


      英 [ˈdju:ti]

      美 [ˈdu:ti]


      名词复数: duties


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  •       义务
  •       职责
  •       责任
  •       税
  •       本分
  •       关税
  •       职务
  •       敬意
  •       能率
  •       负荷
  •       勤务
  •       工作状态
  •       生产量
  •       上班
  •       值班
  •       任务
  •       护士、警官等
  •       职能
  •       忠节


  •       [C][U]责任; 义务; 本分; 道德上的义务 what one must do either because of one's job or because one thinks it right; moral obligation
  •       [C]税收 tax

      1. 职务;义务
      Duty is work that you have to do for your job.


      e.g. Staff must report for duty at their normal place of work...
      e.g. My duty is to look after the animals.

      2. 职责;任务;本职工作
      Your duties are tasks which you have to do because they are part of your job.

      e.g. I carried out my duties conscientiously...
      e.g. He was relieved of his duties as presidential adviser.

      3. 责任;本分
      If you say that something is your duty, you believe that you ought to do it because it is your responsibility.

      e.g. I consider it my duty to write to you and thank you.

      Duties are taxes which you pay to the government on goods that you buy.

      e.g. Import duties still average 30%.
      进口税的平均水平仍然在 30%。
      e.g. ...customs duties...

      5. 下班/上班;不值班/值班
      If someone such as a policeman or a nurse is off duty, they are not working. If someone is on duty, they are working.


      e.g. I'm off duty...
      e.g. Four officers were told to go off duty and rest at home...

      1. 关税:致此此卖主必须负担此包括带送此货物的费用和风险包含, 当可适用(参见14段介绍), 任何 关税(duty) (其条件包括此责任为及此风险於此完成海关管制程序及此管制程序的支付款, 海关关税,条列的此到指定地点工厂交货价(EXW)条件代表为此卖主此最小的义务,

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    充作; 当…用 serve in place of; act as substitute for

      1. off duty : 下班的;

      2. on duty : 值班;

      3. do one's duty : 尽职责;


  •       The committee carried out the duties entrusted to it.
  •       You have performed your duty.
  •       I rely on your doing your duty.
  •       If I do not report it,I shall fail in my duty.
  •       Don't neglect your duties.
  •       I'll take over your duty.
  •       He was discharged from his duties last year.
  •       The newly appointed official has assumed the duties of office.
  •       I'll enter upon my new duties tomorrow.
  •       The captain of the ship bears a heavy load of duty and anxiety at all times.
  •       She'll perform important duties.
  •       As a mother she has various distracting duties at home.
  •       After graduation, he began his duty.
  •       He is a man who maintains duty to his parents.
  •       We must perform our duty to our parents.
  •       A duty has been imposed on me.
  •       I regard it as a glorious duty.
  •       This is an inalienable duty.
  •       It is a legal, moral duty.
  •       It is my duty to help you.
  •       New duties will be imposed on wines and spirits.
  •       This article is free of duties.
  •       The article is subject to customs duties.
  •       Our nation levied duties at certain fixed rates upon wine.

      用作名词 (n.)

  •       Take that which is thy duty.

    出自:Bible (Tyndale): Matthew
  •       If A. be accountable to B. and B. releaseth him all his duties.

    出自:E. Coke