


      英 [ˈdreɪnɪdʒ]

      美 [ˈdrenɪdʒ]



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  •       英英释义

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  •       [U]排水,放水 the act or action of draining
  •       [U]排水系统,下水道 system of drains
  •       [U]废水,污水,污物 sth that is drained off



      1. emptying something accomplished by allowing liquid to run out of it

      Synonym: drain

      1. 排水系统;排水;放水
      Drainage is the system or process by which water or other liquids are drained from a place.

      e.g. Line the pots with pebbles to ensure good drainage...
      e.g. The drainage system has collapsed because of too much rain.

      1. 排水:木结构的防水处理被归纳为4D原则,折流(Deflection)、排水(Drainage)、干燥(Drying)和耐久性材料(Durable Materials),简单描述如下图. 现代木结构具有良好防水防潮性能的一个重要原因是建筑物的外墙被一种叫防水透气纸的建筑材料包裹,

      2. 引流:引流(drainage)的概念及发展引流(drainage)的概念及发展引流(drainage)的概念及发展,引流(drainage)的概念及发展,引流(drainage)的概念及发展,引流(drainage)的概念及发展

      3. drainage什么意思

      3. 排水道:foul drainage system 排污水系统 | drainage 排水道 | bathtub 浴缸

      4. drainage的解释

      4. 排水;疏水;排水设施:drain tube 排水管 | drainage 排水;疏水;排水设施 | drainage aggregate 疏水石

  •       常用例句

  •       词汇搭配

  •       经典引文


  •       Bad drainage caused the land to be flooded.
  •       The defect in the drainage must be remedied.
  •       This is a drainage area.

      用作名词 (n.)

  •       This constant drainage of the purse.

  •       近义词

  •       临近词




      Better roofs and drainage will help protect relics from weather damage and theft.(改善防雨遮檐和排水系统,帮助保护文物免受天气损害和偷盗。)

      Still missing, it is claimed, were the drainage grooves that siphon off rainwater.(但是据称,重开之后这个跑道仍然缺少在雨天分流雨水的排水槽。)

      If you are trying to manage it, you must first divide your area of concern into drainage basins.(如果你想要操控水,你必须先把那些你所关注的地区划分成一个个地势上的盆地。)

      The area has good natural drainage.(这个地区有良好的天然排水系统。)

      The bricks were bedded in sand to improve drainage.(沙里埋入砖块,以改进排水系统。)

      Compare therapeutic effects of two dressing change methods in patients with incision and drainage for ischiorectal abscess.(观察坐骨直肠间隙脓肿切开引流术后采用两种不同治疗方式的疗效。)

      The wire in the drainage chamber is cleaned ultrasonically.(对于在排水舱内的导线用超声波进行净化。)

      The city planner decided to build an underground drainage system.(城市规划师决定建一个地下排水系统。)

      Consuming more water or juice will help thin out mucus and encourage drainage.(消费更多的水或者果汁能稀释鼻涕以及增加流涕。)

      At a given saturation nonwetting permeabilities for an unconsolidated porous medium are higher than the drainage permeabilities.(在给定的饱和度下,未固结的多孔介质的非润湿渗透率高于排水渗透率。)

      drainage是什么意思 drainage在线翻译 drainage什么意思 drainage的意思 drainage的翻译 drainage的解释 drainage的发音 drainage的同义词
