


      英 [ˌaɪdiˈɒlədʒi]

      美 [ˌaɪdiˈɑ:lədʒi]


      名词: ideologist 名词复数: ideologies


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  •       意识形态,思想意识,观念形态
  •       空论,空想,瞎推测
  •       思想体系
  •       观念学
  •       思想方式
  •       思想


  •       [C][U]思想(体系),思想意识 a set of ideas


      1. imaginary or visionary theorization

      2. an orientation that characterizes the thinking of a group or nation

      Synonym: political orientationpolitical theory

      1. 意识形态;思想体系;思想方式
      An ideology is a set of beliefs, especially the political beliefs on which people, parties, or countries base their actions.

      e.g. ...capitalist ideology.

      1. 思想意识:美国中央忄青报局曾经用一个经典的合成单词总结出一个人背叛自己祖国或组织的王里由--MICE--金钱(Money)、思想意识(Ideology)、良心(Conscience)和自负(Ego).

  •       常用例句

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  •       The ideology has great influence in the world.
  •       There is no fundamental diversity between the two ideologies.
  •       Transformed the founders' once fluid ideas into rigid ideologies.

    出自:A. Koestler
  •       The working-class ideology..put an exceptionally high value upon..personal liberty.

    出自:E. P. Thompson
  •       近义词

  •       临近词




      But this ideology was hypocritical.(但这种意识形态是虚伪的。)

      When it finally was recognised it took off in China, it became China's main ideology.(它被最终得到承认,在中国流行起来并成为主流思想。)

      Mrs Merkel's comeback plan relies more on action than ideology.(默克尔的复兴计划依仗更多的是行动而不是想法。)

      Its only ideology is to stay in power.(拥有权力是他们的唯一信仰。)

      His ideology has evidently not changed in half a century.(显然他的思想已经半个世纪没有变化过。)

      And so the ideology of choice encourages people to turn inwards.(因此,选择观念促使人们转而关注内心自我。)

      This all becomes a highly elaborated ideology and theology starting in the third century.(在第三世纪,这种禁欲主义变成,一种非常成熟的思想和神学。)

      Above all, there is his ideology.(这里有他的思想。)

      It can enhance economic growth aad will have much influence on people's ideology.(它能提高经济增长率,并且对人们的意识方面有很大的影响。)

      The original moon race was, of course, far more about ideology than science.(当然,原来的月球竞赛不是以科学为目的,而是为思想章识形态服务的。)

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