


      英 [dru:l]

      美 [drul]



      过去式: drooled 过去分词: drooled 现在分词: drooling 第三人称单数: drools


  •       英英释义

  •       词典解释

  •       网络解释


      1. saliva spilling from the mouth

      Synonym: dribbledrivelslobber

      2. pretentious or silly talk or writing

      Synonym: baloneyboloneybilgewaterboshhumbugtaradiddletarradiddletommyrottoshtwaddle



      1. let saliva drivel from the mouth

      e.g. The baby drooled

      Synonym: drivelslabberslaverslobberdribble

      2. be envious, desirous, eager for, or extremely happy about something

      e.g. She was salivating over the raise she anticipated

      Synonym: salivate

      1. 对…过分痴迷;对…垂涎欲滴
      To drool over someone or something means to look at them with great pleasure, perhaps in an exaggerated or ridiculous way.

      e.g. Fashion editors drooled over every item...
      e.g. Advertisers are already drooling at reports that this might bring 20 million dollars.

      2. 流口水;垂涎
      If a person or animal drools, saliva drops slowly from their mouth.

      e.g. My dog Jacques is drooling on my shoulder.


      1. 流口水:/drink (饮) | /drool (流口水) | /duck (鸭子)

      2. 你吹牛吹得口水滿地:draw 你无聊地用脚尖在地上画圈圈. | drool 你吹牛吹得口水满地. | duck 你像鸭子似的呱呱叫.

      3. drool什么意思

      3. (口水):/Drink (喝酒) | /Drool (口水) | /Duck (闪避)


      4. 流口水,说胡话(我倒,这个:Drink 喝,饮 | Drool 流口水,说胡话(我倒,这个...) | Duck 闪避(难道闪避动作像鸭子?)

  •       经典引文

  •       There may be drooling of saliva.

    出自:A. Hamilton
  •       The glebe cow drooled.

    出自:T. Hardy
  •       Cooking..of such a quality that the boarders were..drooling impatiently long before the bell went.

    出自:K. Tennant
  •       近义词

  •       临近词




      His bladder had let loose and there was drool on his chin.(他已经丧失了男人的底气,下巴沾满口水。)

      Drool all over it!(都是口水!)

      I was testing the keyboard for drool resistance.(我这是在测试键盘对口水的抵抗能力如何。)

      Does he drool? Can he hold his neck straight?(他淌口水吗?他能直起自己的脖子吗?)

      Students in another class giggle as they watch a baby drool on a large plastic doll.(另一间教室的小学生看到一个婴儿的口水流到了一个塑料娃娃上时,发出了咯咯的笑声。)

      So, if I said, drool on your foot...?(那么,如果我说,把口水滴到脚上……?)

      Figure 4 shows the Drool implementation of these three rules.(图4展示了这三种规则的Drool实现。)

      "We'll come back later, but this is a must," said Dad, beginning to drool.(“我们过会儿再来,一定不要忘了,”父亲垂涎欲滴的说道。)

      To let saliva drip from the mouth; drool.(让唾液从口里流下;)

      The conversation has shifted from diapers and drool to teething and first words the babies said.(交谈的内容已经从尿布和口水转移到长牙和宝宝说的第一个词这些事情上来。)

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