


      英 [ɪˈmɔ:tl]

      美 [ɪˈmɔ:rtl]



      副词: immortally


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  •       不朽的
  •       流芳百世的
  •       永世的
  •       长生的
  •       不死的
  •       长久的
  •       神仙的
  •       名垂千古的
  •       神的
  •       不灭的
  •       永生的
  •       永久的
  •       长生不死
  •       永远存在下去
  •       永远的


  •       神
  •       不朽的人物
  •       名垂千古的人物
  •       永生不灭者
  •       不朽者
  •       不死的人
  •       诸神
  •       不朽的作家
  •       法国科学院院士
  •       古代波斯万人近卫军成员


  •       不朽的;流芳百世的 living or famous for ever


  •       [P]不朽的人物 person of lasting fame
  •       [P]永生不朽者 immortal being,especially a god of ancient Greece and Rome


      1. any supernatural being worshipped as controlling some part of the world or some aspect of life or who is the personification of a force

      Synonym: deitydivinitygod

      2. a person (such as an author) of enduring fame

      e.g. Shakespeare is one of the immortals


      1. not subject to death

      1. 不朽的;流芳百世的
      Someone or something that is immortal is famous and likely to be remembered for a long time.

      e.g. ...the immortal Reverend Dr Spooner.
      e.g. ...Wuthering Heights, Emily Bronte's immortal love story...

      Some people want to achieve immortality through their works.

      2. 不死的;长生的
      Someone or something that is immortal will live or last for ever and never die or be destroyed.

      e.g. The pharaohs were considered gods and therefore immortal.

      The Greeks accepted belief in the immortality of the soul.

      3. (语句)著名的,不朽的
      If you refer to someone's immortal words, you mean that what they said is well-known, and you are usually about to quote it.


      e.g. ...Roosevelt's immortal words, 'Speak softly and carry a big stick.'
      e.g. I keep remembering Hannah Pakula's immortal line: 'Hollywood is no place for a woman over forty with a library card.'

      1. 太阳:陈绮贞太阳(附歌词) MV版 吉他版 太阳(immortal) 词:陈绮贞 曲:陈绮贞 我胆小的对自己说, 就是这样吗? 我是你夜里的太阳, ... 我是我...一碰就碎的太阳, 我热切的希望, 能在消失之前, 得到,信仰.

      2. 不朽的:而且人的灵是永存不朽的(immortal). 第三,神把人放在祂所造的世界中,赐人有超然的权柄与能力,叫人可以管理(dominion over)这世上其他受造之物. 所以从创世记的记载里确实叫我们看到神造人原本的心意. 人的确具有神的形象.


      3. 永生:」)Ruley则发现ras基因也可以与EIA基因(来自腺病毒(adenovirus))一起癌化正常细胞,腺病毒中的EIA基因和polyoma中的大T抗原都能使正常细胞在体外培养的情况下永生(immortal),因此正常细胞必先得到永生的特性后再加上另外一个致癌

      4. 不朽者:据说免费送门(gateway)/拱门(warp gate)可生产: 狂热者(Zealot), 不朽者(Immortal), 高视阔步者(Stalker), 黑暗圣堂武士(Dark Templar)神族对于空间和时间地驾驭力远远超过了其他两个种族对它地有限理解,

  •       常用例句

  •       经典引文


  •       The play contained one immortal line.


  •       No human is immortal.
  •       Such 'primitive' cells are potentially immortal, dying only in adverse conditions.

    出自:F. Hoyle
  •       近义词

  •       反义词

  •       临近词





      But technology, perhaps, is immortal.(但是科技,也许才是不朽。)

      This is because he believes that the soul exists, will continue to exist after the death of the body, and the soul is immortal.(这是因为他认为灵魂是存在的,在肉体死后仍会继续存在,而且灵魂是不朽的。)

      The sage has one advantage: he is immortal.(但是智者有一个优势,即智慧长存。)

      The heroes of the people are immortal.(人民英雄永垂不朽!)

      Everyone knows Teddy Roosevelt's immortal words, "Speak softly and carry a big stick."(大家都知道特迪·罗斯福的名言:“说话温和,手持大棒。”)

      He believed his immortal soul was in peril.(他认为他不死的灵魂有堕入地狱的危险。)

      You will be immortal, but not in the immortal sense that goes against your will.(你会是不朽的,但不是从那种违背你意愿的不朽的意义上说。)

      You are immortal.(你是不朽的。)

      Is the soul immortal?(灵魂是不朽的吗?)

      He shall bring together every joint and member, and shall mold them into an immortal feature of loveliness and perfection.(他要把每一个关节和每一个肢体都结合起来,把它们塑造成一个美丽而完美的不朽的形象。)

      immortal是什么意思 immortal在线翻译 immortal什么意思 immortal的意思 immortal的翻译 immortal的解释 immortal的发音 immortal的同义词
