


      英 [aɪˌdentɪfɪˈkeɪʃn]

      美 [aɪˌdɛntəfɪˈkeʃən]




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  •       [U]鉴定,验明,认出 the act of identifying or fact of being identified
  •       [C]身份证明 sth which is proof or a sign of identity
  •       [C]认同 the feeling that one shares the ideas, feelings, problems, etc. of another person


      1. the act of designating or identifying something

      Synonym: designation

      2. the attribution to yourself (consciously or unconsciously) of the characteristics of another person (or group of persons)

      3. the process of recognizing something or someone by remembering

      e.g. a politician whose recall of names was as remarkable as his recognition of faces
      experimental psychologists measure the elapsed time from the onset of the stimulus to its recognition by the observer

      Synonym: recognition

      4. evidence of identity
      something that identifies a person or thing

      5. the condition of having the identity (of a person or object) established

      e.g. the thief's identification was followed quickly by his arrest
      identification of the gun was an important clue

      1. 识别;鉴定;确认
      The identification of something is the recognition that it exists, is important, or is true.


      e.g. Early identification of a disease can prevent death and illness...
      e.g. Their work includes the identification of genes which govern the growth rate and fertility...

      2. 识别;验明;认出
      Your identification of a particular person or thing is your ability to name them because you know them or recognize them.


      e.g. Officials are awaiting positive identification before charging the men with war crimes...
      e.g. He's made a formal identification of the body.

      3. 身份证明;身份证件
      If someone asks you for some identification, they want to see something such as a driving licence, which proves who you are.

      e.g. The woman who was on passport control asked me if I had any further identification.

      4. 密切关联;相互关联
      The identification of one person or thing with another is the close association of one with the other.

      e.g. Throughout the Balkans, there is a close identification of nationhood with language.
      e.g. ...the identification of Spain with Catholicism.

      5. 认同;同情;支持
      Identification with someone or something is the feeling of sympathy and support for them.

      e.g. I need your full, emotional identification with the problem and with me...
      e.g. Marilyn had an intense identification with animals.


      1. 鉴定:使样品能够充分进入凝胶内,完成上样. 可用重泡胀液在室温浸泡12h后上样,或在低电压(30v)下室温12h,使IPG干胶条边水化膨胀边上样. 分离复杂的蛋白质组:包括系统分离(systematic separation),鉴定(identification)及定量(quantification


      2. identification:ident; 鉴定

  •       情景对话

  •       常用例句

  •       经典引文


      A:I’d like to open a savings account. Can you tell me how to do it?


      B:O. K. You have to fill out this form and let me see three identification cards or documents.


      A:I have a driver’s licence, a membership card and my passport. Will they do?

      B:Let me see them. Yes, they’re O.K.


      A:What’s the minimum amount I can deposit in an account?

      B:You can deposit an initial amount of ten dollars.
      开户金额可以是10 元。

      A:Thank you.


      A:I would like to open an account.

      B:A deposit account or a current account?

      A:Er, I am not sure. You see, I have monthly remittances sent to me from China and I would like to have the money paid into an account.

      B:Then you’d better open a current account. The bank will give you a cheque book and you can take money out when you like.

      A:Fine. What do I have to do?

      B:Just fill in this form. Do you have any means of identification on you?

      A:Will my passport do?



  •       The identification of rabies virus has saved many lives.
  •       This is my identification.
  •       His identification with the hero of the book made him sleepless.
  •       If you sent a man to prison on a wrong identification you're a criminal yourself.

    出自:N. Algren
  •       Political identification with those of the lowest estate has anciently brought..reproaches.

    出自:J. K. Galbraith
  •       After formal identification of the body.., the inquest was adjourned.

    出自:Lancashire Evening Telegraph
  •       词源解说

  •       ☆ 1640年左右进入英语,直接源自拉丁语的identificare,意为从相同事物中鉴别。
  •       高考真题例句

      高考真题例句OG 1.identification

      BookCrossing provides an identification number to stick inside the book.



  •       近义词

  •       临近词




      The most serious deficiency in NATO's air defence is the lack of an identification system to distinguish friend from foe.(北约防空的最大缺陷就是缺乏能够辨认敌友的识别系统。)

      There are few researches on the classification and identification of Oenococcus oeni in China for the present.(目前,中国在酒酒球菌分类鉴定方面的研究还很少。)

      Windows are etched with the vehicle identification number.(窗户被凿刻上了车辆识别号码。)

      In early ganzfeld experiments, the telepathy test involved identification of a picture chosen from a random selection of four taken from a large image bank.(在早期的甘茨菲尔德实验中,心灵感应测试用来识别四张照片,这些照片是一个大型图像库中随机选取的。)

      Early identification, support and treatment for mental health issues, he says, are the best ways to keep them from turning into full-blown disorders.(他说,对精神健康问题的早期识别、支持和治疗是防止它们转变为完全型疾病的最佳方法。)

      Early identification of a disease can prevent death and illness.(疾病的早期确认可避免死亡和病痛。)

      Only one witness could make a positive identification.(只有一位目击者能够明确指认。)

      Can I see some identification, please?(请出示任何身份证件好吗?)

      They took a plaster cast of the teeth for identification purposes.(他们做了这副牙的石膏模型作鉴别之用。)

      Each animal was tagged with a number for identification.(每只动物都系上了标有号码的小牌,以便辨认。)

      identification是什么意思 identification在线翻译 identification什么意思 identification的意思 identification的翻译 identification的解释 identification的发音 identification的同义词
