


      英 [dɑ:t]

      美 [dɑ:rt]




      过去式: darted 过去分词: darted 现在分词: darting 第三人称单数: darts


  •       详情解释

  •       双解释义

  •       英英释义

  •       词典解释

  •       网络解释


  •       标枪
  •       突进
  •       短矛
  •       镳,螯,刺
  •       暗针
  •       暗线
  •       捏褶,褶子,缝褶
  •       飞快的一瞥
  •       飞快的移动
  •       飞镖
  •       镖,箭
  •       昆虫的刺
  •       投标游戏
  •       猛冲,飞奔
  •       “标枪”(英国制造的登陆艇)


  •       =Datagraphics Automatic Retrieval Techniques 数据图式法自动检索技术


  •       投射,(快速)投掷
  •       发射
  •       放射
  •       急冲,俯冲,猛冲
  •       冲过来,向前冲
  •       急冲冲
  •       急忙飞
  •       腾起
  •       急步,抢步,三脚两步
  •       跑去,狂奔,飞奔,疾走
  •       跳进
  •       闪,掠过
  •       瞟一眼,飞快地瞥了一眼
  •       突进,使突然移动


  •       [C]镖;飞镖 a small pointed object, sometimes with feathers to help it fly, that is shot as a weapon or thrown in the game of darts
  •       [S]猛冲;突进;飞奔 a sudden, quick, and usually short movement
  •       [S]突发的强烈情感 a sudden, quick, and usually short feeling of fear, anger, etc.
  •       [C]缝褶 a pointed fold that is sewn in piece of clothing to make it fit better


  •       vt. 投掷;投射 throw or send out suddenly and quickly; hurl; launch
  •       vi. 向前冲;飞奔 move suddenly and quickly in a particular direction
  •       vt. 急投(神情或眼光);扫(一眼) look at sb/sth suddenly and quickly



      1. a sudden quick movement

      Synonym: flit

      2. a tapered tuck made in dressmaking

      3. a small narrow pointed missile that is thrown or shot


      1. move with sudden speed

      e.g. His forefinger darted in all directions as he spoke

      2. move along rapidly and lightly
      skim or dart

      e.g. The hummingbird flitted among the branches

      Synonym: flitflutterfleet

      3. run or move very quickly or hastily

      e.g. She dashed into the yard

      Synonym: dashscootscudflashshoot

      1. 飞奔;猛冲
      If a person or animal darts somewhere, they move there suddenly and quickly.

      e.g. Ingrid darted across the deserted street...
      e.g. The girl turned and darted away through the trees.

      2. 瞥,急扫(一眼)
      If you dart a look at someone or something, or if your eyes dart to them, you look at them very quickly.

      e.g. She darted a sly sideways glance at Bramwell...
      e.g. The conductor's eyes darted to Wilfred, then fixed on Michael again.

      3. 镖;飞镖
      A dart is a small, narrow object with a sharp point which can be thrown or shot.

      e.g. Markov died after being struck by a poison dart.

      4. 掷镖游戏;飞镖游戏
      Darts is a game in which you throw darts at a round board which has numbers on it.

      1. 省道:格陵兰式裁剪方法的特殊性在于采用了省道(dart)技术,使布料更加合乎人体. 这种裁剪方式将服装从原来简单的前后两片叠合的二维构成方法上脱离出来,成为三维立体裁剪的起点. 从此,西方服装的构成形式与西方古典式或东方式的平面化构成形式,


      2. dart:direct analysis in real time; 实时直接分析

      3. dart的意思

      3. dart:digital audio reconstruction technology; 数字音频重构技术

      4. dart:data access in real time; 数据实时存取

      5. dart:data reduction translator; 资料缩减翻译器

  •       常用短语

  •       常用例句

  •       词汇搭配

  •       经典引文


    把…掷向 throw sth at sb/sth


  •       They killed the elephants with tiny, poisoned darts.
  •       He likes throwing darts.
  •       Do you feel like a game of darts?
  •       After the first round of darts he had a score of 45.
  •       The child made a sudden dart across the road.
  •       With a dart the prisoner escaped from the guards and disappeared into the bushes.
  •       She made a dart for the door.
  •       They made a dart for the fire escape as the guard entered the warehouse.
  •       Nina felt a sudden dart of panic.
  •       I never saw so many darts in a bodice!


