


      英 [ɪˈmi:diətli]

      美 [ɪˈmidiɪtli]


      conj.一 ... (就)

      形容词: immediate 名词: immediateness


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  •       立即
  •       直接地
  •       马上
  •       紧接地
  •       立刻
  •       接近地
  •       即刻
  •       接近
  •       紧接
  •       附近
  •       紧密地
  •       刚


  •       一…
  •       一…就
  •       即刻


  •       立即,马上 without delay; at once
  •       直接地,紧接地 with nothing in between; directly


      1. without delay or hesitation
      with no time intervening

      e.g. he answered immediately
      found an answer straightaway
      an official accused of dishonesty should be suspended forthwith
      Come here now!

      Synonym: instantlystraightawaystraight offdirectlynowright awayat onceforthwithlike a shot

      2. near or close by

      e.g. he passed immediately behind her

      3. bearing an immediate relation

      e.g. this immediately concerns your future

      1. 立即;马上
      If something happens immediately, it happens without any delay.

      e.g. He immediately flung himself to the floor...
      e.g. Ingrid answered Peter's letter immediately.

      2. 即刻(可见或明了的)
      If something is immediately obvious, it can be seen or understood without any delay.


      e.g. The cause of the accident was not immediately apparent.

      3. 直接地
      Immediately is used to indicate that someone or something is closely and directly involved in a situation.

      e.g. The man immediately responsible for this misery is the province's governor...
      e.g. We had the people immediately concerned in the plot.

      4. 紧接地;紧靠地;贴近地
      Immediately is used to emphasize that something comes next, or is next to something else.

      e.g. They wish to begin immediately after dinner...
      e.g. She always sits immediately behind the driver...

      5. 一…(就…)
      If one thing happens immediately something else happens, it happens after that event, without any delay.

      e.g. Immediately I've done it I feel completely disgusted with myself.

      1. immediately什么意思

      1. 马上:提示:既然Sam突然看见车闸上粘有口香糖,他也就马上(immediately)有了办法. 提示:最后的阶段自然是检验(test)所用方法是否得当和有效. 故选C项. 昨天上午,假设你熟悉的朋友李华被一辆汽车撞伤而住了医院. 事情经过是:那天李华正要穿过大街.

      2. 直接地:这个目标的实现不是直接地(immediately)而是间接地(mediately). 达到世界国家的正确道路是首先发展自愿的国家联盟. 第二,康德的世界公民主义的爱国主义(Cosmopolitan Patriotism). 学界通常的看法是爱国主义(或曰地方主义、伦理特殊主义)与世界公民主义(普世主义)是冲突的.

  •       常用例句

  •       词汇搭配


  •       Every sum of money received must be booked down immediately.
  •       You must book every sum of money paid and received immediately.
  •       When the torpedo struck it, the ship immediately blew up.
  •       We think it better to begin work immediately.
  •       Please act out your dreams immediately.
  •       The government announced its decision to act immediately against the inflation.
  •       Answering to his name, he stood up immediately.
  •       If the scheme is approved, work on the project will start immediately.
  •       The doctor attended her immediately with a brief examination.
  •       The government authorities immediately flew in doctors and medical supplies in response to an epidemic reported in the area.
  •       Smith resigned from the club, and Jones immediately followed suit.
  •       Out of six attempts to eliminate him, three were exposed immediately.
  •       They escaped out of the burning house immediately.
  •       As they expected to move out almost immediately, they were camping out together in a small room.
  •       She helped him to bed and called a doctor immediately.
  •       The phrase was caught on and immediately became popular.
  •       When I found my lost car,I immediately communicated with the police.
  •       He insists upon the teacher's coming back to his school immediately.
  •       He insisted that we should set off immediately.
  •       Let me know it immediately by telephone.
  •       He lay down and slept immediately.
  •       I'll be ready immediately.
  •       The plane was immediately overhead.
  •       They are two immediately contiguous areas.
  •       They must have contacted him immediately after my meeting with them last Wednesday.

      用作副词 (adv.)

  •       词语用法

  •       词义讲解


  •       immediately用于表示时间关系时,意思是“立刻”“马上”,也可译为“不一会儿,过一会儿”。
  •       immediately常与above, under, opposite, behind等连用,意为“直接(上方)”。
  •       immediately与after连用表示时间“紧接着”。


immediately, at once, directly, instantly, presently, right away
  •       这组词(组)的共同意思是“立即”“马上”。其区别在于:
  • once主要指动作迅速,但中间多有一段距离,且at once比immediately意味更强。例如:
  •       I'm leaving for Rome at once.我马上去罗马。
  •       He gave orders for the work to be started at once.他下令立即开始那项工作。
  •       2.immediately侧重指时间“紧接着”。例如:
  •       I came immediately after I'd eaten.吃过饭我立即就来了。
  •       Please close your books immediately and answer these questions.请立即合上书,回答这些问题。
  •       I left immediately when the clock struck twelve.钟刚打12点我就离去了。
  •       3.right away经常出现在美式英语中。例如:
  •       I'll do it right away.我立即去办。
  •       He had written down a list of things to do right away.他已写下须立即做的事情。
  •       Don't expect them to approve of the design right away.不能期望他们马上批准这项设计。
  •       4.instantly也是指动作迅速,但它更强调的是同时发生,中间有很短的距离或无距离。例如:
  •       The electrician went instantly in answer to the phone call.电工师傅一接到电话马上就去了。
  •       He was killed instantly in a car accident.在车祸中,他当场死亡。
  •       5.directly强调“直接地”,多与“迂回绕过”相对。例如:
  •       Whether he sailed directly across the bay or coasted round it is uncertain.他是径直驶过海湾,还是沿海岸迂回绕过的,现在还无法确知。
  •       6.presently强调过一会再去做某事。例如:
  •       I will do the dishes presently, but I want to finish the story first.我过一会去洗碟子,不过我想得先看完这篇故事。
    •       高考真题例句

          高考真题例句OG 1.immediately

          Welty's new friends immediately sent a waiter to find a cab.

          Welty 的新朋友们立刻派了一个服务员去找出租车。


    •       近义词

    •       反义词

    •       临近词





          The mechanic located the fault immediately.(机修工立即找到了出故障的地方。)

          The lifeboat was launched immediately.(那艘救生艇被立刻放下了水。)

          I was immediately enthused.(我立刻兴奋起来了。)

          I took to my new boss immediately.(我立刻对新老板产生了好感。)

          I vote that we all go to Houston immediately.(我建议我们都马上去休斯敦。)

          The agreement was terminated immediately.(那项协议立即被终止了。)

          She immediately reeled off several names.(她立即一口气说出了好几个名字。)

          If I were in your shoes, I'd resign immediately.(要是我处在你的地位,我就立刻辞职。)

          They voted to cease strike action immediately.(他们投票决定立即停止罢工。)

          Sleeping bags sold out almost immediately.(睡袋几乎马上就卖完了。)

          immediately是什么意思 immediately在线翻译 immediately什么意思 immediately的意思 immediately的翻译 immediately的解释 immediately的发音 immediately的同义词
