


      英 [ˈaɪdl]

      美 [ˈaɪdl]

      adj.无目的;无聊的; 懒惰的;闲散的; 无根据的

      vt.虚度; 使空闲

      vi.不作事;闲逛; (机器)空转

      副词: idly 比较级: idler 最高级: idlest 名词: idleness 过去式: idled 过去分词: idled 现在分词: idling 第三人称单数: idles


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  •       懒惰的;懒散的;无所事事的,吊儿郎当的
  •       空闲的;不忙的;无聊的;闲散的,悠闲的,无活动的
  •       无根据的,无理由的
  •       无益的,无价值的,无意义的
  •       闲置的,未利用的
  •       徒劳的,无效的,无用的
  •       无目的的
  •       不在工作的,失业的
  •       【机】空转的
  •       【物】无功的,空载的


  •       (发动机的)空转,怠速,空载


  •       让(发动机等)空转
  •       虚度,浪费,混(常与away连用)
  •       使空闲,使没事干,使闲着
  •       使闲置
  •       闲逛,闲混,闲散,闲荡
  •       (机器)空转,怠速运转,慢转,挂空挡


  •       vt. & vi. 虚度,闲逛 waste time doing nothing
  •       vt. & vi. 空转 tick over


  •       空闲的,闲着的 not working or operating productively
  •       懒散的,无所事事的 lazy, wasting time
  •       无根据的; 无聊的 not based on fact or good reason
  •       [A]无意义的,无特别意图的 having no particular purpose


      1. the state of an engine or other mechanism that is idling

      e.g. the car engine was running at idle


      1. run disconnected or idle

      e.g. the engine is idling

      Synonym: tick over

      2. be idle
      exist in a changeless situation

      e.g. The old man sat and stagnated on his porch
      He slugged in bed all morning

      Synonym: lazeslugstagnate


      1. not in active use

      e.g. the machinery sat idle during the strike
      idle hands

      Synonym: unused

      2. not in action or at work

      e.g. an idle laborer
      idle drifters
      the idle rich
      an idle mind

      3. not having a job

      e.g. idle carpenters
      jobless transients
      many people in the area were out of work

      Synonym: joblessout of work

      4. not yielding a return

      e.g. dead capital
      idle funds

      Synonym: dead

      5. lacking a sense of restraint or responsibility

      e.g. idle talk
      a loose tongue

      Synonym: loose

      6. silly or trivial

      e.g. idle pleasure
      light banter
      light idle chatter

      Synonym: light

      7. without a basis in reason or fact

      e.g. baseless gossip
      the allegations proved groundless
      idle fears
      unfounded suspicions
      unwarranted jealousy

      Synonym: baselessgroundlessunfoundedunwarrantedwild

      1. 无事可做的;闲散的
      If people who were working are idle, they have no jobs or work.

      e.g. Employees have been idle almost a month because of shortages.

      2. (机器、工厂等)闲置的
      If machines or factories are idle, they are not working or being used.

      e.g. Now the machine is lying idle.
      e.g. ...factories that had been idle for years.

      3. 懒散的;懒惰的;无所事事的
      If you say that someone is idle, you disapprove of them because they are not doing anything and you think they should be.


      e.g. ...idle bureaucrats who spent the day reading newspapers...
      e.g. I never met such an idle bunch of workers in all my life!

      Idleness is a very bad thing for human nature.
      We were not idly sitting around.

      4. 琐碎无聊的;毫无意义的
      Idle is used to describe something that you do for no particular reason, often because you have nothing better to do.


      e.g. Brian kept up the idle chatter for another five minutes.
      e.g. ...idle curiosity.

      We talked idly about magazines and baseball...
      'Has there been an accident?' Gary asked, idly curious.

      5. 徒劳的;徒然的;无用的
      If you say that it is idle to do something, you mean that it is not worth doing it, because it will not achieve anything.

      e.g. It would be idle to pretend the system is perfect.

      6. 虚张声势的;唬人的
      You refer to an idle threat or boast when you do not think the person making it will or can do what they say.

      e.g. It was more of an idle threat than anything...
      e.g. His statement isn't merely an idle boast.

      7. 无所事事;闲混;闲逛
      If you idle, you spend time in a lazy way, doing nothing in particular.

      e.g. When they reached his house, Scobie idled a bit, finishing his cigarette...
      e.g. We spent many hours idling in one of the cafes that line three sides of the tiny piazza...

