •       不可救药的


  •       非常,十足,十分,极其,完全地,极,真
  •       该死!讨厌!
  •       毫无,丝毫不,完全没有


  •       使(彻底)失败
  •       毁掉,毁坏
  •       咒骂,诅咒,骂...该死,骂...一文不值
  •       (强烈)指责,谴责,非难,严厉批评,狠狠批评
  •       罚...入地狱(受罪),使堕地狱,下地狱
  •       攻击
  •       糟踏
  •       置后果于不顾
  •       用冷漠的赞扬贬低,寓贬于褒,明褒实贬
  •       处罚,对…判罪
  •       使…注定命苦,葬送…前途


  •       vt. (表示愤怒)该死,混账 used when swearing at sb/sth to show that you are angry
  •       vt. 严厉批评;谴责 criticize sb or sth extremely severely;declare to be bad or worthless


  •       [A] 该死的;讨厌的 used for emphasizing what you are saying, especially when you are annoyed about sth


  •       (用于强调)真他妈,太,非常 used for emphasizing what you are saying, especially when you are annoyed about sth;used for giving force to an expression, good or bad


  •       [S]一点点,丝毫 even the smallest amount


      1. something of little value

      e.g. his promise is not worth a damn
      not worth one red cent
      not worth shucks

      Synonym: darnhootred centshitshuckstinker's damntinker's dam


      1. wish harm upon
      invoke evil upon

      e.g. The bad witch cursed the child

      Synonym: cursebeshrewbedamnanathemizeanathemiseimprecatemaledict


      1. expletives used informally as intensifiers

      e.g. he's a blasted idiot
      it's a blamed shame
      a blame cold winter
      not a blessed dime
      I'll be damned (or blessed or darned or goddamned) if I'll do any such thing
      he's a damn (or goddam or goddamned) fool
      a deuced idiot
      an infernal nuisance

      Synonym: blastedblameblamedblesseddamneddarneddeucedgoddamgoddamngoddamnedinfernal

      2. used as expletives

      e.g. oh, damn (or goddamn)!

      Synonym: goddamn



      1. extremely

      e.g. you are bloody right
      Why are you so all-fired aggressive?

      Synonym: bloodyall-fired

      1. (表示愤怒或不耐烦)该死,可恶,他妈的
      Damn ,damn it, and dammit are used by some people to express anger or impatience.

      e.g. Don't be flippant, damn it! This is serious.

      2. (用于加强语气)该死的,可恶的,十足的,完全的
      Damn is used by some people to emphasize what they are saying.

      e.g. There's not a damn thing you can do about it now.

      3. 谴责,指责(政策、行动等)
      If you say that a person or a news report damns something such as a policy or action, you mean that they are very critical of it.

      e.g. ...a sensational book in which she damns the ultra-right party.
      e.g. ...a report damning the chocolate advertising people for targeting women in their campaigns.

      4. see also: damned;damning

      5. 毫不在乎;完全不关心
      If you say that someone does not give a damn about something, you are emphasizing that they do not care about it at all.

      6. 几乎;差一点
      People use damn near to emphasize that what they are saying is not actually true, but is very close to being true.

      e.g. I damn near went crazy...
      e.g. That's a question damn near every woman who ever lived has had to answer for herself.

      7. 几乎;差不多
      Some people say as near as damn it or as near as dammit to emphasize that what they have said is almost completely accurate, but not quite.


      e.g. It's as near as damn it the same thing...
      e.g. The stadium will be as near as dammit empty.

      1. 咒骂:①德国的德勒斯登(Dresden)以产陶瓷而闻名. 在英文里水坝(dam )和咒骂(damn)两字发音一样.

  •       常用短语

  •       常用例句

  •       词汇搭配

  •       经典引文


    毫无;丝毫不; 完全没有 nothing


    (对…)毫不在乎not care at all (about sth)
    not care〔give〕 a damn (about sth)

          I don't care a damn.


          He doesn't care a damn about it.