  •       Insects were darting about before the storm.
  •       A dog darted across the road in front of me.
  •       Bill darted back into bed as his father's step was heard on the stairs.
  •       The sun darts forth its beams.
  •       She darted forward and kissed Mary on the cheek.
  •       He darted forward and barred their way.
  •       She darted forward and snatched the bag away from the girl.
  •       I darted behind the sofa as my father stormed into the living room.
  •       The rabbit darted from the bush.
  •       The squirrel darted from branch to branch.
  •       The rabbit darted from one side of the road to the other.
  •       Butterflies were darting from one scarlet flower to another.
  •       She darted into the yard.
  •       The children darted into the room.
  •       Larks were darting through the air.
  •       The fish darted under the rock.
  •       He sprang up and darted this way and that, dodging the hands that were put out to catch him.
  •       The thought darted into my mind as swift as the lightning itself.

      用作名词 (n.)


      用作动词 (v.)

  •       The lightning's vivid dart.

    出自:transf. fig.
  •       Shrapnel shells, uncoiling their..smoke downwards while their white-hot darts scoured the acre below.

    出自:E. Blunden
  •       The old eyes darted a hard glance at Jessica.

    出自:F. Herbert
  •       He darted the tip of his tongue over his lips.

    出自:R. P. Jhabvala
  •       词语用法

  •       词义讲解


  •       dart用作名词的基本意思是“镖;飞镖”,是可数名词,有复数形式。darts还可作“掷镖游戏”解,常见于英国酒吧里。
  •       dart还可作“猛冲;突进;飞奔”“突发的强烈情感”解,此时常用于单数形式。作“缝褶”解时是可数名词。


  •       dart用作动词的基本意思是像箭或标枪被抛射出,并快速地、笔直地向前运动。作“投掷;投射”解时是及物动词,可接名词或代词作宾语;作“猛冲”“飞奔”解时是不及物动词。
  •       dart有时还可作“急投(神情或眼光);扫(一眼)”解,是及物动词,可接名词或代词作宾语,也可接双宾语。


  •       这两个词都可指“投射”,都强调起动的突然性。dart侧重起动后运动的快速与笔直,而shoot侧重运动的持续和延伸。
    •       近义词

    •       临近词




          One lovely spot is Hembury Woods in the Dart Valley, Devon.(一个最佳观赏去处是德文郡达特山谷的亨百丽森林。)

          Will we not always dart out from under dirty dishes with uncanny speed?(我们不还是能从脏盘子底下不可思议地冲出来吗?)

          In a cacao plantation, ocelots dart under towering saman trees and howler monkeys shriek at visitors.(在一个可可种植园里,豹猫在高耸的雨木下飞蹿而过,还有吼猴对着来访者尖叫。)

          The skin samples were collected from 2007 to 2009 with a stainless steel dart.(皮肤样品是自2007年至2009年间用不锈钢标枪收集到的。)

          The dart cannot feed itself.(飞镖无法自食其力。)

          Jack pulls the fire alarm, and Cofell's elevator stops, giving Jack time to dart down the stairwell.(杰克拉下了大楼的火警,拉菲尔乘坐的电梯停住了,这就使杰克有时间从楼梯井飞奔往下。)

          Poison dart frogs, like this sapphire-blue species, are highly toxic.(像这种蓝宝石颜色的毒箭蛙,有剧毒。)

          "They know what's happening if I suddenly go red and have to dart off," she said.(“他们知道如果她突然脸色通红、急匆匆地跑开意味着什么,”她说道。)

          With Dart, every element is a self-contained context.(在Dart中,每一个元素都是一个自包含的上下文。)

          The whale, however, was real and Putin did hit it with the dart É on the fourth attempt.(至于那条鲸鱼,那是真的没错,而且普京确实在三次尝试后射中了它。)

          dart是什么意思 dart在线翻译 dart什么意思 dart的意思 dart的翻译 dart的解释 dart的发音 dart的同义词