      8. 使(工厂等)停工
      To idle a factory or other place of work means to close it down because there is no work to do or because the workers are on strike.

      e.g. ...idled assembly plants.

      in BRIT, usually use 英国英语通常用 shut down

      9. 使闲散;使无事可做
      To idle workers means to stop them working.


      e.g. The strike has idled about 55,000 machinists.
      罢工使约 55,000 名机械师无事可做。

      in BRIT, use 英国英语用 lay off

      10. (发动机、车辆)空转
      If an engine or vehicle is idling, the engine is running slowly and quietly because it is not in gear, and the vehicle is not moving.

      e.g. Beyond a stand of trees a small plane idled...
      e.g. Her Daimler limo waits with its engine idling.

      相关词组:idle away

      1. 空闲的:备份 节点不执行任务,被认为是 空闲的(idle这种配置有时被称为 冷备份(cold standby). 这样的配置需要高度的硬件冗余. 本系列文章关注的重点是冷备份配置. 接管(Takeover)配置:一种更高级的配置,在这种配置中,

  •       常用短语

  •       相关词组

  •       常用例句

  •       词汇搭配

  •       经典引文


    虚度时光 spend time lazily
    idle about

          Don't idle about.


          There was no work in the office this afternoon so everyone idled about.


          She is a very active sort of person and can't bear to see others idling around.


      1. stand idle : 袖手旁观;

      2. lie idle : 被搁置不用;



  •       They idled before cafes.
  •       The car idled in the driveway.
  •       The windmill idled in the breeze.


  •       The strike idled the workers for days.

      用作动词 (v.)


      用作形容词 (adj.)

  •       It is idle to propose remedies, before we are assured of the disease.

  •       I'm sorry. It was just idle curiosity.

    出自:A. Trew
  •       A clear brown brook idles through the pastures.

    出自:W. D. Howells
  •       词语用法

  •       词义讲解

  •       词源解说


  •       idle的基本意思是指人不是把时间花在工作上,而是懒散、无目的地“虚度光阴”“闲逛”。本词可用于强烈地责备,也可用于指正当的、愉快的行为。引申可表示机器等“空转”。
  •       idle既可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语; 用作不及物动词时,常与about, around , away等连用。


idle, laze, loaf, loll, lounge
  •       这组词都可表示“无所事事”。它们之间的区别是:idle指人或物闲置无事或无目的、无意义地动作,含有指责的意味,有时也指正当的消遣; loaf指混日子或漫无目的地游荡; lounge指懒洋洋地靠着或躺着,引申指闲逛或吊儿郎当地混日子; loll与lounge同意,但更强调懒散或无拘束的样子; laze则侧重于忙人在假日或空闲的时候闲散。
  •       adj.(形容词)

    idle, lazy
  •       这两个词的共同意思是“懒散的”。其区别是:
  •       lazy指人的性情贪闲偷懒,松懈拖沓,在工作或学习上不勤奋或根本厌恶努力向上,一般用作贬义词;idle多指人由于客观原因而一时无事可做或物闲置他处,一般不含贬义,有时也指懒惰,但不如lazy常用。例如:
  •       In that country many workers were unemployed and forced to remain idle.在那个国家有许多工人失业,被迫闲混。
  •       He is a lazy fellow.Don't expect him to finish the work in time.他是个懒蛋,别指望他按时完成工作。
    •       ☆ 直接源自古英语的idel,意为空的,无用的。
    •       近义词

    •       反义词

    •       临近词





          Now the machine is lying idle.(现在这台机器正处于闲置状态。)

          In idle moments, he carved wooden figures.(他空闲时就刻木雕。)

          What a thankless child you are, just idle and good-for-nothing!(你真是个不知好歹的孩子,整天游手好闲,一无是处!)

          Brian kept up the idle chatter for another five minutes.(布赖恩又无聊地闲扯了5分钟。)

          We are not sitting idle.(我们没有闲坐着。)

          With so many idle cycles on my desktop processor, why would I need another processor?(我的台式处理器上有如此多的空闲周期,为什么我会需要另一个处理器呢?)

          Even if one were to search with a lantern, no one idle man or one tramp could have been found.(哪怕你提着灯笼去找,也找不到一个懒汉或流浪汉。)

          She blamed the crimes on the local jobless teenagers. 'The devil makes work for idle hands,' she would say.(她认为那些违法行为是当地的无业青少年所为,总是说:“人一闲,惹麻烦”。)

          Gretel was not idle; she ran screaming to her master, and cried, "You have invited a fine guest!"(格雷特没有闲着;她尖叫着跑向她的主人,大声喊道:“你邀请了一位好客人!”)

          I hate it when students are idle.(我讨厌学生们无所事事。)

          idle是什么意思 idle在线翻译 idle什么意思 idle的意思 idle的翻译 idle的解释 idle的发音 idle的同义词
