


      英 [ˈɪdiət]

      美 [ˈɪdiət]




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  •       白痴
  •       笨蛋
  •       傻瓜
  •       傻子
  •       呆子
  •       极端愚蠢的人
  •       糊涂虫


  •       [C]笨蛋,傻子 a foolish person
  •       [C]白痴 a person of very weak mind, usually from birth


      1. a person of subnormal intelligence

      Synonym: imbecilecretinmoronchangelinghalf-witretard

      1. 白痴;傻子;笨蛋
      If you call someone an idiot, you are showing that you think they are very stupid or have done something very stupid.

      e.g. I knew I'd been an idiot to stay there...
      e.g. You're an idiot!

      2. 愚蠢的;白痴似的
      Idiot means stupid.

      e.g. ...a bunch of idiot journalists waiting to ask me stupid questions.

      3. 弱智者;低能儿
      In the past, people who had something wrong with their brains that made them seem less intelligent, or different from other people, were sometimes called idiots .


      e.g. ...the village idiot.


      1. 笨蛋:也可以只表示一个差的玩家,对付这种玩家是有利可图的. 鱼可以通过他们没有策略和负期望收益的打法而辨认出来. 他们玩边缘牌并下太多的注. 它也是一种侮辱性的说法,与智障( retard),笨蛋(idiot)和傻子( moron)等用语交...

  •       常用例句

  •       经典引文


  •       She was an idiot to give up such a good job.
  •       He was an idiot by birth.
  •       The small blank eyes mooned stolidly at was like being gaped at by the village idiot.

    出自:J. R. Ackerley
  •       近义词

  •       反义词

  •       临近词





      Custer was an idiot and a brute and he deserved his fate.(卡斯特是个愚蠢而粗暴的人,他应该有这样的下场。)

      Smith: I keep hearing the word "idiot". I hope you are not referring to me.(史密斯:我总是听到“傻瓜”这个词,希望你不是在说我。)

      Manon's husband is soon struck by Sarah, and the proof lies in their idiot small son, Walter.(玛侬的丈夫很快就被莎拉击中了,证据就在他们的白痴儿子沃尔特身上。)

      He looks a real idiot.(他看上去像个十足的白痴。)

      "You must think I'm a real idiot."(“你一定认为我是个十足的傻瓜。”)

      My point here is not to say, oh, you idiot, Plato, why didn't you think of radio waves?(我这里不是想说,你真傻,柏拉图,你为什么没想到无线电波呢?)

      Standing there on stage I felt a complete idiot.(我站在舞台上觉得简直是一个大傻瓜。)

      There was silence for a moment, then Larry began chortling like an idiot.(一片寂静之后,拉里开始像个白痴一样哈哈大笑。)

      "Idiot!" shouted Maria again.(‘笨蛋!’玛丽亚又喊道。)

      I don't know a word of Russian, and so I actually try to avoid using the rather well-known Russian equivalents for these terms because I feel like an idiot.(我一个俄语单词都不懂,所以我尽量避免用那些相当有名的俄语对等词来表示这些术语,因为我觉得自己像个白痴。)

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