


      英 [ˈɪmpɪtəs]

      美 [ˈɪmpɪtəs]


      名词复数: impetuses


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  •       促进
  •       推动
  •       刺激
  •       动力
  •       推动力
  •       动量
  •       冲力
  •       惯性
  •       影响
  •       鼓励
  •       冲动
  •       原动力
  •       激励


  •       [S]推动,促进,刺激 thing that encourages a progress or develop more quickly
  •       [U]推动力 force with which sth moves


      1. the act of applying force suddenly

      e.g. the impulse knocked him over

      Synonym: impulseimpulsion

      2. a force that moves something along

      Synonym: driftimpulsion

      1. 推动;促进;推动力
      Something that gives a process impetus or an impetus makes it happen or progress more quickly.

      e.g. This decision will give renewed impetus to the economic regeneration of east London...
      e.g. She was restless and needed a new impetus for her talent.

      1. 动力:而原动力(impetus)或称某种驱力的压力,则是该驱力的内在力量(strength)、外在力量(force)或驱动性,而这些是依需求的强度而定. 当一个主体开始觉察到某个令人愉悦的客体时,主体会试着把客体多少含括(incorporate)到主体的自我里边去.

      2. 推动力:但是一个物体权在它自身的状态被一个施加于它的力改变时才使用这个力;在不同的观点之下那种使用既是阻力又是推动力(impetus就物体为保持它自身的状态而抵抗外加的力而言,它是阻力;

      3. impetus是什么意思

      3. 冲力:其中心人物巴黎大学的让.布里丹(Jean Buridan 1300年前-1358年后)提出使动者把冲力(Impetus)嵌入受动物体的理论. n冲力的方向和物体的运动方向相同. 使动者停止作用后,使抛射体继续运动的就是这种冲力. 由于空气的阻力和重力的作用,

  •       常用例句

  •       词汇搭配

  •       经典引文


  •       The Civil War provided an impetus to Michigan's growth.
  •       Her speech gave an impetus to my ideas.
  •       This is the primary impetus behind the economic recovery.

      用作名词 (n.)

  •       The current..takes its impetus and gathers speed Only beyond the sluice-gate.

    出自:A. Thwaite
  •       近义词

  •       临近词




      This will give a great impetus to the ASEM process.(这将是对亚欧会议进程的一大推进。)

      Impetus of IT technology?(推动信息技术?)

      The impetus for growth goes to the heart of the challenges of a global economy.(这种增长的动力来自于全球经济挑战所面临的核心问题。)

      Canada, Mexico and the United Kingdom won t provide much impetus.(加拿大,墨西哥和英国不会提供很多的动力。)

      Nor has it provided much impetus to incipient or ongoing peace processes.(它也无法为那些刚刚开始或正在进行的和平进程提供动力。)

      Children need an impetus to study.(儿童学习需要动力。)

      Thereafter, the impetus for manned flight was lost.(从那以后,载人飞行的动力就消失了。)

      This is an encouragement [impetus] to us.(这是对我们的鞭策。)

      His articles provided the main impetus for change.(他的那些文章是促进变革的主要推动力。)

      A powerful impetus for all this comes from its Asian neighbourhood.(所有这些表现的强大动力来自其亚洲邻国。)

      impetus是什么意思 impetus在线翻译 impetus什么意思 impetus的意思 impetus的翻译 impetus的解释 impetus的发音 impetus的同义词
