


      英 [ˈdɑ:lɪŋ]

      美 [ˈdɑ:rlɪŋ]





  •       详情解释

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  •       英英释义

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  •       宠儿
  •       宝贝
  •       心爱的人
  •       亲爱的
  •       爱人
  •       情人
  •       宠物
  •       乖乖
  •       乖乖宝贝
  •       心肝
  •       亲切友好的人
  •       备受宠爱的人
  •       亲爱的(人)
  •       招人喜欢的人
  •       可爱的人
  •       可爱的物


  •       心爱的
  •       宠爱的
  •       迷人的
  •       亲爱的
  •       可爱的
  •       漂亮的
  •       中意的
  •       宝贵的
  •       宜人的
  •       心爱
  •       备受喜爱的
  •       好看的


  •       [S]亲爱的;宝贝 a way of addressing sb that you love;used when speaking to sb you love or to a member or your family
  •       [C]亲切友好的人;宠儿 a person who is very friendly and kind;a person who is very lovable or much liked


  •       [A] 备受喜爱的;可爱的;迷人的 much loved; very attractive, special, etc.;(used especially by women) charming


      1. a special loved one

      Synonym: favoritefavouritepetdeariedearyducky


      1. dearly loved

      Synonym: beloveddear

      1. (用作昵称)亲爱的,宝贝儿
      You call someone darling if you love them or like them very much.


      e.g. Thank you, darling...
      e.g. Oh darling, I love you.

      2. (英国一些地方用于表示友善的称呼)亲爱的
      In some parts of Britain, people call other people darling as a sign of friendliness.

      3. 可爱的;迷人的;钟爱的
      Some people use darling to describe someone or something that they love or like very much.

      e.g. To have a darling baby boy was the greatest gift I could imagine...
      e.g. What a darling film — everyone adored it.

      4. 可爱的人;好心的人
      If you describe someone as a darling, you are fond of them and think that they are nice.


      e.g. He's such a darling.

      5. 宠儿;备受喜爱的人
      The darling of a group of people is someone who is especially liked by that group.

      e.g. Rajneesh was the darling of a prosperous family.

      1. darling

      1. 达令河:该水系包括的主要河流为墨累河 (Murray)、马兰比季河 (Murrumbridgee) 以及达令河(Darling). 该流域面积广阔,但降水较少. 该流域的年均降水量为25,500,000ml,仅为全澳大利亚年均降水量的6.4%. 该流域的居民约为一百万人,

      2. 宝贝:<>(Silver Spike, 1989)发表于1989年9月,出版时间是在<>和<>之间,小说本身的时间轴则大致与<>平行,叙述乌鸦(Raven)、宝贝(Darling)和莫言(Silent)等人和佣兵团分道扬镳之后的经历,

  •       常用例句

  •       词汇搭配

  •       经典引文


  •       The baby is the family darling.
  •       Our baby is a perfect darling.
  •       Now this Molly, she's a darling, and she reminds me of my grandmother.
  •       She's such a darling, isn't she?
  •       Be a darling and get my cigarettes from the bedroom.
  •       Are you sleepy, darling?
  •       What can I get you, darling?
  •       What is the matter, darling?
  •       Hurry up, darling, or we'll be late.


  •       She was the darling of cafe society.
  •       She quickly became the darling of the crowds.
  •       She is the darling of the newspapers and cannot do anything wrong.
  •       He quickly became the darling of the extreme left.
  •       He used to be the darling of the Establishment until he fell from power.

      用作名词 (n.)

  •       Answer, darling, answer, no.

  •       Then he would kiss her and call her his darling.

    出自:M. Gee
  •       Wonderful the way you stage people darling each other.

    出自:T. Rattigan
  •       词语用法

  •       词源解说


  •       darling用作形容词时在句中只作定语。
  •       ☆ 直接源自古英语的deorling,意为亲爱的人。
  •       近义词

  •       临近词




      My darling, this is only a dream.(亲爱的,这只是一个梦。)

      'You're such a darling,' she simpered.(“你可真讨人喜欢。”她卖弄风情地笑着说。)

      Are you sleepy, darling?(你困了吗,亲爱的?)

      Lisa, Lisa! Over here, darling! It's wonderful to see you.(丽莎,丽莎!在这里,亲爱的!很高兴见到你。)

      What's the matter, darling?(怎么啦,亲爱的?)

      Darling, what do you see?(亲爱的,你看到了什么?)

      Darling, try to see what I see!(亲爱的,试着从我的眼光看去!)

      Goodbye, my darling wife.(再见了,我亲爱的妻子。)

      What's your name, darling?(你叫什么名字,亲爱的?)

      Dry your tears now, darling, I must ask you something.(擦干你的眼泪吧,亲爱的,我必须问你一件事。)

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      darling是什么意思 darling在线翻译 darling什么意思 darling的意思 darling的翻译 darling的解释 darling的发音 darling的同义词