          I don't give a damn about their opinions.


    not care〔give〕 a damn (about) wh-clause

          I don't give a damn what she thinks.


          I don't give a damn what they say.


          We don't give a damn whether he goes with us or not.


          I don't give a damn whether you stay or leave.


          I don't care a damn about what he said.



  •       We should not totally damn a man's character for a few faults.
  •       He damned his men right and speed ahead.
  •       The department's review damned the whole system.
  •       He damned himself with one stupid remark.
  •       Dan you! I am not going to let you bully me.
  •       Damn the torpedoes! Full speed ahead!
  •       Damn this machine! why won't it work?
  •       Chapman's remarkable preface if written by a modern author would at once damn his book.
  •       It'll take two weeks, as near as damn it.
  • 1
  •       The play was damned by all the critics.
  •       That film is very popular although it was damned by the critics.
  •       He had rather be damned with Plato than saved with those who anathematized him.
  •       The venture was damned from the start.


  •       The government emerged from the early 1970s damned for total failure to control money growth.


  •       I can't open the damn window.


  •       I feel a damn sight better than I did yesterday.
  •       He would know damn well better on time tonight or I am leaving without him.
  •       Don't lie to me.You know damn well what was happening.
  •       I knew damn well what he was going to say.
  •       You'll damn well do as you're told!
  •       She works damn hard.

      用作副词 (adv.)

  •       The best terms will grow obsolete. Damns have had their day.

    出自:R. B. Sheridan
  •       It's none of your dam' business.

    出自:E. Wallace
  •       We..intended to damn well get on with it.

    出自:N. Coward
  •       You one of those damn' Yankee reporters?

    出自:Douglas Stuart
  •       We should [not] totally damn a man's character for a few faults.

    出自:W. Godwin
  •       The Fabian Society..damned all revolutionary theory and set about the propagation of a practical Socialist doctrine.

    出自:W. S. Churchill
  •       词语用法

  •       词义讲解

  •       词源解说


  •       damn尤指“(神)使下地狱,使遭天罚”,有时可作“使彻底失败;毁掉”解。


  •       damn用作形容词时在句中只作定语,不用于比较等级。


  •       damn用作副词时不用于比较等级。


  •       damn用作名词时一般用于单数形式,且通常用于否定句。


damn, curse
  •       这两个词的共同意思是“责骂”“诅咒”。
  •       1.curse指采用任何言语来斥责或诅咒别人,用在最为正式的场合; 而damn指因愤怒、厌烦、轻蔑、失望等情绪而指责或咒骂。
  •       2.curse含有请求某种神力惩罚做了错事的人或者其敌人的意味; 而damn则有“宣称某人某物是坏的”之意。
    •       ☆ 13世纪晚期期进入英语,直接源自古法语的damner;最初源自古典拉丁语的damnare,意为破坏,伤害。
    •       近义词

    •       反义词

    •       临近词





          Don't be flippant, damn it! This is serious.(别吊儿郎当的,该死!这是很严肃的。)

          Let's celebrate and damn the expense!(管它花多少钱,咱们先庆祝一番再说!)

          I know damn all about computers.(我对计算机一窍不通。)

          He's a damn nuisance!(他真是个该死的讨厌鬼!)

          I'm damn sure she had no idea.(我敢肯定她不知道。)

          'Damn!' he said furiously.(“该死的!”他十分愤怒地说。)

          It's none of your damn business!(关你屁事!)

          The reason, in fact, may be just the opposite: there is too much damn happiness in the word "today".(事实上,原因可能恰恰相反:“今天”这个词中有太多该死的幸福。)

          That was a damn fool thing to do!(干那种事真蠢!)

          But damn it, I liked the guy.(不过,管它呢,我偏偏喜欢这个家伙。)

    •       上一篇dive
    •       下一篇damage

          damn是什么意思 damn在线翻译 damn什么意思 damn的意思 damn的翻译 damn的解释 damn的发音 damn的同义词
